The author and cook, Heather

Big Bone-In Pork Chops with Pickled Peanut Salad

Deep Run Roots

I really wanted to make this recipe last year, but raw peanuts are only available for a very short period of time and with everything going on in 2020 I just never found any suitable for this recipe. But I bought some perfect ones recently and made sure I got enough to make it!

Like the peach cake from the same book, this is another recipe that takes a lot of time and preparation. You really need to start about a week before you want to eat it, and there are lots of timings to consider. So I planned and prepared and...totally neglected to make sure the bag of orange puree that was in my freezer was actually sweet potatoes. But that's okay, we've made the citrus sweet potato butter she suggests you serve this with before, and honestly this recipe alone makes a LOT of food.

If you tackle this recipe I'd love to hear how it goes for you!

Serving Size1/4 of recipe
Carbohydrates25g (9g fiber, 8g sugar)


[00:00]: [Music]
[00:05]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather on this episode we're going
[00:08]: to be making a recipe that i have wanted
[00:10]: to make for at least a year now
[00:12]: because
[00:14]: it uses
[00:16]: raw peanuts which are a very
[00:18]: um seasonal ingredient
[00:20]: uh you can only get them around this
[00:23]: time of year late summer early fall and
[00:26]: so we got some and we are
[00:28]: ready to make this i had some
[00:31]: great uh pork chops last year and for
[00:33]: some reason could not find
[00:35]: uh the peanuts that like we usually do
[00:38]: in the fall so
[00:40]: we're gonna make it now
[00:42]: but it's this is a big one this is going
[00:45]: to take
[00:46]: several steps
[00:48]: and probably
[00:50]: about a week because you see there are
[00:51]: no pork chops here
[00:54]: that's because there are several steps
[00:56]: and the first thing we have to do is
[00:58]: make pickled mustard seeds
[01:00]: so
[01:02]: i have the yellow mustard seeds here
[01:06]: that we're going to use for this
[01:08]: um
[01:09]: and just for reference it was about
[01:12]: a full thing of these maybe a little bit
[01:14]: more
[01:14]: if you only want to buy one that's fine
[01:16]: for one recipe
[01:17]: and i'm not going to show you exactly
[01:19]: what i do to this because it's just very
[01:22]: repetitive and not a lot happening
[01:24]: what's going to happen is i'm going to
[01:27]: cover this with cool water
[01:30]: i'm going to put it on medium heat
[01:33]: as soon as it boils i'm going to drain
[01:36]: it through this
[01:38]: and rinse it with cool water and then
[01:40]: i'm going to do that again two more
[01:42]: times so three times we're going to um
[01:45]: boil these in
[01:47]: water that we're not going to keep and
[01:49]: not going to use it's going to um
[01:52]: cook away their bitter tannins is what
[01:54]: she says
[01:55]: so i'm gonna go do that
[01:59]: and then we'll be back to show you what
[02:02]: we do next
[02:05]: it took us quite a while to boil those
[02:07]: mustard seeds three times probably like
[02:10]: 45 minutes
[02:11]: takes a while on medium heat but we did
[02:13]: it like that because we wanted to follow
[02:15]: the recipe and thought maybe the extra
[02:17]: time was you know helpful
[02:20]: so
[02:21]: now we're going to make the pickling
[02:22]: liquid
[02:24]: so i have some
[02:26]: white wine vinegar
[02:28]: and in here i already have a clove of
[02:30]: garlic that i just kind of smashed
[02:33]: i'm going to add this here
[02:35]: now i need um
[02:37]: some water which is not in the list of
[02:39]: ingredients but it is in the
[02:41]: instructions
[02:42]: so
[02:44]: let me yeah so i need to put some water
[02:46]: in here
