The author and cook, Heather

My Favorite Beet Salad

Deep Run Roots

I love a good beet salad with goat cheese, but my husband Does Not Like goat cheese. He does, however, LOVE blue cheese, which makes this beet salad perfect for him. (I don't mind it one bit, either.) You already know the family loves the pecans, so we never have to be convinced to making a batch of those.

We used two previous recipes for this!

Basic Roasted Beets:

Salt and Butter Roasted Pecans:


[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather
[00:07]: today we are going to be making my
[00:10]: favorite beet salad
[00:12]: not mine vivian howard's i haven't tried
[00:15]: this yet i don't think
[00:17]: i don't remember if we've made this
[00:18]: previously i know we have made
[00:20]: the roasted beets before because i think
[00:22]: we made them for
[00:23]: a different recipe but that was not for
[00:26]: the book
[00:27]: anyway so we're working on a deeper on
[00:29]: roots and we're making
[00:30]: my favorite beet salad beet salad is one
[00:33]: of my husband's
[00:35]: absolute favorite things to order at a
[00:36]: restaurant he loves the beets
[00:38]: i love beets kids hate them
[00:42]: so it'll probably be mostly for us but
[00:44]: the good thing about this beet salad
[00:46]: for us is that it includes blue cheese
[00:49]: instead of
[00:49]: goat cheese which is generally what a
[00:52]: restaurant puts
[00:53]: in their beet salad which makes me love
[00:55]: it my husband
[00:57]: will eat it when it's in a beet salad
[00:59]: but it's not his favorite thing
[01:01]: anyway so what we have to do right now
[01:04]: is to make
[01:04]: the dressing for this beet salad and
[01:06]: it's one of those dressings that kind of
[01:08]: goes on the bottom and you dip
[01:09]: your pieces into it and it's a blue
[01:13]: cheese dressing
[01:14]: so in my food processor
[01:18]: i'm going to add the blue cheese i've
[01:19]: already weighed it out
[01:23]: and buttermilk and that is all
[01:26]: for this stage now i'm going to have to
[01:29]: stop and scrape it down and stop and
[01:33]: scrape it down
[01:33]: a lot until this gets smooth
[01:39]: so it's loud so i can't talk to you
[01:42]: all right that went everywhere
[01:47]: as you can see but it's not anywhere
[01:49]: near
[01:50]: smooth yet um
[01:54]: with the feta whipped feta that we made
[01:58]: recently i was
[01:60]: skeptical that it would get creamy but
[02:02]: it worked just fine so
[02:03]: uh hoping this one does as well
[02:08]: so we're just going to keep doing this
[02:09]: over and over and over again
[02:13]: so it's closer to when we want to eat
[02:16]: this still needs to sit for at least 30
[02:18]: minutes when we're done here so
[02:20]: um we're not quite ready to finish the
[02:23]: dressing
[02:24]: but we're going to get our beets
[02:26]: marinating now this
[02:27]: is the basic roasted beets
[02:30]: it is the measured amount for this
[02:33]: recipe and i'm going to add a bunch of
[02:35]: things to it to marinate
[02:37]: so i've got rosemary here that i've
[02:41]: chopped finely fresh rosemary
[02:45]: and i need to zest one
[02:48]: of my oranges
[02:52]: i normally would do this beforehand but
[02:54]: you know we're kind of scrambling today
[02:56]: we've got another recipe going
[02:58]: at the same time in the oven
[03:01]: so we're doing what we can
[03:05]: right now so that was the zest
[03:09]: of one orange there we need
[03:14]: some honey measuring it correctly this
[03:17]: time i'm still using the same thing
[03:20]: but
[03:25]: a little honey bear here
[03:29]: so now i'm going to
[03:36]: okay so we've got our rosemary
[03:39]: orange zest i need to put some salt
[03:48]: need a little bit of salt in here these
[03:50]: were already salted and had some lemon
[03:52]: juice
[03:53]: and some sugar in them but
[03:56]: we're going to put a little bit more
[03:59]: salt
[04:06]: and then a little bit of black pepper
[04:13]: and okay
[04:16]: the only thing i need now is some
[04:20]: supposed to be aged balsamic vinegar i
[04:23]: don't know it's balsamic vinegar i got
[04:24]: from my
[04:25]: grocery store it's what i usually use so
[04:27]: it's hot
[04:35]: so now um
[04:41]: i'm going to mix this up a little bit
[04:44]: but the next
[04:45]: part we do over top
[04:49]: of these beets so
[04:52]: um that's interesting i'm gonna need a
[04:57]: bowl
[05:01]: put my oranges in all right
[05:04]: so i've got this orange that i zested
[05:08]: and now she doesn't describe this
[05:12]: technique
[05:12]: she just tells you to supreme the
[05:16]: oranges
[05:17]: over the bowl now luckily i know exactly
