The author and cook, Heather

Peaches and Cream Cake

Deep Run Roots

This cake is not something you can whip up at the last minute. It has four separate components; one base of peach purée and syrup that is used in the three other components that actually go into the cake themselves. Most of the components need time to sit before you can do anything with them. It's a six layer cake, all baked separately, so if you don't have six cake pans the same size you're looking at baking in batches, and even that can't happen without delay because you have to cool the layers in the pan. For us, it was a 2-day affair, though I suspect you could streamline some of it. Still, it's a process.

But it is worth it. Not everything is, but this one? I'd definitely make it again. It feeds a crowd , but it's also a light cake so it's not hard to eat a big piece if you must. It tasted great even a few days later, stored covered in the refrigerator. The peaches browned relatively quickly, so honestly I'd make fresh peach slices to garnish and serve it if you need to make it in advance; even the next day, stored with plastic wrap touching the top of them to try to avoid oxidation, many of my peaches looked a little muddy by the time we used them.

The peach flavor is much more subtle than you might expect, given that it is in every component -- even the cakes are moistened with the peach syrup! So if you are feeding someone who doesn't love peaches, they might like this one; if you do love peaches, make sure you get some of the slices with your piece for the signature tang they bring to the otherwise pretty sweet cake.

I managed to find this recipe on the google books preview of the cookbook:

Serving Size1/16 recipe
Carbohydrates68g (1g fiber, 53g sugar)


[00:00]: [Music]
[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather today we're going to be
[00:08]: making
[00:09]: a peaches and cream cake from vivian
[00:12]: howard's deep run roots cookbook now
[00:14]: this
[00:15]: is going to be
[00:17]: a lot of work there are a lot of steps
[00:18]: there's like
[00:20]: uh
[00:22]: three quarters of a page okay maybe half
[00:24]: of a page of ingredients in three
[00:26]: separate columns and then there's
[00:29]: two
[00:30]: and a half full pages of instructions
[00:33]: and there are one two three four
[00:35]: different components
[00:40]: so
[00:42]: so it's probably going to be
[00:44]: a while
[00:45]: um
[00:46]: i think we're going to end up putting
[00:48]: this all together tomorrow
[00:50]: there's six layers to this cake and i
[00:52]: only have three pans and
[00:54]: six won't fit in my oven at once anyway
[00:57]: so
[00:59]: yes
[01:00]: this is going to be a while
[01:02]: and the first step
[01:04]: we have to let sit for two hours before
[01:06]: we can move on and after this step this
[01:09]: component is used in like
[01:11]: every other step afterwards so do have
[01:14]: to do this first
[01:16]: so i have my peaches i went a little bit
[01:20]: more
[01:21]: than she called for but not a lot just
[01:23]: because one of my peaches had a bad spot
[01:24]: and i didn't know how much that was
[01:26]: going to be so
[01:28]: um i have peeled them i think i showed
[01:31]: you guys how to peel peaches when i made
[01:35]: the peach jalape jalapeno peach
[01:38]: glaze for chicken if i can find that
[01:41]: if that is true i will put that up here
[01:44]: um so you can go see
[01:45]: it's really simple little x on the
[01:48]: bottom
[01:49]: boil it for about 30 seconds in water
[01:52]: let it cool some people put it in an ice
[01:54]: bath i usually just let it cool because
[01:56]: mostly my peaches are usually coming
[01:57]: from the refrigerator because once they
[01:58]: get ripe put them in the refrigerator
[02:00]: and they'll stay good for a little bit
[02:02]: longer um
[02:03]: [Music]
[02:05]: so then just let them cool you can peel
[02:07]: them pretty easily and then you slice
[02:09]: them into she says thin
[02:12]: wedges
[02:15]: for me
[02:16]: the larger peaches got cut and i cut the
[02:18]: quarters into quarters so that's 16. the
[02:21]: smaller ones i cut the quarters into
[02:22]: thirds so twelfths
[02:24]: um
[02:25]: just whatever you like is fine
[02:28]: um
[02:29]: some of these are gonna be pureed so it
[02:30]: doesn't matter that they're not all
[02:32]: perfect
[02:33]: um but you're gonna reserve some for
[02:37]: uh decorating the cake and putting them
[02:40]: on top
[02:41]: so
[02:42]: you do want some to be pretty
[02:44]: and you'll want to do this relatively
[02:46]: soon after you
[02:47]: cut them because they will brown so
[02:51]: um
[02:52]: we have the peaches in a medium bowl
[02:55]: medium to large bowl it's quite a lot of
[02:57]: peaches and we're gonna add some brown
[02:60]: sugar
[03:03]: some lemon zest
[03:08]: um finely grated so i just used a
[03:10]: microplane as usual
[03:14]: and some lemon juice and
[03:17]: it was about the same amount of lemon
[03:19]: juice as for of lemons for juice and
[03:22]: zest so that was good here doesn't
[03:24]: always work out that way but
[03:26]: um and that is it now we're gonna just
[03:29]: stir this up
[03:34]: and so the goal here
[03:36]: is for these peaches to give off a nice
[03:39]: sweet syrup
[03:42]: that we're going to use
[03:44]: and then we're going to puree
[03:46]: the
[03:48]: most of the
[03:50]: pieces of peach
[03:52]: you see how it's got lots of nice
[03:54]: juice there at the bottom already
[03:57]: but we're going to cover this and let it
[03:59]: sit at room temperature for two hours or
[04:03]: up to overnight
[04:04]: like i said we want to get moving with
[04:06]: this we you know we don't want to take
[04:08]: forever
[04:09]: so we're gonna go for the
[04:11]: two hours
[04:12]: so
[04:14]: yeah probably give a little bit but in
[04:16]: about two hours we'll be back
[04:19]: and show you what we have to do with
[04:20]: these
[04:21]: so it's been a while it's been more than
[04:24]: two hours but less than overnight so the
[04:27]: top um
[04:30]: peaches got a little brown but that's
[04:32]: okay
[04:34]: it's fine we're gonna puree most of
[04:36]: these and i can pick out the ones that i