[02:47]: all right so i've got some water in here
[02:51]: and then we just have to put a few
[02:53]: spices in
[02:55]: um
[02:57]: i have some turmeric which to me doesn't
[02:60]: add a lot of flavor
[03:02]: but it does you know give it a nice
[03:05]: color
[03:06]: i need
[03:09]: me honestly i don't know i just have to
[03:11]: taste it
[03:13]: i don't think that i've ever had it in
[03:15]: anything just sort of by itself
[03:17]: although people often do
[03:20]: have
[03:21]: turmeric tea these days
[03:24]: there we go
[03:25]: there's that
[03:27]: by itself not a lot of flavor
[03:30]: [Music]
[03:31]: um need very many of these
[03:34]: just a pinch
[03:36]: so i'm gonna go with that i don't want
[03:38]: it to be too spicy
[03:39]: but when they say a pinch i feel
[03:42]: perfectly fine deciding how much to put
[03:44]: in there myself
[03:45]: and then
[03:47]: not a whole lot of salt
[03:50]: and
[03:52]: some sugar
[03:53]: just regular white granulated sugar
[04:03]: and that is it so i'm going to bring
[04:05]: this up to a boil um she does not say to
[04:08]: do that at medium heat so i'm probably
[04:10]: going to do it a little bit higher than
[04:11]: that
[04:12]: and then i'm going to put the drained
[04:14]: mustard seeds in this jar just some
[04:17]: non-reactive jar it's going to go in the
[04:18]: refrigerator i'm not going to um
[04:21]: seal it
[04:22]: but i just need a some sort of
[04:24]: non-reactive container
[04:26]: glass is great plastic's probably fine
[04:30]: so we're gonna bring this up to a boil
[04:32]: and uh then we're gonna
[04:35]: finish it up
[04:36]: all right so you see these have plumped
[04:38]: up quite a bit so i ended up getting a
[04:40]: slightly larger jar than i originally
[04:42]: had
[04:44]: it says it makes half a cup
[04:46]: but i think that's half of a cup of
[04:48]: seeds and then you also need room for
[04:51]: the
[04:52]: pickling liquid
[04:57]: it's very vinegary in here right this
[04:58]: minute
[05:03]: all right
[05:05]: we've got all our mustard seeds we've
[05:06]: got our pickling liquid and hopefully
[05:08]: i'm not going to spill this all over my
[05:10]: pl myself but we'll see
[05:12]: i'm just going to pour all this over
[05:14]: here
[05:16]: yep it needed this size jar for sure
[05:19]: all right
[05:19]: we have to let these sit for uh at least
[05:23]: overnight right yeah
[05:26]: you have to let this sit overnight
[05:27]: before you use it in the next step
[05:30]: oh got a nice little
[05:34]: long full of uh
[05:36]: vinegar there um so we're gonna let this
[05:38]: sit overnight in the refrigerator
[05:41]: and we'll be back tomorrow to
[05:44]: use this
[05:45]: for the
[05:46]: pickled peanut salad
[05:49]: be right back
[05:50]: so it's the day after we made our
[05:51]: pickled mustard seeds and those are
[05:53]: still in the refrigerator they've been
[05:54]: in the refrigerator for about a day they
[05:56]: need to sit at least overnight so we're
[05:58]: ready to start making our
[06:01]: pickled peanut salad
[06:03]: so what i have here is the
[06:05]: raw peanuts
[06:07]: already shelled
[06:09]: and we're going to cook them
[06:13]: and we're going to cook them i'm going
[06:14]: to cover these with fresh water
[06:17]: she says to put 2 quarts
[06:19]: i think two quarts of water yeah
[06:21]: i'm just gonna
[06:22]: fill this about halfway it's four quart
[06:24]: saucepan be perfect um
[06:26]: and we're going to bring them to a boil
[06:29]: we're going to reduce it to a simmer and
[06:31]: cook covered for two hours
[06:34]: no salt no anything else just plain
[06:37]: water
[06:39]: and then we'll come back and show you
[06:40]: what we do afterwards
[06:42]: um
[06:44]: yep
[06:45]: and that is it for this step two hours
