The author and cook, Heather

Tomatoes in Jars

Deep Run Roots

Home canned tomatoes were one of my goals for this year and now I can say I did it! I even grew all the tomatoes myself in a new raised garden bed. (I had all sorts of trouble with seed starting this year, so I did get the seedlings from a local garden shop.)

These jars include a combination of a paste-type tomato, which is meatier and less watery, and a slicing tomato, which is usually the opposite. So you'll end up with more watery liquid (that's really tomato juice) in the jars than if you use just paste tomatoes (like Romas) and will probably see separation, like I did. That's fine, though! It will still make great sauce or soup, or anything else where you'd normally use canned tomatoes.

The author has her method on her website here:

I compared this recipe to a tested recipe on Ball's website and chose to follow the longer processing times here: Everything else was comparable. Food safety is important to me -- the last thing I want to do is make my family and friends sick after going to all the effort to prepare delicious food for them!