[04:37]: want to keep to look pretty so but now
[04:40]: what we need to do is to strain these so
[04:42]: i've got my usual strainer
[04:45]: set over
[04:48]: a measuring cup
[04:52]: i don't know that my strainer is going
[04:53]: to hold all of these peaches but we're
[04:55]: going to do our
[04:57]: level best
[04:59]: to get these strained
[05:01]: all right
[05:02]: while this is straining i'm going to go
[05:03]: ahead and pick out about a cup of the
[05:06]: pretty ones
[05:09]: to save for
[05:12]: um
[05:15]: to save for
[05:16]: garnishing the
[05:18]: that one's not pretty
[05:20]: i'm gonna i'm gonna be
[05:22]: really annoying about this but to save
[05:24]: for decorating the cake at the end
[05:27]: so uh
[05:29]: i'm gonna pick them out i'm gonna put
[05:30]: them in here and then i'm gonna put them
[05:33]: in a container in the refrigerator
[05:34]: because
[05:35]: at this point we'll definitely be
[05:37]: finishing this cake tomorrow not anytime
[05:40]: today
[05:42]: because we still have one more component
[05:44]: to make that needs to sit for
[05:48]: at least four hours but we're gonna let
[05:51]: it sit overnight so i'm gonna go ahead
[05:53]: and get some more of these in here
[05:57]: just to
[05:59]: let those
[06:00]: drain
[06:01]: and then maybe most of them will fit in
[06:03]: there or we can i don't think it matters
[06:05]: if i have
[06:07]: some of the juice
[06:11]: in uh
[06:12]: in these because they're just gonna be
[06:14]: pureed so
[06:15]: all right i'm gonna call that about a
[06:17]: cup these will go in the refrigerator
[06:25]: overnight just because
[06:30]: i'm just trying to get as much of this
[06:32]: liquid out as i can
[06:35]: so there we have
[06:42]: the really pretty juices oh we have
[06:44]: almost enough without even adding any of
[06:46]: this but i've got some peach schnapps
[06:48]: that have been in my cabinet for a
[06:49]: really long time
[06:51]: and we're just going to top it up
[06:59]: that was perfect
[07:01]: so that was almost exactly the right
[07:03]: amount here so that's awesome don't have
[07:05]: to buy any more
[07:07]: unless i need it for something else in
[07:08]: the future
[07:09]: we don't use this very often so
[07:12]: um
[07:14]: now this is also going to go into
[07:17]: a container in the refrigerator
[07:20]: separate from this because we're not
[07:22]: going to use this again until tomorrow
[07:24]: um same with this so let me get those
[07:26]: taken care of and
[07:29]: get my blender
[07:31]: so that we can puree these up
[07:34]: so the all of these peaches go into
[07:39]: i think oh she says a food processor or
[07:41]: a blender i'm just gonna use my blender
[07:43]: it's easier to clean
[07:51]: i'm going to put all the juices and
[07:52]: everything in there that i can scrape
[07:54]: out
[07:57]: and we're going to just
[07:59]: puree these
[08:01]: so
[08:05]: i have a puree button
[08:06]: i'm just going to hit that
[08:10]: looks pretty good to me
[08:11]: um she says this should yield about two
[08:14]: cups it looks like if i can trust my
[08:17]: measurements i have way more than that
[08:20]: so we're good we have plenty
[08:22]: i'm going to go ahead and
[08:24]: um
[08:25]: put this in another container so it can
[08:27]: go in the refrigerator
[08:29]: but we will need some of it for the next
[08:31]: part of the recipe so this is going to
[08:32]: be split throughout a couple of other
[08:35]: things that we make
[08:36]: um
[08:37]: to go into this cake onto this cake into
[08:41]: this cake
[08:43]: so
[08:43]: we're not using this all at one time and
[08:46]: we might have some left over but
[08:49]: we'll be right back to show you what
[08:50]: else we need to do so our next step is
[08:52]: to make a pastry cream so this is going
[08:55]: to be cooked on the stove
[08:58]: not sure i'm going to show you all of
[08:60]: that because it takes a really long time
[09:03]: we'll see but i'll describe the process
[09:05]: for sure
[09:07]: first thing we're going to do have some
[09:09]: cold water here and i'm going to um
[09:13]: basically bloom some unflavored gelatin
[09:16]: in it so just
[09:21]: um
[09:23]: sprinkle it on
[09:26]: and then i'm gonna stir it in
[09:30]: and we're gonna let it sit until we're
[09:32]: ready for it um the gelatin will start
[09:36]: absorbing the water
[09:39]: we're just going to set this over here
[09:43]: and
[09:44]: i need a large bowl
[09:46]: okay now i'm ready
[09:50]: so i have to whisk together we have eggs
[09:52]: that are already at room temperature
[09:54]: they've been sitting out
[09:56]: since i
[09:57]: made the peaches ready so i'm just going
[09:58]: to i don't need to
[10:00]: uh
[10:01]: separate these or anything they're just
[10:03]: whole eggs
[10:07]: all of the eggs in this recipe actually
[10:09]: call for them to be at room temperature
[10:12]: we're going to put in
[10:14]: the
[10:15]: sugar this is just plain white
[10:17]: granulated sugar
[10:18]: and this is some corn starch
[10:22]: and now i need a whisk all right so i'm
[10:25]: just going to whisk this together this
[10:26]: is loud he'll probably cut this part
[10:31]: out okay
[10:33]: so i'm gonna set this aside
[10:35]: with my uh
[10:37]: pad to keep it from moving
[10:39]: because i'm gonna be coming back to
[10:40]: whisk that again later so i have a
[10:43]: vanilla bean that i'm supposed to split
[10:46]: in half lengthwise
[10:53]: and then
[10:56]: scrape out the seeds with the tip of a
[10:58]: knife which i'm sure you've seen people
[10:60]: do before
[11:01]: [Music]
[11:13]: there we go
[11:15]: now
[11:16]: i need a pan
[11:18]: so i have my saucier because we're going
[11:20]: to be whisking things in this and that's
[11:22]: the easiest one to use
[11:24]: all right it's clean just looks bad
[11:28]: pour in some whole milk she does
[11:32]: request whole milk in this part of this
[11:35]: recipe whether it will work with
[11:38]: a lower fat milk i'm not sure
[11:41]: and uh we're going to add
[11:45]: all of these uh seeds
[11:48]: and
[11:49]: the bean
[11:50]: into this milk
[11:57]: my hands are as usual
[11:59]: very clean because they've been washed