[06:48]: of cooking these raw peanuts so we'll
[06:50]: end up with something like boiled
[06:51]: peanuts except usually you boil the
[06:53]: peanuts in the shell and these have
[06:54]: already been chilled so
[06:56]: we'll see in a couple hours
[06:58]: okay so this has been boiling for
[07:01]: two hours or simmering for two hours
[07:04]: with the lid on
[07:06]: and
[07:07]: uh all i've got to do now is add some
[07:09]: salt
[07:11]: and we're gonna let these sit for at
[07:13]: least 15 minutes um
[07:16]: it doesn't say up to
[07:18]: whatever but we're going to let them
[07:20]: cool off a little bit
[07:22]: before we drain the liquid and continue
[07:25]: our recipe so i left my peanuts in the
[07:28]: liquid that they cooked in with the salt
[07:30]: for
[07:32]: um
[07:33]: probably about 45 minutes i think
[07:35]: they're not super salty it should be
[07:37]: fine um she says at least 15 minutes so
[07:40]: that's good so i have drained my
[07:45]: uh mustard seeds and i need just the
[07:48]: seeds part
[07:50]: excuse my thundering herd in the
[07:52]: background if you can hear it i need a
[07:54]: certain amount of just the seeds so i'm
[07:56]: going to measure that out it says that
[07:58]: the
[07:59]: recipe only makes that amount but i am
[08:03]: yeah we off obviously have more than
[08:06]: that here so
[08:08]: okay
[08:09]: i'm gonna put mix that in put that in
[08:12]: with my
[08:14]: peanuts here
[08:17]: and then
[08:22]: i'm going to put the rest of these back
[08:24]: in here and we'll have them for
[08:26]: something else she says if you need
[08:28]: if you have
[08:30]: a recipe that needs sort of a
[08:32]: briny pickley um pop you can use those
[08:37]: and then i need a certain amount of this
[08:39]: liquid so
[08:41]: in fact that is most of the liquid so
[08:43]: it's kind of interesting that it's most
[08:45]: of the liquid but not all of the
[08:50]: all of the um
[08:52]: mustard seeds but it'll be
[08:54]: it'll be enough liquid to sort of cover
[08:55]: what's left in there
[08:59]: that's fine so we're just going to
[09:01]: combine this
[09:03]: with our
[09:04]: peanuts and we'll be making a this is
[09:08]: pickling the
[09:09]: raw
[09:10]: well not raw anymore the green peanuts
[09:13]: that we cook
[09:15]: we're gonna let this sit
[09:17]: in the refrigerator um
[09:19]: at least overnight up to a week before
[09:22]: we finish
[09:23]: the
[09:24]: pickled peanut salad
[09:27]: let's go with our pork chops so this is
[09:30]: a
[09:31]: multi-step recipe and we will
[09:35]: i think we'll be making this in about a
[09:37]: week probably not quite a week but so
[09:39]: they'll just sit in the refrigerator and
[09:40]: wait for us until then and we'll see you
[09:43]: when we're ready
[09:46]: so our pickled peanuts have been sitting
[09:48]: in the refrigerator for almost a week
[09:51]: now and we want to eat this tonight so
[09:54]: it's time to deal with the pork chops
[09:55]: because
[09:57]: we need to brine them
[09:59]: so i'm going to make the brine right now
[10:01]: i have my water already measured in this
[10:04]: pot i'm going to add
[10:06]: some brown sugar everything else has
[10:08]: already been measured
[10:10]: i have some salt this is quite a lot of
[10:12]: salt quite a lot of sugar and i'm just
[10:14]: using iodized like table salt because
[10:16]: that's what i usually use when
[10:18]: [Music]
[10:20]: it's not going sort of directly on the
[10:21]: food it's going into a large amount of
[10:23]: water just because it's cheap and i'm
[10:26]: frugal
[10:28]: um
[10:29]: so then we have uh some peppercorns
[10:34]: just whole black peppercorns we have
[10:37]: some
[10:38]: garlic cloves that i just smashed i took
[10:40]: the