[05:21]: how to do that because i
[05:23]: have done that previously but the first
[05:26]: thing we need to do is to peel them and
[05:28]: you don't want
[05:29]: any of the white stuff here so
[05:33]: i might lose a little bit more
[05:37]: of this of the orange than you would if
[05:40]: you just
[05:42]: peeled it you know like you're going to
[05:44]: eat it but
[05:48]: the goal here is to get the pretty
[05:53]: sections of the orange without any of
[05:57]: the
[05:58]: membrane so we're going to do this over
[06:00]: the bowl
[06:01]: but i'm going to put the supremes here
[06:04]: so any of the juice that comes out
[06:06]: is going to go into the bowl with the um
[06:10]: with beets so this is actually really
[06:13]: easy but it seems
[06:14]: more difficult than it is but so you see
[06:17]: you can see
[06:18]: the membranes running here and you put
[06:20]: your knife
[06:22]: through kind of to the middle
[06:25]: on the membrane and then out comes
[06:29]: that beautiful section and you do that
[06:33]: again
[06:37]: got a little bit there we go now comes
[06:39]: the beautiful section now these are not
[06:41]: seedless oranges so i will probably have
[06:43]: to go back
[06:44]: in and take some of the seeds out
[06:48]: but that's okay so now i'm just gonna do
[06:52]: the very same thing
[06:53]: with the other orange and then
[06:57]: sort of toss it all together and let it
[06:59]: sit
[06:60]: and that's it and we'll be back to show
[07:02]: you how to
[07:03]: finish the dressing for this in just a
[07:07]: moment
[07:07]: so it's time to finish our
[07:10]: dressing for our beet salad and i have
[07:13]: some heavy cream here
[07:15]: and a bowl and i'm gonna whip the cream
[07:19]: by hand it's just a small amount of
[07:22]: cream
[07:23]: it would probably be harder to do it in
[07:24]: a mixer and it she says it takes
[07:26]: longer to clean the mixer than it does
[07:30]: to basically do this by hand
[07:31]: so i'm gonna try to do this by by hand
[07:34]: by myself
[07:34]: if not i will call on my producer for
[07:37]: help
[07:41]: my bowl has been in the refrigerator my
[07:43]: cream is cold
[07:44]: and that will help it um to whip better
[07:49]: yeah this is stiff peaks so we're going
[07:50]: to stop here before we make butter
[07:52]: okay so now we're going to fold the
[07:56]: cheese and buttermilk mixture into
[07:59]: the heavy cream mixture i've had this
[08:01]: out
[08:02]: at room temperature for a little while
[08:04]: just so it would be
[08:06]: a little more pliable it gets kind of
[08:10]: thick
[08:10]: i think at refrigerator temperature
[08:14]: very messy sorry
[08:17]: all right so just fold
[08:25]: she says to do this as close to serving
[08:28]: it as possible
[08:31]: to keep as much air as you can
[08:34]: in the uh the dressing
[08:43]: but that is it for our dressing i think
[08:48]: that is pretty well combined
[08:51]: and next we're going to put the salad
[08:53]: together is sort of a composed
[08:55]: salad so that's what we're gonna do
[08:57]: right now
[08:59]: back in one second i gotta clean up a
[09:01]: little bit and get a serving dish
[09:05]: so i have all of the pieces and parts of
[09:07]: my salad
[09:09]: to put together here we have our beets
[09:11]: that have been marinating
[09:13]: and i just sort of stirred them around
[09:15]: as i thought about it just to make sure
[09:17]: they all get
[09:18]: marinated well we have
[09:21]: our orange supreme supremes
[09:26]: whatever you want to call them we have
[09:28]: our buttermilk
[09:30]: blue cheese dressing and this is
[09:32]: something we haven't talked about yet
[09:34]: these are salt and butter roasted pecans
[09:37]: i'll put a link
[09:38]: up here we've already made these for the
[09:40]: channel
[09:41]: um and you're just using these as sort
[09:42]: of a garnish on this salad
[09:44]: so um we made these earlier today
[09:48]: and just put them in the bag and so we
[09:50]: will put a few on here
[09:52]: there's a particular amount for the
[09:53]: whole recipe but we're probably not
[09:55]: going to plate up the whole recipe at
[09:57]: this point
[09:58]: just because i'm just going to put on
[10:00]: what i think looks good
[10:03]: for basically my husband and i to eat
[10:05]: because the kids
[10:07]: are not huge fans of beets but or blue
[10:10]: cheese but that's all right
[10:12]: so i'm going to start with some dressing
[10:16]: and sort of
[10:19]: move it around the plate give it
[10:24]: a base of dressing so this isn't a
[10:27]: dressing that you put on top
[10:28]: this is a dressing that you kind of
[10:32]: drag your bits and bites
[10:35]: through i think that's