[12:01]: about a million times while i'm doing
[12:02]: this
[12:04]: so there's that
[12:06]: and then we need just a little bit of
[12:07]: salt
[12:10]: i think that is it
[12:13]: seeds salt and dropping the split hot
[12:16]: okay
[12:17]: so right now we're going to bring this
[12:19]: to a simmer over medium heat that's
[12:21]: going to take quite a while because my
[12:23]: milk was cold
[12:26]: and
[12:28]: as soon as bubbles form around the edge
[12:31]: then we're going to remove it from the
[12:33]: heat
[12:34]: and we'll be back to show you what we do
[12:36]: so right now all we're doing is heating
[12:38]: this up
[12:40]: and we'll be back
[12:42]: so now we're going to slowly
[12:45]: stream this milk mixture into the eggs
[12:50]: while we whisk we're trying to temper
[12:51]: the eggs and make sure they don't
[12:53]: scramble
[13:01]: so that's good
[13:02]: and now we go back over to the stove
[13:08]: let's see
[13:11]: so we're going to put this back into the
[13:13]: pan we're going to
[13:15]: put the mixture
[13:18]: back onto i think medium heat again and
[13:21]: we're going to cook it stirring
[13:23]: constantly with a spatula a rubber
[13:25]: spatula
[13:26]: um
[13:27]: until it thickens and begins to bubble
[13:29]: she says about five minutes
[13:32]: so
[13:33]: i'm gonna need this whisk again
[13:37]: let me put this over here
[13:42]: i've only spilled a little
[13:45]: so i'm just gonna put all of this in
[13:46]: here there's a little bit of the
[13:48]: not not that i don't want that in there
[13:51]: there's a little bit of the um like the
[13:54]: skin that milk forms it'll be fine any
[13:57]: of that that sort of
[13:59]: um curdles and uh become solid we are
[14:04]: going to strain this later so we should
[14:06]: be fine with that so i'm going to
[14:08]: [Music]
[14:10]: use this
[14:11]: to
[14:12]: stir this
[14:14]: while
[14:15]: um we heat it
[14:16]: over
[14:18]: the
[14:19]: stove medium heat i think
[14:22]: until it thickens and begins to bubble
[14:24]: and we'll be back
[14:27]: all right so this has definitely started
[14:29]: getting thick it's a little clumpy but
[14:32]: we're going to be whisking it later so
[14:34]: it's really really thick it's not really
[14:36]: bubbling and it's kind of lumpy
[14:39]: um
[14:41]: but i'm gonna i think i'm gonna call
[14:43]: this done
[14:44]: because i think if i left it it would
[14:46]: probably go yep it's starting to bubble
[14:48]: now so
[14:49]: we are done with this here and we will
[14:52]: meet you back over there
[14:54]: to finish
[14:56]: our
[14:57]: pastry cream okay so now we have
[14:60]: finished cooking this but we have
[15:02]: several more things to do
[15:04]: now we have this is still hot fresh from
[15:06]: the
[15:07]: from the stove and we're going to whisk
[15:08]: in
[15:09]: some butter
[15:11]: we want to make sure all of the what
[15:14]: cold butter we want to make sure that
[15:15]: all of the previous piece gets melted
[15:18]: and whisked in before we whisk in the
[15:20]: next piece
[15:21]: so i'm going to be doing that for a
[15:23]: little while
[15:27]: [Music]
[15:29]: there we go
[15:37]: this um
[15:38]: this custard went from
[15:41]: not really thick to always thick
[15:44]: and it seemed like no time
[15:47]: so
[15:50]: okay i think our butter is all melted
[15:54]: and so now
[15:55]: we are supposed to take out
[15:58]: our vanilla
[15:59]: pod here
[16:01]: if i can get it out of my whisk
[16:04]: i don't think i need my whisk anymore so
[16:06]: hey that's how i got it out of the uh
[16:10]: actually i might need the whisk again
[16:14]: i'm gonna need to whisk it in so
[16:16]: i'll work on this in a second
[16:19]: but now we need to strain this
[16:22]: through a sieve
[16:25]: into
[16:28]: an even bigger bowl that i happen to
[16:30]: have here
[16:33]: [Music]
[16:34]: just gonna add things
[16:37]: goodness gracious okay so we're gonna
[16:38]: strain this
[16:42]: through this sieve into the bowl i'll
[16:45]: pick it up after i'm done
[16:47]: i think the sieve this sieve is big
[16:49]: enough to hold this entire batch so
[16:53]: that's good
[16:54]: i'm just
[16:55]: gonna get everything out of here
[16:57]: [Music]
[16:58]: now
[16:59]: this will not necessarily go through
[17:01]: all without
[17:03]: pushing it but we'll get as much through
[17:05]: as we can there we go that's not bad
[17:09]: you'll see we have a little bit of brown
[17:10]: spots which may have been
[17:13]: slightly burned milk and may have been
[17:15]: pieces of vanilla i'm not even sure
[17:18]: but it doesn't matter because we
[17:19]: strained it out
[17:22]: and now
[17:24]: i'm gonna be
[17:28]: good about this and get a different one
[17:30]: clean spatula just so we don't
[17:33]: get any of the bits we were trying to
[17:34]: strain out
[17:36]: so this is a nice custard base
[17:40]: and we're going to use the
[17:42]: gelatin now
[17:45]: uh that is has
[17:50]: absorbed all the water we're gonna put
[17:52]: this in the microwave or you can heat it
[17:54]: on a small in a small um
[17:57]: saucepan on the stove i'm just going to
[17:60]: heat it in the microwave for a few
[18:01]: seconds of course without the spoon
[18:03]: until it is melted so
[18:06]: so after about 20 seconds it is
[18:10]: nice and melted
[18:13]: and we're going to
[18:15]: whisk this in
[18:18]: uh
[18:19]: i'm going to
[18:20]: do it slowly she doesn't say to but i'm
[18:22]: going to just kind of pour it in like i
[18:23]: did the milk just just in case
[18:28]: is
[18:30]: good enough
[18:33]: there we go
[18:36]: all whisked in
[18:41]: and
[18:43]: only one more step one more step
[18:47]: the instructions that i'm seeing
[18:49]: say a slightly different amount of the
[18:51]: peach puree than the uh
[18:54]: ingredient list so i'm wondering where
[18:56]: the disconnect is at this point so just
[18:58]: bear with me
[19:01]: the amount that she says in the
[19:05]: uh ingredients is slightly more than the
[19:08]: amount she says here but with the
[19:13]: rest
[19:15]: the other place where we use this peach
[19:17]: puree
[19:19]: this amount that she has in the
[19:21]: ingredients and the amount that it says