[10:41]: skins off but you don't have to for this
[10:45]: it won't matter
[10:47]: and we have some
[10:49]: smooth
[10:51]: dijon mustard she specifically calls for
[10:53]: smooth in this
[10:59]: so there we go
[11:02]: and then
[11:03]: i have some rosemary sprigs
[11:06]: and some
[11:08]: sprigs of sage now
[11:11]: sprigs of sage are kind of a hard
[11:13]: measurement
[11:16]: this is this is basically the
[11:19]: whole contents of one of the small
[11:22]: clamshell things you get at the grocery
[11:24]: store so
[11:25]: um
[11:26]: and that is the number she called for
[11:27]: but
[11:29]: whatever
[11:30]: sprigs is kind of an odd measurement in
[11:32]: my opinion
[11:34]: but a lot of a lot of people use that
[11:36]: and i think that that is all let me just
[11:38]: make sure yes these are all of our
[11:41]: ingredients for our brine now
[11:44]: we're going to
[11:45]: bring this up to a boil on the stove
[11:47]: we're going to boil it for one minute
[11:50]: and then we're going to let it cool to
[11:51]: room temperature probably won't show you
[11:54]: any of that because it's really boring
[11:57]: but once it's cooled to room temperature
[11:58]: you need to put this in a container that
[12:01]: will hold the pork chops and the brine
[12:03]: and you put all of that in the container
[12:06]: and you let it sit in the refrigerator
[12:07]: for three hours she doesn't say three
[12:09]: hours plus or about three hours she says
[12:11]: three hours so we're gonna do as close
[12:13]: to three hours as we can
[12:15]: um
[12:16]: and then we'll see you back here now it
[12:18]: has been three hours i have removed the
[12:22]: pork chops from the brine patted them
[12:24]: dry
[12:25]: and now these just need to sit in the
[12:26]: refrigerator for at least an hour
[12:30]: up to
[12:32]: 30 minutes so you take well an hour and
[12:35]: then 30 minutes before you are ready
[12:38]: to
[12:39]: uh cook them
[12:40]: take them out of the refrigerator and
[12:43]: you'll be ready
[12:44]: so now it's supposed to be an hour
[12:47]: before we're gonna eat
[12:49]: but it's not because we're gonna eat
[12:51]: sooner than that but i forgot that i had
[12:54]: to put together this salad and it's
[12:55]: supposed to sit out for an hour and be
[12:57]: served at basically room temperature so
[13:01]: it'll be a little cool a little cooler
[13:03]: than it's supposed to
[13:05]: but that's okay so
[13:08]: we're finishing up the pickled peanut
[13:10]: salad and we just have to add in the
[13:11]: rest of our ingredients um
[13:14]: so
[13:15]: this is to refresh your memory this is
[13:17]: the boiled peanuts that we boiled
[13:19]: without the shell
[13:21]: the pickled mustard seeds with the
[13:23]: pickling liquid and these have been
[13:25]: sitting
[13:26]: at least overnight um
[13:29]: or up to a week it's been about six days
[13:32]: for us
[13:33]: so i'm going to add the rest to here
[13:36]: hopefully it'll all fit i think so we'll
[13:38]: see
[13:39]: i have
[13:41]: uh some red bell pepper that has been
[13:43]: cut in an inch and a half
[13:47]: slices and then julienned
[13:50]: and some
[13:51]: celery that has been cut thinly on the
[13:54]: bias so basically you know
[13:57]: slanted
[13:58]: so i'm gonna add this
[14:03]: that's a lot
[14:05]: i think i'm gonna need another bowl so
[14:07]: i'm gonna get it in the bowl
[14:08]: okay so i went for potentially larger
[14:11]: than i actually need instead of
[14:13]: potentially too small so
[14:15]: i'm just going to put all of this in
[14:17]: here
[14:25]: there we go
[14:27]: and then all we have to add is some
[14:29]: thinly sliced scallion or green onion
[14:35]: and
[14:38]: some parsley that has just been picked
[14:41]: she said basically
[14:43]: each leaf is i think this