[10:39]: fine i think this makes more than it
[10:42]: calls for
[10:43]: in the recipe for this particular salad
[10:46]: so you can use this for whatever like i
[10:48]: said it will lose some of the fluffiness
[10:51]: later but it'll still be delicious
[10:54]: and now i'm just going to put some of
[10:55]: these beets
[10:57]: around the plate kind of like there is
[11:00]: in the picture choosing kind of the
[11:03]: prettier ones
[11:12]: on top of this dressing
[11:31]: to tell you the truth we will probably
[11:33]: eat more of this um
[11:35]: later in a not so beautiful fashion
[11:39]: but we're gonna make this as pretty as
[11:41]: we can
[11:44]: for right now
[11:48]: i'm just trying to choose pretty ones
[11:52]: and maybe one more
[11:56]: pretty wedge there we go
[12:00]: we're gonna put a little bit of the
[12:06]: marinade on the outside i'm gonna put
[12:09]: some of these
[12:12]: uh orange supremes supremes however
[12:16]: you'd like to say
[12:17]: it
[12:22]: on the plate
[12:26]: so i think this salad probably uh if you
[12:30]: make all of it serves about four
[12:33]: but like i said it's mostly gonna be two
[12:36]: of us
[12:37]: eating i think one more little one right
[12:40]: here there we go
[12:43]: and then just some pecans on top oh
[12:47]: and there's one more step after that
[12:48]: just one second but i'm gonna do
[12:51]: i'm gonna sort of make sure these are
[12:53]: kind of bite-sized
[12:58]: on top
[13:19]: so
[13:20]: we had to make these fresh because they
[13:22]: do not last long in my house in fact
[13:25]: the cameraman is asking for a snack
[13:28]: right now
[13:37]: a couple more maybe
[13:41]: all right i think that will do for this
[13:44]: plate and the last thing that we add to
[13:48]: the plate
[13:49]: is a little bit of olive oil to finish
[13:55]: so
[14:01]: there we go that's the dish we'll let
[14:04]: you know
[14:04]: what we think of it in just a minute
[14:15]: on this episode of cooking the books
[14:17]: with heather you watched me make
[14:19]: my favorite beet salad from vivian
[14:21]: howard's deep run roots cookbook
[14:24]: now it is i wouldn't say it's a hard
[14:26]: recipe it does require
[14:28]: two previous recipes in the book that we
[14:31]: have made videos on for this channel it
[14:34]: required
[14:35]: the salt and butter roasted pecans
[14:39]: those are super simple um and
[14:43]: a crowd pleaser in our house so it's
[14:46]: never bad for us to have extra
[14:48]: and the um
[14:51]: basic roasted beets uh
[14:54]: from the previous recipe previous video
[14:58]: i'll link both of those below and maybe
[15:01]: up here somewhere
[15:03]: that was also really easy not a problem
[15:07]: it does require a food processor
[15:12]: for the blue cheese dressing the
[15:15]: buttermilk blue cheese dressing
[15:17]: um and uh
[15:20]: you it so the dressing is a little bit
[15:23]: complicated you have to whip the cream
[15:25]: and then
[15:26]: you mix up the uh the blue cheese with
[15:29]: some stuff in the food processor
[15:31]: and then you mix those together so
[15:33]: that's a little bit
[15:34]: a little bit of a pain it's fine even
[15:38]: when it's not as fluffy
[15:39]: afterwards and then there's the
[15:43]: slightly more difficult
[15:47]: making supremes of the oranges
[15:51]: it'll still taste good if you don't want
[15:53]: to do that part it'll
[15:54]: taste just fine you'll just have a
[15:55]: little bit more of the membranes
[15:58]: to chew up to you whether that bothers
[16:01]: you
[16:02]: and i don't find it that difficult it
[16:03]: was actually a lot easier the first time
[16:05]: i did it i was like huh
[16:07]: that looks hard but it's not that
[16:08]: difficult so
[16:10]: if you've never done it you should try
[16:11]: it um
[16:13]: now we really enjoyed this recipe but we
[16:15]: do enjoy
[16:16]: a beet salad which usually comes with
[16:20]: goat cheese which
[16:21]: i really love my husband does not love
[16:23]: goat cheese
[16:24]: he will eat it with a beet salad but he
[16:27]: much prefers blue cheese so this was
[16:29]: definitely um something that he enjoyed
[16:33]: a lot kids weren't super fans they don't
[16:37]: really enjoy blue cheese they don't
[16:38]: really enjoy beets but
[16:41]: if you like those things you should make
[16:43]: this recipe
[16:45]: sort of a perfect beet salad
[16:48]: in our opinion so
[16:51]: if you enjoyed watching me make this
[16:53]: please give me a thumbs up
[16:55]: and hit subscribe and come back and
[16:57]: watch me make something else
[16:59]: and let me know if you do try this and
[17:01]: what you think
[17:03]: thanks for watching
[17:05]: [Music]