[19:22]: here we'll form the amount that she said
[19:24]: it was supposed to make so i'm gonna go
[19:26]: with the amount that's in the ingredient
[19:27]: list we'll see um hopefully will not be
[19:31]: bad so we're going to
[19:33]: just stir in our peach puree
[19:38]: are we supposed to whisk it in yeah
[19:39]: we're supposed to whisk it in okay
[19:41]: so we've got our peach puree we've
[19:43]: already made and we're using for other
[19:46]: things
[19:47]: but i measured out what i needed and now
[19:49]: we're just going to whisk that in
[19:52]: okay
[19:54]: so now
[19:56]: we're supposed to
[19:57]: uh put this in the refrigerator with a
[19:59]: piece of plastic wrap
[20:01]: touching the top
[20:03]: at least four hours up to overnight you
[20:05]: want it to be chilled
[20:08]: so that gelatin will help it set up uh
[20:11]: it should not be i don't think like
[20:13]: jello it won't be that hard but it
[20:15]: should be
[20:18]: enough so that the cakes won't make it
[20:20]: all just immediately squish out the
[20:22]: sides that's i think the reason why we
[20:24]: have both uh eggs uh
[20:27]: cornstarch and the gelatin to make it a
[20:30]: little bit stiffer than a pastry cream
[20:32]: that you're not going to be smooshing in
[20:36]: layers of cake
[20:38]: so i'm going to put this into a
[20:40]: container that will fit in my
[20:42]: refrigerator
[20:43]: put plastic wrap directly on top of it
[20:46]: and we'll pick this up tomorrow because
[20:47]: now we've made exactly one
[20:50]: of the final ingredients for our cake
[20:53]: and we have
[20:54]: the actual cakes
[20:57]: and the frosting to make tomorrow
[21:02]: so
[21:03]: see you tomorrow
[21:05]: so stay tuned for our peaches and cream
[21:07]: cake and
[21:09]: i will say
[21:10]: she does warn you that this is a lot
[21:12]: this cake is a lot of work so
[21:15]: don't go into it thinking you're gonna
[21:16]: just whip it up and be done
[21:19]: today we're gonna make the chiffon cake
[21:22]: first because as i said
[21:26]: six layers we have to bake it in six
[21:28]: separate pans well
[21:31]: two batches of three because i have only
[21:33]: three pans
[21:35]: the same size
[21:37]: so
[21:38]: two batches
[21:40]: three cakes
[21:41]: and that's going to take a while
[21:44]: so first i'm gonna get my cakes going
[21:45]: she does say to make the other component
[21:48]: before this because it just cools on the
[21:50]: counter
[21:51]: we'll have plenty of time to make that
[21:53]: after this gets
[21:54]: in the oven so
[21:56]: which speaking of which is preheated to
[21:60]: 325 degrees
[22:02]: um and we will have to line the bottoms
[22:05]: of our cake pans with parchment i will
[22:09]: show you how i do that in
[22:10]: a minute
[22:12]: but i want to get the cake
[22:13]: ready first
[22:15]: so
[22:17]: and we are not greasing the pans no
[22:19]: grease just parchment on the very bottom
[22:22]: we are going to um
[22:24]: first we have to make basically a
[22:26]: meringue we have our eggs separated and
[22:29]: at room temperature
[22:31]: and we need just the whites right now
[22:33]: and a whisk attachment
[22:37]: on our mixer
[22:41]: so there's that and we're going to
[22:44]: oh we also need
[22:46]: some lemon juice which
[22:49]: i have to turn back for the things i
[22:50]: haven't measured yet so
[22:53]: okay
[22:54]: i need a little bit of lemon juice
[22:58]: there we go
[22:59]: and we're supposed to whisk these
[23:02]: on low speed until they start to thicken
[23:07]: starting to get some bubbles in it i'm
[23:08]: going to call this good
[23:10]: and now we turn it to high
[23:13]: and we're going to gradually add
[23:15]: some of the sugar from this
[23:17]: from this cake recipe but not all of it
[23:21]: [Music]
[23:26]: all right
[23:27]: so for this we're looking for glossy and
[23:30]: medium peaks we are starting to get
[23:32]: glossy but we're nowhere near peaks
[23:38]: i think we are there that looks good to
[23:41]: me
[23:41]: um
[23:42]: we're definitely getting some peaks here
[23:46]: take this off it should
[23:49]: yep that's that is perfect
[23:50]: now what i need to do is transfer this
[23:52]: to another bowl set it aside until we
[23:55]: need it um because we're going to use
[23:57]: this bowl to
[23:59]: put the rest of the cake together and
[24:01]: then fold these in right now we don't
[24:03]: need to wash this bowl um everything is
[24:05]: going to be coming in together anyway
[24:08]: but we don't need our whisk attachment
[24:15]: oh we're supposed to sift this so i'm
[24:17]: going to take this out of here
[24:19]: and just move it to the side a little
[24:21]: bit
[24:22]: so i can sift
[24:25]: so we need
[24:26]: flour so this is all
[24:29]: of the flour in our recipe
[24:33]: i'm going to use
[24:36]: this bowl again in a second
[24:40]: we need our baking powder which i have
[24:42]: to look up how much that is
[24:48]: we're putting baking powder this will
[24:51]: provide some of the lift but the um
[24:56]: the egg whites will provide some lift to
[24:58]: the cake as well
[25:17]: okay
[25:18]: so we're done with the baking powder
[25:21]: need some salt
[25:23]: i'm just going to use this sea salt fine
[25:25]: sea salt that we have because it's
[25:27]: almost gone and i kind of want to
[25:29]: get rid of it because i've bought a
[25:31]: replacement
[25:51]: [Applause]
[25:54]: there we go
[25:60]: oh we need some nutmeg fresh grated
[26:02]: nutmeg
[26:04]: pretty sure
[26:05]: [Music]
[26:09]: which i have already graded
[26:17]: there we go
[26:21]: and
[26:22]: i think the sugar
[26:25]: yep
[26:27]: and that is it
[26:29]: i'm going to go ahead and dump all of
[26:31]: that in and
[26:34]: sift it through
[26:40]: i feel like a lot of my salt is left in
[26:41]: there because it's not super fine i'm
[26:43]: just gonna dump that through
[26:45]: so we don't lose the salt
[26:48]: no lumps in the flour though
[26:51]: okay
[26:53]: that's one part
[26:56]: and now i need to take my egg yolks
[27:01]: so we need the egg yolks
[27:04]: um oil which i just vegetable oil um
[27:07]: which i have already pre-measured
[27:09]: thankfully
[27:12]: um