[14:46]: some of these are not quite fully picked
[14:48]: because they were kind of small
[14:50]: so um where each leaf kind of forms
[14:53]: three parts you kind of pull them apart
[14:55]: so
[14:56]: that's what she says torn into three
[14:58]: pieces each so
[14:60]: picked parsley
[15:03]: i was not super
[15:09]: fastidious about that but
[15:11]: that's all that goes in this salad and
[15:12]: we're just gonna stir it up
[15:15]: so you can see i used the white part and
[15:17]: the green part of the green onion so
[15:20]: she does not say to use any particular
[15:22]: part so i just used all of it
[15:25]: and there we go there's our pickled
[15:26]: peanut salad and this is supposed to sit
[15:29]: um at room temperature for about an hour
[15:32]: and be served at
[15:34]: room temperature
[15:36]: but we gotta get the show on the road
[15:39]: and eat dinner
[15:40]: so it will probably be a little bit less
[15:43]: a little bit cool like i said
[15:45]: it'll be fine
[15:47]: next we meet over there
[15:49]: to um cook our pork chops which have
[15:51]: been sitting at room temperature for
[15:54]: about 30 minutes pull them out
[15:56]: um
[15:57]: 30 minutes before you are going to cook
[15:59]: them so that they are not super cold
[16:03]: we'll see you over there
[16:06]: now we're ready to cook our pork chops
[16:09]: and i have the oil that i measured this
[16:12]: time i don't usually but i did
[16:15]: just vegetable oil i used a neutral
[16:17]: vegetable oil that i normally use grape
[16:19]: seed oil
[16:20]: and i've got my uh
[16:24]: cast iron skillet here
[16:26]: because she says a heavy
[16:28]: 12-inch skillet so this is what i have
[16:31]: and we are going to salt and pepper i
[16:34]: have these over this um heating up over
[16:37]: medium-high heat because we're waiting
[16:38]: for this to
[16:40]: be
[16:40]: just smoking before we start to
[16:44]: um
[16:45]: sear these but i'm going to season them
[16:47]: all lightly with some salt and pepper
[16:49]: they have been brined so they shouldn't
[16:51]: need too much there is a measurement for
[16:54]: this
[16:55]: but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna measure
[16:57]: this
[16:57]: so
[16:58]: um
[17:08]: there we go
[17:09]: again they have been brined their salt
[17:11]: and pepper already in them
[17:13]: so that is
[17:15]: it's just sort of a little extra here
[17:18]: i've got a plate here to put them on
[17:20]: when they're done because we're going to
[17:21]: be browning these two at a time
[17:24]: um
[17:26]: so that oh
[17:28]: something's smoking i'm not sure if it's
[17:30]: my oil or underneath my pan but we're
[17:33]: going to go ahead and try to put one in
[17:35]: here
[17:42]: there we go
[17:54]: and now that these are in the pan i'm
[17:56]: going to give them a
[17:58]: salt and pepper on this side
[18:01]: [Music]
[18:08]: we're gonna let these sit
[18:10]: for as long as they need until they
[18:13]: brown we're not cooking them through at
[18:15]: this point they are really really thick
[18:18]: pork chops so it will be really hard to
[18:20]: cook these through and get a good brown
[18:22]: crust on them
[18:23]: um just in the pan
[18:25]: we have our oven
[18:27]: preheated to 350.
[18:30]: and when these are all browned we're
[18:32]: going to put them all in the pan at once
[18:34]: we're going to try and fit them in and
[18:36]: they're going to go in the oven until
[18:38]: they're done which is
[18:43]: a
[18:44]: instant read
[18:46]: at 1 30
[18:47]: and then they have to rest for 10
[18:50]: minutes um
[18:52]: pork generally you want it to be at
[18:54]: least 140 so i assume a cut like this
[18:57]: will probably carry over
[18:59]: to about 140 if you cook it to 130.
