The author and cook, Heather

Shrimp Stock

Deep Run Roots

Shrimp stock is one of the quickest-cooking meat stocks you can make, since shrimp shells are very thin and cook so fast. It doesn't take long to get a good shrimp flavor into the stock, so the vegetables are cut very small. If you use a food processor, it can all be ready in about half an hour.

Save whatever you don't use in small containers in the freezer, and you'll have a little seafood flavor for whatever sort of pan sauce you want to make!


[00:00]: [Music]
[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather on this
[00:07]: probably mini episode we are going to be
[00:10]: making
[00:11]: shrimp stock now um this is from deep
[00:14]: runners vivian howard's cookbook
[00:16]: and it is shrimp stock is sort of a
[00:19]: sub recipe inside the cast iron cooked
[00:23]: red rice and soft shell scampi recipe
[00:26]: which we are not making today
[00:28]: but the shrimp stock is called for in
[00:30]: the recipe we are making today so
[00:32]: first we have to make the shrimp stock
[00:34]: so the recipe we're making
[00:36]: is um shrimp and grits and it calls back
[00:39]: to
[00:39]: this recipe and which is interesting
[00:41]: because there's no shrimp in this but
[00:42]: they use shrimp stock
[00:44]: so anyway making shrimp stock today
[00:49]: and so our first thing is to take our
[00:52]: uh vegetables that we're going to put in
[00:54]: the shrimp stock and we're going to
[00:56]: grate them in our food processor now
[00:59]: shrimp stock unlike um most
[01:03]: meat stocks you don't have to cook it
[01:04]: for a really long time
[01:06]: so we want these vegetables to be in
[01:09]: really small pieces so that
[01:11]: in this short cooking time they will
[01:13]: give up their flavor to the stock
[01:15]: when you're doing beef stock or chicken
[01:17]: stock and you're going to boil it for a
[01:18]: really long time
[01:19]: that doesn't matter but for this one it
[01:23]: will i think we're only cooking for
[01:24]: cooking it for about 30 minutes so
[01:27]: i have carrots that i did not bother to
[01:30]: peel but i did scrub
[01:32]: i have celery i have um
[01:35]: yellow onion and some garlic and that's
[01:39]: all
[01:39]: that i'm going to grate in here just all
[01:41]: together because it's going to go all
[01:43]: into the
[01:44]: pot together and yeah this is going to
[01:46]: be loud
[01:47]: so all i've done is cut them into pieces
[01:50]: that are small enough to fit into this
[01:52]: hopper so i'm gonna grate all these
[01:55]: vegetables
[01:58]: so i've got my vegetables all grated um
[02:01]: some of the pieces didn't
[02:02]: go through the grater as well as i would
[02:05]: like but i don't really care i'm just
[02:06]: gonna put them in the pot anyway
[02:08]: um i did choose the largest grating
[02:11]: uh blade that i have for my food
[02:13]: processor
[02:14]: and i'm just gonna scrub these and
[02:16]: scrape these into my bowl
[02:18]: and we are ready to move to the stove
[02:22]: so we'll see you there in a second so
[02:25]: we're making shrimp stock
[02:26]: and i've got my pot just a four quart
[02:29]: because we're only gonna make
[02:30]: a little bit of shrimp stock not a huge
[02:33]: amount
[02:33]: um it'll be way more than we need though
[02:36]: it's a four quart
[02:37]: uh pot with
[02:40]: i actually measured out the
[02:43]: oil just neutral vegetable oil heating
[02:46]: over medium heat
[02:49]: uh until it is shimmering
[02:53]: it's pretty hot i'm gonna trust it's
[02:55]: okay so here i have
[02:57]: shrimp shells now um for my recipe i
[03:00]: bought
[03:01]: shrimp with shells on but already
[03:03]: deveined and so basically the easy peel
[03:05]: shrimp because
[03:07]: i don't like peeling shrimp this is kind
[03:09]: of a pain
[03:10]: um so i've peeled them and these are
[03:12]: just the shells i leave
[03:14]: i take the tails off some people leave
[03:16]: them on because it's prettier that way
[03:19]: but i don't like to
[03:20]: eat my dish with them on there so i take
[03:22]: them off
[03:24]: this is from a pound and a half of
[03:27]: shrimp now
[03:28]: the recipe calls for one pound of
[03:32]: raw shrimp shells
[03:35]: a pound of shrimp shells would be an
[03:37]: awful lot
[03:39]: so i assume that she means
[03:42]: from a pound shells from a pound of raw
[03:45]: shrimp
[03:46]: whatever i'm just going to use all the
[03:47]: ones that i have um these are pretty
[03:49]: large shrimp
[03:51]: so have sort of less shells
[03:54]: than smaller shrimp would have like by
[03:57]: weight
[03:57]: like whatever we are going to put the
[03:59]: shells in here just to
[04:01]: uh brown up a little bit before we add
[04:03]: anything else
[04:11]: i just tried to leave any of the water
[04:13]: in my bowl
[04:14]: um so we're going to cook these until
[04:17]: they are brown
[04:18]: and uh until they're nicely pink
[04:21]: like shrimp shells do and um
[04:25]: brown in places so okay i think
[04:28]: my shells are cooked enough they are
[04:31]: certainly
[04:32]: all pink it smells very strongly of
[04:34]: shrimp right now
[04:36]: and i think we've got a few lightly
[04:38]: brown places
[04:40]: so now i'm going to add all of those
