The author and cook, Heather

Red Pepper Comeback Sauce

Son of a Southern Chef

Comeback sauce is apparently a Mississippi thing, but I've definitely had it here in North Carolina before. In looks, it's a little like Big Mac sauce, but it doesn't taste much like it. It's mayo-based, sometimes with chili sauce or ketchup, but this recipe adds pimentos and smoked paprika for both flavor and color.

It's great for dipping just about anything fried! In our next video, we'll show you what we made to serve with it.

Serving Size1 tbsp


[00:00]: [Music]
[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with Heather today we're going to be
[00:08]: making a quick little video of a sauce
[00:10]: from son of a southern Chef that we're
[00:13]: going to use with another recipe that
[00:16]: we're making
[00:18]: you'll see after this probably but this
[00:20]: is something that I've had before like
[00:22]: to dip French fries in or any sort of
[00:25]: fried thing that you want a little sauce
[00:27]: for this is good for so we're going to
[00:29]: be making today red pepper comeback
[00:32]: sauce
[00:33]: so this is red pepper based and it all
[00:36]: just gets blitzed in a food processor
[00:38]: he's a small food processor so I'm using
[00:40]: the uh little mini
[00:44]: one that goes in my larger one so
[00:47]: hopefully the larger one won't get dirty
[00:48]: but we'll see
[00:50]: it makes a really small batch like about
[00:51]: a cup he says so
[00:54]: uh
[00:55]: we're just gonna get it get it going and
[00:57]: it should be real quick
[00:60]: so first I have Jarred pimentos he says
[01:04]: sliced I found diced it doesn't really
[01:07]: matter they have been drained but not
[01:10]: rinsed and then padded dry so I kind of
[01:13]: put them in these paper towels
[01:15]: and
[01:17]: dried them as best I could just don't
[01:20]: want too much moisture in there
[01:26]: as much of it out as I can you can of
[01:29]: course roast your own Peppers dice them
[01:32]: up
[01:33]: peel them dice them whatever
[01:35]: but you don't have to I like that
[01:38]: um
[01:40]: I have some mayonnaise I use as always
[01:44]: well as usual I'm using Dukes here
[01:49]: so that's that's my favorite but you
[01:52]: know use what you like
[01:55]: some mayo-based sauce
[01:57]: obviously
[01:59]: so we have that
[02:01]: um
[02:02]: we have
[02:04]: me
[02:06]: let's
[02:07]: just some garlic that we did not have to
[02:11]: chop but the green part of a scallion
[02:15]: that we did
[02:18]: we were supposed to chop
[02:20]: not finely but you know I did more than
[02:23]: just slice it
[02:25]: see if it makes a difference I don't
[02:27]: know why since we're putting it
[02:29]: in here we had to chop it
[02:35]: let's see
[02:37]: we have some smoked paprika
[02:42]: I'm going to
[02:44]: try to measure not like that though
[02:48]: so we've got the red pepper and then the
[02:51]: smoked
[02:52]: paprika which is also red pepper based
[02:59]: pimento is red pepper obviously
[03:03]: lemon juice next
[03:07]: this is just freshly squeezed lemon
[03:10]: juice you could also use
[03:12]: white vinegar if you don't have fresh
[03:15]: lemon juice
[03:17]: some Dijon mustard
[03:21]: which I'm not going to bother
[03:23]: cleaning off my lemon juice because
[03:27]: it doesn't really matter
[03:30]: good enough
[03:33]: um I already put my garlic clove in and
[03:35]: then we have some some salt some just
[03:38]: plain kosher salt
[03:42]: foreign
[03:46]: a dash of cayenne pepper so I'm gonna
[03:50]: just
[03:53]: good
[03:56]: and all we're going to do is blend this
[03:57]: up
[03:59]: um
[03:60]: until smooth so
[04:05]: I think that's smooth enough for me
[04:09]: hopefully this will thicken up a bit
[04:12]: more
[04:14]: um
[04:16]: in the refrigerator it it definitely is
[04:19]: something that I would
[04:21]: store in the refrigerator make early and
[04:24]: store in the refrigerator because it
[04:25]: takes a little bit for especially with
[04:27]: the dried spices like the smoked paprika
[04:30]: to sort of rehydrate and sort of the
[04:32]: flavors to marry so
[04:36]: uh we'll show you how we use this in our
[04:39]: next video
[04:41]: and probably come back and let you know
[04:43]: what we think before this video is over
[04:45]: even though it's just sort of an extra
[04:47]: thing
[04:49]: we'll let you know what we think in just
[04:51]: a minute on this episode of cooking the
[04:53]: books with Heather you watched me make
[04:55]: red pepper comeback sauce from Lazarus
[04:58]: Lynch's son of a southern chef uh it was
[05:02]: really quick to make just stick it all
[05:05]: in a food processor a blender would
[05:07]: probably work as well
[05:09]: um
[05:10]: and it was very heavy on the sort of
[05:13]: smoked paprika red pepper flavor you
[05:16]: know as potentially expected given the
[05:19]: name
[05:20]: and uh we enjoyed it with the fritters
[05:23]: and we've enjoyed it
[05:26]: with other things since
[05:30]: so he says you can store it for about
[05:33]: five days in the refrigerator I think
[05:35]: it'll probably keep longer than that but
[05:37]: you know
[05:40]: be cautious but uh
[05:43]: given all of the ingredients it should
[05:46]: last
[05:47]: a little more than that in my experience
[05:48]: but you know
[05:50]: not a scientist
[05:52]: um
[05:54]: and if you enjoyed watching me make this
[05:56]: give me a thumbs up hit the Subscribe
[05:58]: button and come back and watch me make
[06:01]: something else
[06:03]: thank you