The author and cook, Heather

Jalapeño Peach Chicken

Deep Run Roots

My husband has been looking forward to this for a long time, but I was hesitant because I thought it would be very spicy. Good news (if you're like me): it's not! The sauce by itself tastes spicy, but once it combines with the chicken, it's fine. Even my kids ate it!

You can find the full recipe here:


[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather
[00:07]: on this episode we're going to be making
[00:09]: a recipe my husband has been wanting me
[00:11]: to make
[00:12]: probably for almost a year now because
[00:14]: he saw it after peach season last year
[00:17]: and so we had to wait until peach season
[00:19]: this year for us to make it but we're
[00:20]: going to
[00:21]: be making jalapeno peach chicken
[00:24]: from deep brown roots vivian howard's
[00:26]: cookbook
[00:28]: and the first step for this is to make a
[00:30]: jalapeno peach glaze
[00:32]: it makes a lot more than this recipe
[00:35]: will
[00:36]: need but i'm planning on freezing the
[00:38]: rest of it
[00:40]: whatever's left over in single serving
[00:42]: sort of containers
[00:43]: so we can have this another time but so
[00:47]: we're going to start
[00:48]: with our food processor and i have
[00:51]: peaches
[00:51]: um that have been sort of roughly
[00:54]: chopped
[00:55]: um some of them were a little past their
[00:58]: prime but that is
[00:59]: fine for this recipe we're going to be
[01:01]: cooking them and
[01:03]: um i have
[01:07]: a lot of jalapenos an awful awful lot
[01:11]: jalapenos
[01:14]: i hope i can make all of this fit
[01:16]: eventually it'll
[01:17]: go down um and we have some ginger
[01:20]: which was peeled and roughly chopped and
[01:24]: really hard to measure
[01:27]: but whatever and we have a little bit of
[01:29]: onion
[01:30]: actually i was pretty surprised about
[01:33]: the small amount of onion in this but
[01:36]: that's all that's going in here right
[01:37]: now
[01:39]: and we're going to pulse this until
[01:42]: it is um shredded nicely but not fully
[01:47]: pureed so we're not looking for a smooth
[01:49]: consistency just sort of shredded
[01:53]: so i have no idea
[01:55]: i'm just gonna pulse that's what i'm
[01:56]: gonna do
[01:60]: i'm gonna check it i still see some
[02:01]: pieces of peach down at the bottom
[02:04]: but everything else looks pretty good
[02:13]: all right i'm just going to give it a
[02:14]: couple more pulses but otherwise i think
[02:17]: we're just about there
[02:25]: i've stopped seeing the like sort of
[02:27]: larger pieces of peach going
[02:28]: around and so i think we're done with
[02:31]: this step
[02:32]: and now we have to cook it so i will
[02:34]: meet you at the stove
[02:36]: so i've transferred the stuff from my
[02:39]: food processor into a four to six
[02:41]: quart pot um mine is a four quart
[02:45]: hopefully it will be
[02:46]: large enough and i'm going to add the
[02:48]: other ingredients
[02:49]: got a little bit of salt
[02:54]: a lot of sugar but we're making a glaze
[02:57]: we're making
[02:58]: basically a
[03:02]: jam sort of consistency a loose jam
[03:05]: consistency so
[03:07]: a lot of sugar and some apple cider
[03:11]: vinegar and
[03:15]: we're going to bring this up to a boil
[03:19]: she says over medium heat so over medium
[03:22]: heat
[03:24]: i'm going to bring this up to a boil i'm
[03:25]: going to give this a little stir
[03:27]: um and we're going to cook it
[03:31]: to a medium at a medium simmer so not
[03:34]: a bare simmer but sort of a medium
[03:36]: simmer
[03:39]: we'll see um
[03:42]: and while it is simmering we're going to
[03:45]: skim as much of the foam that comes up
[03:49]: off because that will give you a
[03:52]: clearer
[03:56]: color it won't be as cloudy that's what
[03:58]: she says
[03:59]: so i've got a uh just the bowl i had my