[27:13]: what else
[27:15]: milk and our extracts i'm gonna go ahead
[27:17]: and put our extracts in here
[27:19]: um pretty sure i remember
[27:21]: yes
[27:24]: so
[27:26]: i have a little bit of
[27:30]: lemon
[27:32]: lemon sorry vanilla extract
[27:44]: [Music]
[27:46]: some almond extract um
[27:50]: this is going to be a very almond
[27:52]: flavored cake
[27:58]: it is spilling
[28:00]: there we go that's about right
[28:05]: um
[28:06]: and then milk now because this is a very
[28:09]: almond
[28:10]: flavored cake she says you can use
[28:13]: almond milk um but i'm just using whole
[28:17]: milk
[28:18]: because that's what i have on hand
[28:20]: whisk this together
[28:24]: just mostly trying to get
[28:28]: mostly trying to get those egg yolks
[28:30]: mixed up
[28:32]: with the other ingredients here
[28:36]: okay
[28:37]: so now
[28:39]: i'm supposed to form a well
[28:41]: in the
[28:42]: center of my flower
[28:44]: [Music]
[28:51]: and
[28:54]: pour in the oak mixture it's going to
[28:56]: overflow my will but that's all right
[29:05]: there we go
[29:06]: and now with my paddle attachment
[29:09]: we're supposed to
[29:11]: beat this on low just until it's
[29:15]: uh
[29:16]: blended and smooth
[29:18]: so
[29:19]: and then we're going to
[29:21]: turn it up to medium and beat it for two
[29:23]: minutes
[29:25]: so i think we're just about uh blended
[29:28]: and smooth but i'm gonna scrape down the
[29:30]: sides before i turn it up
[29:32]: to medium just to be sure that i get
[29:35]: sort of everything
[29:37]: in there
[29:38]: this is pretty thick at this point
[29:41]: but we're gonna add the um
[29:45]: egg whites to this so that'll thin it
[29:47]: out a bit
[29:51]: all right in two minutes it's nicely um
[29:56]: beaten and it actually seems a lot
[29:58]: thinner now that it's all beaten up
[29:60]: there's there's air in it
[30:02]: so i'm going to take
[30:06]: my paddle attachment off and i'm not
[30:08]: going to need this um
[30:13]: mixer anymore
[30:14]: so
[30:16]: i'm trying to get that out of the way so
[30:19]: one second here
[30:21]: so now we are going to
[30:25]: gently fold in
[30:27]: the egg whites
[30:29]: to this um
[30:31]: cake batter mixture so
[30:34]: um she doesn't say to do it in batches
[30:36]: so i'm just gonna put the whole thing in
[30:38]: there
[30:41]: and
[30:43]: fold
[30:45]: so in through the middle
[30:48]: up over the top
[30:50]: turn in your bowl
[30:54]: doing this to keep some of the air that
[30:57]: is in the egg whites
[30:60]: but also get it mixed sort of thoroughly
[31:08]: usually
[31:09]: some streaks of white are still fine
[31:13]: i don't know about with this dough she
[31:16]: does not say that but it says just
[31:18]: gently fold them in so
[31:20]: i'm gonna try to get them mostly folded
[31:24]: not too much white
[31:39]: so
[31:52]: all right
[31:58]: i'm gonna call that good
[32:01]: you can see mostly folded in i'm gonna
[32:03]: set this aside and now i'm gonna prepare
[32:05]: my pans
[32:06]: i've done this before but i don't know
[32:08]: which recipe you'll see first so i know
[32:11]: i can't get
[32:12]: i can't get two
[32:14]: nine inch
[32:15]: circles out of this paper
[32:19]: so
[32:21]: i have six sheets i'm gonna put them as
[32:23]: close
[32:25]: to a corner as i can
[32:28]: and i'm going to draw
[32:32]: around
[32:37]: as close to the bottom as i can
[32:39]: and i'm going to cut that out
[32:41]: just all together if one of them's a
[32:42]: little too small or a little wonky it'll
[32:44]: be fine
[32:46]: so the
[32:49]: biggest thing here since we're doing so
[32:51]: many
[32:52]: is to try to keep them all
[32:56]: together and go a little bit on the
[32:57]: inside of your line because obviously
[32:60]: the inside of the pan is slightly
[33:02]: smaller than the outside so
[33:09]: as i said she does specifically tell you
[33:13]: not to butter
[33:14]: these tins i am going to put a small
[33:18]: dab of butter in the bottom
[33:20]: underneath the parchment to keep the
[33:22]: parchment from slipping around when i
[33:24]: put
[33:25]: the
[33:27]: cake batter in because i'm also going to
[33:28]: have to
[33:30]: swish it around or flatten it out and so
[33:32]: i don't want my parchment to move
[33:34]: and now
[33:37]: these fit nicely all right yep
[33:41]: pretty good
[33:47]: and they won't
[33:48]: move around
[33:51]: so now i have six
[33:53]: and i'm going to
[33:55]: have to
[33:57]: bake these and then do this all again i
[33:60]: won't show you all of that because it's
[34:01]: gonna be just like this but
[34:03]: so she says to put a heaping cup
[34:07]: or seven ounces by weight i'm gonna go
[34:09]: by weight just because it's much easier
[34:11]: especially when you are
[34:13]: um
[34:14]: baking
[34:15]: in two different batches so i'm hoping
[34:18]: that this is
[34:19]: approximately that whole weight and
[34:23]: we'll be okay if we do it this way
[34:26]: all right so put my
[34:28]: pan on
[34:31]: turn it on
[34:34]: set it two ounces make sure we're zeroed
[34:38]: and
[34:46]: uh
[34:47]: no
[34:47]: almost
[34:53]: we're slightly over seven but that
[34:55]: should be good and then we need to um
[34:60]: tilt and rotate this pan until it covers
[35:03]: the whole thing now these are going to
[35:04]: be very thin layers
[35:07]: but that is great because it means you
[35:10]: do not have to
[35:11]: slice it to get a six layer cake
[35:15]: quite often what people will do is just
[35:18]: make a normal layer and then slice it in
[35:20]: half
[35:21]: or
[35:22]: like thirds which is really much more
[35:24]: difficult but
[35:26]: and that's how you get those super thin
[35:28]: layer cakes and instead of baking them
[35:31]: like this they bake them whole and then
[35:33]: slice them
[35:35]: anyway
[35:36]: i'm going to keep doing this
[35:38]: and then i'm going to bake them
[35:40]: until they are golden brown on top 30 to
[35:44]: 35 minutes
[35:46]: and the she says the tops should spring
[35:48]: back without leaving a fingerprint when
[35:51]: gently pressed in the center
[35:55]: so
[35:56]: that is what i'm going to do
[35:57]: with this batch and then