[19:04]: so yeah we're just browning and uh in
[19:07]: batches
[19:09]: and then we're gonna bake them so i'll
[19:11]: show you what they look like when
[19:12]: they're all back in the pan
[19:13]: okay so i've hurt myself with sitting
[19:16]: oil a couple of times now
[19:18]: but now we're ready to turn this off
[19:21]: make these all stick
[19:25]: in
[19:26]: the pan which is
[19:31]: interesting there we go
[19:34]: and we're gonna put these in the oven
[19:35]: and i'm gonna set a primer for i think
[19:38]: 12 minutes just to make sure that they
[19:41]: are
[19:42]: done and we will check them with the
[19:44]: thermometer but other than that
[19:46]: this is it
[19:48]: let me put them in the oven real quick
[20:06]: stone still anyway
[20:09]: okay now that it's not spitting and
[20:11]: popping at me um
[20:14]: i'm gonna set a timer for
[20:17]: 12 minutes because mine were
[20:19]: really thick um
[20:22]: and yeah be careful with the spitting
[20:24]: and the popping because i got a lot of
[20:28]: grease
[20:29]: on me and now it hurts
[20:32]: but we're gonna
[20:33]: take this out at 12 minutes and we're
[20:35]: going to check to make sure we're at 130
[20:37]: degrees if we're not
[20:40]: we will put it back in for a few more
[20:41]: minutes
[20:42]: until we get there
[20:44]: and we're going to serve this with the
[20:46]: peanut
[20:47]: salad on top
[20:49]: she says to serve it with the citrus
[20:51]: sweet potato butter which we have made
[20:52]: and i'll post a link up here and i
[20:54]: really wanted to make today and i
[20:55]: thought i had
[20:57]: some
[20:58]: pre-roasted and pureed
[21:01]: sweet potatoes
[21:03]: but
[21:04]: sadly that turned out to be pumpkin
[21:07]: so we're just gonna eat it with some
[21:08]: bread that we had um already made today
[21:12]: and
[21:13]: i think my sweet potatoes were lost in
[21:15]: the great freezer disaster of 2020 so
[21:21]: anyway she says they go great with the
[21:23]: citrus sweet potato butter
[21:24]: from the same book
[21:26]: and
[21:27]: you put a little bit on a bit of that on
[21:29]: the bottom put the pork chop on top put
[21:30]: the peanut salad on top and then
[21:33]: there's your whole meal all
[21:36]: together
[21:37]: sadly we won't be able to taste it with
[21:39]: the citrus sweet potato butter but
[21:42]: i'll probably make it another time with
[21:44]: that
[21:46]: and we'll let you know what it looks
[21:48]: like and what we think in just a minute
[21:59]: on this episode of cooking the books
[22:00]: with heather you watched me make big
[22:03]: bone-in pork chops with pickled peanut
[22:06]: salad from um vivian howard's deep run
[22:09]: roots cookbook
[22:10]: and i've been wanting to make this
[22:11]: recipe for quite a while it's a very
[22:14]: seasonal recipe because you do need
[22:17]: green peanuts raw peanuts
[22:20]: for this recipe
[22:22]: so
[22:23]: i finally was able to get those
[22:25]: and
[22:26]: made it
[22:28]: and it takes a while
[22:30]: so this is not a recipe that you can
[22:32]: decide you want to make tonight and have
[22:33]: it done unless you've already made
[22:35]: a few things ahead of time
[22:38]: so first you have to pickle the mustard
[22:40]: seeds
[22:41]: and those need to sit for
[22:43]: a while at least i think it says over
[22:45]: overnight at least overnight
[22:47]: and then you use those to
[22:50]: make the pickled peanut salad first you
[22:53]: have to boil the peanuts
[22:56]: outside of the shells this time
[22:58]: and
[23:01]: then they have to sit in you know the
[23:03]: the pickling liquid
[23:06]: the pickled mustard seeds with the
[23:07]: liquid
[23:08]: for
[23:09]: another what at least overnight
[23:13]: um