[04:02]: onions in
[04:03]: and a spoon to skim
[04:06]: any of the foam
[04:09]: from around the edges as it boils
[04:12]: uh but this is gonna take a little while
[04:14]: so oh one other thing i did want to say
[04:16]: i think i forgot to say my jalapenos
[04:18]: have been
[04:19]: seeded and stemmed so i just cut the
[04:21]: stems off
[04:23]: cut them down the middle and then used a
[04:26]: regular spoon
[04:27]: to scoop out the seeds i put
[04:31]: rubber gloves on when i do that because
[04:34]: i don't
[04:34]: like my hands to make myself hurt later
[04:38]: so that's a tip um
[04:41]: but yeah we're just gonna wait for this
[04:42]: to come up to boil and it's gonna boil
[04:44]: for about
[04:45]: 30 minutes that'll probably be sort of a
[04:48]: fast forward
[04:49]: thing here um i'm gonna clean up a
[04:50]: little bit while we wait
[04:53]: all right so i turned it up a little bit
[04:55]: just to get it
[04:56]: boiling a little faster but as soon as
[04:58]: it started simmering a little i
[04:59]: turned it back down to medium
[05:03]: that took about i don't know 10 minutes
[05:05]: just to come to a boil but now
[05:07]: you can see we have some foam here that
[05:10]: i'm going to try to skim off
[05:15]: just so we have a
[05:18]: nicer finished product it will taste
[05:20]: just fine
[05:22]: leave the foam in there but you know
[05:24]: it'll look prettier if you
[05:26]: take the foam out
[05:30]: uh once it's i stirred it a little bit
[05:32]: before it came to a boil but once
[05:34]: it looked like it was starting to boil i
[05:36]: didn't stir it because you'll stir this
[05:37]: stuff back in
[05:39]: i feel like i'm getting a bunch of
[05:43]: pieces out of it while i'm doing this
[05:46]: but oh well
[05:54]: all right i'm gonna stir it a little bit
[05:57]: at this point just to make sure that
[05:58]: it's not sticking
[06:02]: and then it's sort of evenly cooking but
[06:04]: not too
[06:05]: aggressively there we go
[06:09]: and i'm gonna call this a medium simmer
[06:12]: it'll come back up as soon as you know
[06:14]: in just a second um and we're gonna set
[06:16]: a timer for
[06:17]: 30 minutes at which point we're going to
[06:20]: test
[06:21]: to see whether it is the right
[06:24]: consistency
[06:26]: to do that i have a plate a small
[06:30]: plate in the refrigerator because
[06:33]: you put a little bit on a chilled plate
[06:37]: and chill it for about five minutes and
[06:40]: see how it looks
[06:42]: so we're gonna go about 30 minutes
[06:45]: and then we'll be back to test test it
[06:48]: i'm gonna
[06:49]: skim the the foam as often as i can
[06:53]: sort of as i'm thinking about it i'll
[06:54]: come back and see if there's foam to
[06:56]: skin
[06:58]: and that's it we'll be back in about 30
[06:60]: minutes
[07:01]: so it's been about 30 minutes maybe a
[07:03]: little bit more my lighting guy had some
[07:04]: work to do
[07:05]: um i've got my chilled plate from the
[07:08]: refrigerator and i'm going to just
[07:10]: put some on here
[07:13]: and put it in the refrigerator for five
[07:17]: minutes
[07:19]: okay so this is
[07:22]: our stuff and it is pretty runny
[07:26]: i would say that's like heavy cream so
[07:28]: we need to cook it
[07:29]: longer
[07:32]: i'm gonna go for another i don't know
[07:38]: 10 minutes and then we'll check it again
[07:41]: so we're gonna taste this and wash it
[07:45]: off and put it back in the
[07:46]: refrigerator so we can try it again i've
[07:49]: turned this off now because i think this
[07:51]: is done
[07:52]: this is the bit that i did after another
[07:54]: 10 minutes
[07:56]: and it doesn't really run all that much
[08:01]: i'd say that's much slower much more
[08:03]: like a loose honey
[08:05]: so i think we're done and
[08:08]: i'm just gonna let this uh cool in
[08:12]: the pot i'm gonna take it off the heat
[08:14]: and let it cool and then