[35:60]: when these come out we're going to put
[36:01]: new parchment in which is why i have
[36:03]: another parchment
[36:05]: put new parchment in and do it all again
[36:07]: so
[36:09]: okay so this is what it looks like right
[36:12]: after i take it out of the oven
[36:14]: um
[36:16]: this one was on top the whole time and
[36:18]: then these ones you can kind of see
[36:20]: one side is slightly
[36:22]: less brown they were on the bottom shelf
[36:24]: and i did not move them around so i'll
[36:25]: probably move them around next time but
[36:27]: i cook them for about 30 minutes
[36:30]: and now
[36:31]: we have to turn them upside down
[36:34]: onto a cooling rack in the pan
[36:36]: until they are completely cool so
[36:39]: i won't be cooking the other batch for a
[36:43]: while
[36:45]: but we'll be right back to show you the
[36:48]: last component
[36:50]: of this cake so we've made everything
[36:53]: for
[36:54]: our recipe today our peach cake peaches
[36:57]: and cream cake
[36:58]: except for the peach caramel which is
[36:60]: what serves as sort of the
[37:02]: frosting icing
[37:04]: glaze on this cake
[37:06]: so that's what we're going to do now
[37:08]: this is a caramel and i haven't used
[37:10]: this method for caramel i've made
[37:12]: caramel before but i haven't used this
[37:13]: method for caramel before so
[37:16]: in here i have just plain sugar and
[37:18]: water measured as per the recipe
[37:22]: now i need to
[37:24]: want to stir this together a little bit
[37:27]: i guess just so it's
[37:30]: just so it's not um
[37:33]: totally separate but it won't completely
[37:35]: dissolve right now but
[37:36]: we'll get it all stirred up i'm going to
[37:38]: scrape down the sides a little bit
[37:41]: you really don't want there to be too
[37:43]: many crystals on the sides
[37:46]: but we will later be
[37:48]: using a pastry brush with some cold
[37:50]: water
[37:51]: to
[37:53]: moisten the sides and make sure it does
[37:55]: not form crystals
[37:57]: but we're going to cover this
[38:01]: and
[38:04]: cook it over high heat for four minutes
[38:07]: so
[38:10]: i guess i'm gonna go as high as mine
[38:12]: will go
[38:13]: and i'm gonna set a timer for four
[38:14]: minutes
[38:20]: and we'll see you in four minutes
[38:23]: [Music]
[38:30]: okay
[38:31]: four minutes
[38:32]: almost
[38:34]: nice
[38:37]: my stove started making a weird sound
[38:39]: and it kind of
[38:41]: worried me but everything's fine but
[38:43]: it's starting to smell like caramel so
[38:44]: i'm gonna put this away
[38:51]: and this is supposed to take 10 minutes
[38:54]: and we're not supposed to stir this at
[38:55]: this point but this looks like it is
[38:58]: going to be
[38:60]: deep amber much sooner
[39:02]: all right
[39:04]: i'm gonna
[39:05]: oh yeah that is deep amber i'm gonna
[39:06]: turn it off because this will go
[39:08]: from deep amber to burnt in any
[39:11]: in no time and i needed my cold butter
[39:14]: which
[39:15]: is going to make it
[39:21]: cut it down
[39:24]: and keep it from
[39:26]: completely
[39:28]: burning
[39:29]: so hopefully it's not burnt at this
[39:30]: point i'm whisking in cold butter
[39:34]: and this bubbling furiously is
[39:38]: entirely to be expected
[39:40]: and now that the butter is fully in
[39:43]: there i'm gonna add some cream and it
[39:44]: will bubble just like that
[39:49]: again
[39:50]: whisk it in
[39:51]: and whisk in some fresh nutmeg and some
[39:54]: salt
[39:56]: and there is our caramel sauce
[39:59]: but now we need to make it a peach
[40:01]: caramel sauce so
[40:03]: i think i'm done with whisking
[40:06]: and
[40:08]: i just uh
[40:12]: nope not done with whisking now i need
[40:14]: to whisk i need to
[40:15]: pour in my peach
[40:18]: and whisk it in
[40:26]: make sure i get all of that in there
[40:28]: this is our peach puree that we made
[40:30]: already
[40:31]: and used for
[40:38]: use for the pastry cream
[40:41]: so there we have it i am hoping this is
[40:44]: not gonna be too burnt it's very very
[40:47]: hot do not
[40:48]: put your finger in this do not this has
[40:50]: been sitting on the plate for a while so
[40:58]: it's very close to burnt
[41:01]: but we will taste it when it gets a
[41:03]: little cooler and see if i need to redo
[41:05]: this because obviously high on my stove
[41:08]: was way too high
[41:10]: i do have a little bit more of this
[41:11]: peach puree left so if i need to do it
[41:14]: again i can
[41:16]: i do need however to
[41:19]: put this in a clean bowl
[41:26]: and it will thicken as it cools
[41:29]: but we want it to be at room temperature
[41:33]: so
[41:36]: we're back to see if that actually
[41:39]: doesn't taste burnt
[41:42]: this has been a while
[41:44]: but we are finally ready to start the
[41:46]: assembly of our peaches and cream cake
[41:49]: so these um
[41:50]: are completely cool
[41:52]: and they've been upside down but you can
[41:54]: see they did not fall out what we need
[41:56]: to do at this point is take like a
[41:57]: butter knife
[41:59]: and run it around the edge
[42:03]: of the cake
[42:07]: and then
[42:10]: it should pretty easily come out when
[42:12]: you turn it over so
[42:14]: there we go
[42:15]: and then all we have to do is take off
[42:17]: the
[42:21]: parchment
[42:25]: so there we go
[42:27]: so i'm gonna do that with the rest of
[42:29]: these and these are the second batch of
[42:31]: cakes that i baked
[42:33]: we went and found our nice cake plate
[42:36]: just for you guys
[42:37]: and i'm going to
[42:39]: put this
[42:41]: on top of here i don't think it's going
[42:42]: to move around too much especially once
[42:45]: we get everything on here
[42:47]: so
[42:48]: the first thing we have to do to this
[42:50]: cake
[42:51]: is to
[42:52]: brush some of our peach syrup on it this
[42:55]: was the
[42:57]: juice from the peaches and we added some
[43:01]: of the
[43:03]: uh peach schnapps to this so i'm gonna
[43:06]: measure it out just to make sure i'm
[43:09]: trying to get
[43:10]: make sure i get enough on there
[43:13]: i mean it doesn't have to be exact
[43:15]: obviously
[43:17]: but um
[43:20]: she
[43:20]: gives an amount so i measured out that