[04:41]: vegetables that we grated
[04:43]: into the pot and we're going to cook it
[04:45]: for about two minutes
[04:47]: or until the pot is pretty dry
[04:50]: okay my pan is definitely drying out
[04:53]: it's not entirely dry but it's been like
[04:56]: three minutes since i've turned the heat
[04:57]: up and i'm much happier with this but
[04:59]: i'm gonna go ahead and add the next
[05:01]: ingredient we have a little bit of
[05:03]: tomato paste
[05:04]: um i highly recommend buying a squeezy
[05:07]: tube of tomato paste for recipes like
[05:09]: this where you just need a little bit
[05:10]: and not a whole even the little can
[05:13]: highly recommend and some bay leaves
[05:15]: these are just dry
[05:17]: bay leaves and we're going to cook this
[05:18]: for 30 seconds or so
[05:21]: just get it all mixed in get it starting
[05:24]: to cook a little bit
[05:26]: now i'm going to add the water i'm going
[05:28]: to have to refill this a couple times
[05:32]: so i'm going to do that just add the
[05:37]: water
[05:49]: okay that's a lot of water in my four
[05:51]: quart pot that's what she called for
[05:54]: now we're gonna bring this up to a boil
[05:55]: and then we're gonna cover it and
[05:57]: simmer it for just 30 minutes so
[06:02]: once it comes to a boil i'll turn the
[06:04]: heat down
[06:05]: cover it probably going to move it back
[06:07]: to my uh
[06:09]: back burner just to simmer for about 30
[06:11]: minutes because i have other things i
[06:12]: need to do
[06:13]: but we'll let you know what it looks
[06:14]: like when it's done okay i know you guys
[06:17]: can't see
[06:17]: that much from here but hopefully from
[06:20]: there you can see
[06:21]: this is our shrimp stock it has cooked
[06:24]: for um
[06:25]: it simmered for about 30 minutes and
[06:27]: then i just wasn't ready to strain it so
[06:29]: i put it on low heat just to keep it
[06:31]: warm
[06:32]: and i'm ready to strain it now so all
[06:34]: i'm going to do is
[06:36]: i have my usual large measuring cup with
[06:39]: the strainer that fits right in it and
[06:42]: i'm just going to
[06:44]: spoon it in here we'll catch all of the
[06:47]: bits of vegetables and everything
[06:51]: that's a lot of them and shrimp
[06:57]: uh shrimp shells in that
[07:01]: and um yeah i'll i'll go ahead i think
[07:04]: it's supposed to make
[07:06]: two to three quarts i think of shrimp
[07:08]: stock
[07:09]: um and i'm just gonna strain it all and
[07:12]: cool off what i don't need and what i do
[07:14]: need i'll be using
[07:16]: really soon now so that is our shrimp
[07:19]: stock
[07:20]: on this episode of cooking the books
[07:21]: with heather you watched me make
[07:23]: the uh shrimp stock from vivian howard's
[07:27]: deep run roots cookbook now
[07:29]: this came from the cast iron cooked red
[07:32]: rice
[07:32]: and soft shell scampi recipe
[07:36]: but we didn't make that we made just the
[07:39]: shrimp stock
[07:41]: for the shrimp and grits that we made
[07:44]: so we did not make the full recipe
[07:48]: but the shrimp stock was enough that we
[07:51]: wanted to separate it out and you could
[07:53]: use it for whatever recipes she uses it
[07:55]: in here
[07:56]: for um so i want to say it's
[07:60]: making shrimp stock is really actually
[08:01]: one of the
[08:03]: easiest stocks you can make from meat is
[08:06]: and that's because you don't really have
[08:08]: to cook it very long to get the shrimp
[08:10]: flavor into it now
[08:14]: the amount of shells to use in here was
[08:16]: a little bit
[08:17]: unclear um like i said she calls for one
[08:20]: pound of
[08:22]: raw shrimp shells which to me seems like
[08:25]: the shells should weigh one pound but
[08:27]: that would be an awful awful awful lot
[08:29]: now granted at the restaurant i'm sure
[08:31]: she has that many
[08:33]: when she's making shrimp dishes
[08:36]: i don't so i interpreted that to mean
[08:39]: the shells from a pound of shrimp i used
[08:42]: the shells for about a pound and a half
[08:43]: because that's what i was using for the
[08:45]: other recipe
[08:46]: anyway that aside was really easy
[08:51]: she even you grate the vegetables
[08:53]: because it doesn't even cook very long
[08:56]: so you just grate the vegetables in the
[08:58]: food processor so that was
[08:59]: sort of necessary but you can just chop
[09:02]: them up pretty finely instead of using
[09:04]: that it's just much easier to use the
[09:08]: the food processor um but yeah if you
[09:10]: have the shells available which
[09:12]: this recipe does not include any shrimp
[09:14]: so it'd be more difficult
[09:16]: at that time um then it's
[09:20]: it's really a simple simple recipe and
[09:23]: you get
[09:25]: a lot of shrimp flavor
[09:28]: to add to your dish so
[09:32]: all in all if i were making it by itself
[09:34]: i would say it's a really easy recipe
[09:36]: not a problem and the good thing is now
[09:38]: i have
[09:40]: um at least two cups
[09:44]: maybe a little bit more of shrimp stock
[09:47]: in my freezer for the next time i need
[09:49]: to use it
[09:50]: so if you enjoyed watching me make this
[09:52]: please hit the thumbs up
[09:54]: subscribe and come back and watch me
[09:56]: make something else