[23:15]: up to a week so this was we started a
[23:17]: week before we wanted to eat this so
[23:19]: that it was done
[23:21]: so it was ready for us when we wanted to
[23:23]: eat it so
[23:26]: just be aware that this takes some time
[23:30]: um
[23:32]: i have to i will say that the pork was
[23:35]: seasoned really really well
[23:38]: and the pork chops were delicious they
[23:40]: were you know beautiful pork chops that
[23:42]: we got from
[23:44]: a
[23:46]: small farm distributor here in north
[23:48]: carolina called bravo steaks
[23:52]: they do both beef and pork
[23:55]: and so that was delicious they
[23:58]: i think you also have to brine yeah you
[23:59]: have to brine the pork chop three hours
[24:02]: three hours in the refrigerator
[24:04]: and then you have to take them out and
[24:05]: let them sit for another hour so this is
[24:07]: definitely one of those recipes you have
[24:09]: to prepare for
[24:10]: um
[24:12]: it was seasoned really well it was
[24:13]: really delicious
[24:15]: one of these pork chops
[24:17]: is a little too much for me to eat in
[24:20]: one one sitting so we really could have
[24:22]: split them
[24:23]: but
[24:24]: um
[24:26]: it's a it's a hearty serving um i was
[24:30]: really sad that i did not have the s mat
[24:33]: the sweet potatoes that i thought i had
[24:36]: in the freezer so i couldn't make the
[24:37]: citrus sweet potato butter i just it was
[24:40]: pumpkin i thought it was sweet potatoes
[24:42]: oh well
[24:43]: um
[24:44]: but even all together it was it was
[24:47]: sort of a full meal pretty much by
[24:50]: itself with all of that pork and then
[24:52]: the salad on top um
[24:54]: we did not love the pickled peanuts i
[24:57]: didn't feel like it was
[24:59]: really pickly enough
[25:02]: um
[25:03]: or salty enough for me um which
[25:06]: obviously you can add salt at the end if
[25:08]: it's not
[25:09]: to your liking um
[25:11]: but i didn't get the acidic pickley
[25:15]: flavor that i was expecting from that
[25:20]: but it was it was good with the pork
[25:22]: the pork was seasoned and brined well
[25:24]: enough that sort of together they went
[25:27]: they it went
[25:29]: well together it made a good combination
[25:32]: but it just wasn't something that we
[25:34]: really loved so i probably won't be um
[25:37]: making pickled peanut salad and just
[25:39]: because it's
[25:40]: a lot of work
[25:42]: but uh
[25:43]: i will be using this method for pork
[25:46]: chops again where you know you brine
[25:47]: them and then and then cook them sort of
[25:49]: really hot um do be careful
[25:53]: when you make the pork chops i did get a
[25:55]: little bit of splatters
[25:58]: from
[25:59]: being a little
[26:01]: careless when i was turning them over
[26:04]: and they sort of sputtered and i got hot
[26:05]: oil on me and i still have a little bit
[26:07]: of a
[26:08]: a place where it it will probably scar
[26:11]: for a while but
[26:13]: so just be a little more careful than i
[26:15]: was i was kind of rushing at that point
[26:16]: to try and get them done
[26:18]: but um
[26:20]: anyway if you enjoy
[26:22]: uh
[26:23]: pickled peanuts or
[26:25]: well if you think you would enjoy
[26:26]: pickled peanuts you should probably make
[26:28]: this recipe the pork chops are delicious
[26:30]: um and the pickled peanut salad was
[26:32]: really fresh
[26:33]: and
[26:34]: crispy with the vegetables that were in
[26:36]: it and the peanuts
[26:39]: and the mustard seeds it was it was good
[26:41]: it was just not our favorite thing so
[26:43]: anyway
[26:45]: if you enjoyed watching me make this
[26:46]: please give me a thumbs up
[26:48]: hit the subscribe button and come back
[26:49]: and watch me make something else next
[26:51]: week
[26:52]: [Music]