[43:22]: amount
[43:23]: and
[43:24]: i need a plate or something
[43:27]: so now
[43:29]: i'm gonna try to paint this on and she
[43:31]: says on the tops so i'm gonna be putting
[43:33]: these tops up
[43:37]: i'm trying to get as much of this to
[43:39]: soak in as possible now she does not
[43:42]: have this
[43:43]: in the assembly step she says to do it
[43:46]: after they have cooled
[43:48]: um
[43:49]: and then
[43:51]: once all of them are cooled then do this
[43:53]: and then assemble it but uh
[43:56]: i was a little afraid of what was going
[43:58]: to happen if i tried to
[44:00]: [Music]
[44:02]: move these after they were soaked and so
[44:06]: i assume this is the best method here
[44:14]: to go ahead and
[44:18]: let it
[44:21]: get it done right before we put the rest
[44:23]: together so there we go
[44:25]: that is good enough that's almost all of
[44:28]: it and now we have our pastry cream that
[44:30]: we made
[44:32]: that has um a little bit of the
[44:35]: a little quite a bit of the peach puree
[44:38]: in it and we put
[44:40]: um
[44:42]: cling film plastic wrap whatever on top
[44:45]: to keep it from getting a
[44:47]: uh
[44:49]: a um skin because it will form the skin
[44:52]: so
[44:53]: and this is directly from the
[44:54]: refrigerator so
[44:55]: [Music]
[44:57]: i'm going to measure this out as well
[44:60]: as well as i can
[45:02]: it's a
[45:03]: pretty
[45:04]: stiff pastry cream but you know it's
[45:07]: going to be on this
[45:09]: cake and
[45:10]: have tons of layers over it and i have
[45:13]: this to help me out a little bit so
[45:17]: and she again
[45:18]: has a measurement for this
[45:27]: i hope it's a hope there's enough to
[45:30]: put all of that in there but see
[45:35]: we just spread this as best we can
[45:40]: over the layer which is why i tried to
[45:44]: spread it out when i put it on
[45:58]: this is not super spreadable
[46:03]: but
[46:06]: i think if it were a little
[46:08]: warmer it probably would be a little
[46:10]: better because you know
[46:14]: cold from the refrigerator is always
[46:15]: stiffer
[46:17]: up here now this is a very rustic
[46:19]: looking cake when she makes it
[46:21]: so i don't feel bad
[46:24]: if it looks a
[46:27]: little less than perfect
[46:31]: but i think that will be fine for this
[46:34]: layer
[46:34]: and now i'm going to put
[46:36]: this layer on here
[46:41]: and try to do the same thing
[46:44]: [Music]
[47:32]: all right
[47:35]: now this part is done
[47:37]: and i need to now cover this in plastic
[47:40]: wrap
[47:41]: and put it in my refrigerator for six
[47:43]: hours and up to overnight which
[47:46]: i had neglected to read until very
[47:49]: recently
[47:51]: so we'll be back in
[47:55]: maybe
[47:56]: maybe six hours maybe more like
[47:59]: three or four
[48:00]: we'll see
[48:03]: okay
[48:04]: full disclosure i had to make the
[48:07]: caramel again
[48:09]: so this is the first batch that i made
[48:12]: and it it doesn't look too bad but it
[48:14]: tastes
[48:15]: a little bit bitter a little bit burnt
[48:18]: um
[48:19]: because it it went a little over
[48:22]: um
[48:23]: i didn't have quite enough of my peach
[48:25]: puree
[48:26]: to make it again so i
[48:30]: pureed an extra peach uh with a little
[48:32]: bit of lemon juice and
[48:35]: a little bit of brown sugar and i made
[48:37]: it again i may have let this one
[48:39]: may pull this one a little too soon
[48:41]: trying not to make it go too far so
[48:45]: this is a much lighter caramel than this
[48:47]: one but this one tastes much more of
[48:49]: peach than this one this one is a little
[48:52]: overwhelmingly caramel whereas this one
[48:55]: is definitely more peach so
[48:58]: we're going to use this one
[49:00]: and we're going to decide if we can use
[49:02]: this one for anything or not we'll see
[49:05]: so
[49:06]: uh final step is to
[49:10]: pour the caramel the peach caramel sauce
[49:13]: that we made
[49:14]: over our chilled cake it's been about
[49:17]: five hours uh we waited until after
[49:19]: dinner and everything and now
[49:23]: we're gonna keep this because i'm sure
[49:25]: we are not gonna be able to eat all of
[49:26]: this and hopefully it will keep okay
[49:29]: in the refrigerator but all we have to
[49:31]: do now is just pour this over
[49:37]: our cake and let it
[49:40]: fall down the sides
[49:43]: i'm gonna try not
[49:45]: to put way too much on because i don't
[49:48]: want it to fall all over my countertops
[49:50]: so
[49:52]: i do want it to
[49:54]: go over the edges
[49:56]: but i don't want it to completely
[49:58]: overflow
[49:60]: my cake stand so
[50:04]: and
[50:05]: i did not puree
[50:08]: this one quite as well as i did the
[50:11]: first batch
[50:14]: it does have a little lip there
[50:15]: thankfully
[50:17]: so
[50:18]: i do have a few little pieces of
[50:23]: peach in there but that is perfectly
[50:25]: fine
[50:33]: let's see
[50:35]: i'm about to overflow of course
[50:38]: of course i did exactly what i did not
[50:40]: want to do but there we go
[50:44]: see how jiggly was now the only thing we
[50:46]: have left to do is to put some of our
[50:48]: peaches i did also put a piece of
[50:52]: plastic wrap over top of this to try to
[50:55]: keep them from going too
[50:57]: brown they went a little brown but
[50:59]: that's all right put down
[51:02]: the brown ones
[51:03]: mostly first
[51:06]: we're just going to sort of pile these
[51:07]: on top
[51:09]: to decorate
[51:12]: that's all that these are for
[51:19]: and have a little bit more of a
[51:23]: peach
[51:26]: bite
[51:32]: not quite as beautiful when you've done
[51:33]: them the day before because they do
[51:36]: brown pretty badly but
[51:46]: that's too
[51:50]: now
[51:50]: i don't know how well this will keep
[51:53]: there were no instructions about that
[51:56]: um
[51:58]: but
[52:02]: we won't be able to eat all of this in
[52:04]: fact we'll probably eat a very small
[52:05]: portion i think she says this makes
[52:08]: 12 to 18
[52:11]: feeds 12 to 18 people so 12 to 18
[52:14]: portions
[52:17]: that's a lot
[52:20]: but this is it this is the cake
[52:23]: and uh
[52:24]: we'll let you know in a minute what we