[08:15]: transfer it into um
[08:19]: i'm gonna take out as much as i need for
[08:21]: this time
[08:22]: but this is a lot more than you need for
[08:24]: this recipe i'm going to transfer some
[08:26]: of it into
[08:27]: freezer containers you can also water
[08:30]: bath
[08:30]: can it uh like a jam or
[08:34]: uh put it in the refrigerator for about
[08:37]: three months but i'm gonna go ahead and
[08:39]: put it in the freezer so it'll last
[08:40]: longer
[08:41]: and uh that's it for this part next
[08:44]: we're going to put it on some chicken
[08:45]: we'll be right back our sauce is already
[08:49]: done
[08:49]: our peach glaze is done and now we're
[08:51]: ready
[08:52]: to uh cook our chicken so the first
[08:55]: thing we do
[08:56]: is we toss it with some
[08:59]: oil and some salt so i've got just some
[09:03]: neutral vegetable oil as usual
[09:08]: i'm gonna measure it as she says to
[09:11]: i'm sure it is not that important
[09:16]: but and then just
[09:19]: some plain kosher salt there's no um
[09:23]: black pepper in this recipe but
[09:28]: there's plenty of jalapeno so i'm just
[09:31]: going to toss this around
[09:32]: get them all sort of coated in oil and
[09:35]: salt
[09:37]: and now if you see
[09:41]: my book over there the
[09:44]: pan in the picture is very blackened
[09:47]: with this sauce
[09:48]: and i don't want my pan to do that so i
[09:52]: have covered
[09:53]: my sheet pan here with
[09:57]: heavy duty aluminum foil this is uh
[10:01]: not something that she says to do in the
[10:05]: recipe
[10:06]: but i decided i didn't want my pan to
[10:08]: look like that so i was going to
[10:10]: do that these are all kind of different
[10:14]: sizes but
[10:15]: oh well you get what you get
[10:19]: i'm gonna try to put these in
[10:22]: um in a way that they are not touching
[10:26]: that they have enough room to sort of
[10:30]: breathe i guess my oven is preheated
[10:35]: uh at 400 degrees and we're gonna put
[10:38]: this
[10:38]: in on the middle rack for
[10:42]: 10 minutes and then we're going to take
[10:44]: it out
[10:45]: and just move it around and the middle
[10:47]: rack for 10 more minutes
[10:49]: i think we're going to skip that whole
[10:51]: moving it around step for video because
[10:54]: i mean just kind of move the chicken
[10:57]: around
[10:58]: on the pan turn it over get another side
[11:02]: i guess that's the
[11:03]: point here but we will see you back
[11:06]: after these have been roasting
[11:07]: for 20 minutes be right back
[11:11]: my chicken has been roasting at 400 for
[11:14]: about
[11:14]: 20 minutes it looks kind of you know
[11:17]: pale
[11:17]: and gross not done yet for sure
[11:21]: but we're going to go ahead and toss
[11:23]: this with
[11:25]: um the sauce the glaze the peach
[11:29]: glaze that we made earlier
[11:33]: and i'm supposed to pour off any fat
[11:36]: from here there's not a whole lot i'll
[11:38]: probably just wipe it off with a paper
[11:40]: towel or something because there's not a
[11:41]: whole lot
[11:42]: i have the measured amount of
[11:45]: sauce and i measured out approximately
[11:49]: this amount and put it in containers in
[11:52]: my refrigerator for right now and then
[11:53]: i'm going to put them in the fridge and
[11:54]: i got
[11:55]: enough for six batches total so
[11:59]: that's not bad um all that was the
[12:02]: most work was making the glaze but you
[12:04]: only have to do that once and then you
[12:06]: can use it six times
[12:07]: you can also um
[12:10]: make this with wings if you'd prefer
[12:15]: i would i would definitely stick with
[12:17]: sort of um
[12:20]: dark meat or wings i mean
[12:23]: if you prefer breasts i'm sure these
[12:26]: would be fine
[12:27]: but um this doesn't seem to be coating
[12:31]: all that well so what i'm gonna do
[12:34]: is i'm gonna wipe this off