[52:26]: think of it
[52:28]: [Music]
[52:36]: on this episode of cooking the books
[52:37]: with heather you watched me make the
[52:39]: peaches and cream cake from deep run
[52:42]: roots vivian howard's first
[52:45]: cookbook and
[52:47]: have to say we really loved this cake it
[52:50]: was a very light cake the chiffon cake
[52:53]: was very light
[52:56]: i think it was cooked perfectly
[52:58]: given the instructions i didn't have to
[53:00]: bake it sort of extra or less
[53:03]: um it was nicely baked uh it was it was
[53:06]: light and it was really easy to eat a
[53:08]: large piece of this cake so
[53:10]: that's a good thing
[53:12]: maybe maybe not depending on your uh
[53:17]: whether you want to eat a large piece of
[53:18]: cake or not but
[53:21]: the the cake itself was sort of almond
[53:23]: had an almond heavy flavor
[53:26]: which goes well with peaches which is so
[53:28]: that was okay um
[53:31]: and i felt that
[53:33]: the bites that i had that had the peach
[53:35]: slices from the top were the best sort
[53:38]: of provided a nice
[53:40]: tang um from the fresh peaches that i
[53:44]: didn't get as much from the items that
[53:47]: had the peach puree in them that was
[53:48]: more sweet less tangy but
[53:51]: the pieces of peach
[53:53]: um still had that that that bite that
[53:57]: fresh peaches have and speaking of that
[53:59]: i really think so when you make
[54:03]: the peaches in the very beginning that
[54:05]: you then keep some of to garnish
[54:09]: for me i made that early in the day the
[54:11]: day before
[54:13]: and so and and i was done with the cake
[54:15]: sort of late the next day and by then
[54:18]: my peaches had sort of browned a little
[54:19]: bit on the outside
[54:21]: i don't think he would be a mess uh to
[54:25]: just cut up some fresh peaches when you
[54:27]: serve it or when you make it just to put
[54:29]: on top as long as they're fresh and
[54:33]: you know ripe enough those would be just
[54:35]: fine i don't think they have to be the
[54:37]: marinated ones i think it would be
[54:39]: delicious
[54:40]: and be prettier with the non-brown
[54:42]: peaches i tried my best not to um
[54:45]: for those not to go brown i put
[54:48]: plastic wrap over them and everything
[54:50]: and they still kind of went brown so
[54:52]: yeah
[54:55]: the caramel
[54:58]: the
[54:59]: directions didn't work for me
[55:01]: it went way way way too fast on high
[55:03]: heat on my on my stove
[55:06]: so i did have to remake it uh and i
[55:09]: think at that time i went a little bit
[55:11]: too light
[55:12]: honestly i'd run out of sugar
[55:14]: and run out of white sugar and so i used
[55:16]: a little bit of uh turbinado sugar which
[55:19]: made it harder to judge when it was the
[55:22]: right color brown in my opinion so
[55:24]: that's on me
[55:26]: but um
[55:27]: i think the second time i didn't do it
[55:29]: quite enough and so it was a little bit
[55:30]: looser it was
[55:32]: but
[55:33]: it was much more it had much more of the
[55:34]: peach flavor
[55:36]: when the caramel was not as uh
[55:40]: burnt well not burnt but not didn't go
[55:43]: as far it wasn't as dark so i think
[55:45]: somewhere in the middle would be good
[55:47]: where you get a little bit of the
[55:48]: caramel flavor but you still get some
[55:49]: peach so
[55:50]: next time i make this and i probably
[55:52]: will make it again even though it was
[55:54]: quite a lot of work
[55:56]: because we really did like it um
[55:58]: i will probably try to balance those two
[56:01]: where we get a little bit
[56:03]: of caramelization but not too much
[56:05]: um
[56:07]: did have a problem with the directions
[56:09]: for the amount of uh the cream the
[56:12]: pastry cream to put in between the
[56:13]: layers there was not enough for the
[56:17]: amount that she said to put in between
[56:19]: each layer so
[56:20]: um
[56:22]: i would go
[56:23]: [Music]
[56:24]: much lighter on that personally you
[56:26]: probably should just divide it into the
[56:28]: number of times number of layers i think
[56:31]: it's
[56:32]: it would be five
[56:34]: so you want to divide what you have in
[56:36]: fifths and just use that and i think
[56:38]: that it could be streamlined into
[56:42]: a little bit more i don't think you
[56:44]: needed to completely chill that pastry
[56:46]: cream
[56:48]: because there's gelatin in it it gets a
[56:50]: little more difficult to spread when
[56:51]: it's completely chilled but i do
[56:53]: understand you don't want it to
[56:55]: completely smoosh out when you put the
[56:57]: next layer on top so that's kind of a
[56:60]: balancing act
[57:01]: it was okay and it did eventually
[57:05]: spread pretty well
[57:07]: and honestly even though i put way less
[57:10]: on the top two layers then the bottom
[57:12]: layer
[57:13]: you
[57:14]: may be the bottom two layers it
[57:16]: it wasn't as difficult it wasn't as much
[57:19]: of a
[57:20]: stark contrast between the layers so
[57:24]: i think less would be perfectly fine but
[57:26]: that was it was a really delicious
[57:27]: pastry cream so
[57:30]: um
[57:30]: all in all we really loved it
[57:32]: it is a lot of work but if you have
[57:35]: fresh fresh peaches
[57:37]: and you're going to be having a bunch of
[57:39]: people over to eat it up it did last in
[57:42]: the refrigerator for a while we kept
[57:44]: ours in the refrigerator for a few days
[57:45]: and sort of ate on it
[57:47]: you know eight pieces every night until
[57:49]: it was gone and we did share some with
[57:51]: with some friends um
[57:54]: so but if you hav if you're having you
[57:56]: know a big gathering and you want to
[57:57]: sort of have an impressive
[57:59]: uh peach dessert
[58:02]: this is a great one so
[58:04]: definitely would make it again i would
[58:06]: make a few
[58:07]: changes probably but other than that i
[58:10]: we really liked it and uh if you love
[58:13]: peaches you should probably try it
[58:15]: if you liked watching me make this
[58:17]: please give me a thumbs up hit the
[58:18]: subscribe button and come back and watch
[58:20]: me make something else next week
[58:22]: [Music]