[12:38]: i'm gonna put the chicken legs back on
[12:40]: the pan and then i'm gonna pour
[12:41]: the sauce on top so one second so i'm
[12:44]: just gonna rearrange these on the pan
[12:51]: now i'm just going to sort of pour
[12:53]: [Music]
[12:56]: the glaze that was a lot on some of
[12:59]: those
[13:02]: i just want to kind of make sure that
[13:04]: i've got some glaze on all of it
[13:09]: because this is all we're supposed to do
[13:11]: with this
[13:13]: um we're gonna put it back in the oven
[13:16]: for
[13:19]: um
[13:21]: minutes at that point some of it should
[13:23]: be shiny and some of it should be
[13:26]: um sort of charred i don't know if we're
[13:29]: gonna get there in 15 minutes
[13:32]: but we'll see i find that you can cook
[13:36]: legs and thighs um longer
[13:40]: and they are still really tasty um don't
[13:43]: lose don't get really dry like white
[13:46]: meat does chicken
[13:47]: so anyway back in the oven
[13:51]: for 15 minutes and i'll let you know
[13:52]: what it's like after that
[13:56]: so this has been in the oven for another
[13:59]: 15 minutes and it is
[14:00]: not done um it's just still pale
[14:04]: now there's more water on the pan um
[14:07]: from the chicken but
[14:09]: i'm gonna put it back in and i'll let
[14:12]: you know how long it is
[14:13]: until it's done and i'll show you
[14:15]: pictures what it is
[14:17]: okay so i cooked my uh
[14:21]: chicken legs in the oven at 400 for
[14:24]: another
[14:24]: 15 or so minutes and they still weren't
[14:27]: you know getting caramelized and
[14:28]: looking pretty they were done they were
[14:31]: certainly done
[14:32]: but i decided to broil them so i broiled
[14:35]: them
[14:36]: for like three or four minutes just to
[14:39]: get a little bit of this color on them
[14:42]: and that's it now we're done i'm a
[14:45]: little a little more pleased with this
[14:47]: now than i was earlier so
[14:49]: we'll let you know how they taste
[14:59]: on this episode of cooking the books
[15:01]: with heather you watched me make the
[15:03]: jalapeno peach
[15:04]: chicken from deep brown roots um
[15:08]: now it does require a uh
[15:12]: food processor probably get away with
[15:14]: the blender
[15:17]: but that's pretty much a requirement for
[15:21]: this recipe
[15:22]: and the hard part of this recipe is
[15:25]: making the jalapeno peach glaze
[15:30]: so that process took us
[15:33]: over an hour and that was not including
[15:37]: actually peeling and chopping the
[15:40]: peaches
[15:41]: and seeding the
[15:44]: jalapenos and
[15:49]: peeling and roughly chopping the
[15:53]: ginger which all took you know some
[15:56]: amount of time
[15:57]: um i did more peaches than i had to so
[16:01]: it took longer
[16:02]: so it's hard to say exactly how long it
[16:04]: took but that process took a while
[16:06]: but it does make enough for about six
[16:08]: batches
[16:09]: of this recipe so you don't have to do
[16:12]: that every time
[16:13]: um we do think it would be great
[16:16]: on wings so we'll probably do that next
[16:19]: time
[16:20]: a little bit more sauce to meat
[16:23]: ratio would be great i didn't find it
[16:25]: what
[16:26]: eating it by itself i could tell it was
[16:28]: spicy
[16:30]: um eating it on the chicken i
[16:33]: got no spice whatsoever from it my kids
[16:36]: did
[16:36]: so i'd made them a few pieces
[16:39]: without any sauce and they preferred
[16:42]: that
[16:43]: they didn't bulk too much at the
[16:47]: at the stuff that had the sauce on it
[16:50]: but they preferred it without
[16:51]: um so
[16:54]: if you have any spice tolerance
[16:56]: whatsoever
[16:58]: it won't it probably won't be spicy for
[16:60]: you despite the fact there
[17:01]: there's a lot of jalapenos in there i'm
[17:04]: sure if you want to up the spice level
[17:06]: which my husband would prefer
[17:07]: you could add some spicier peppers
[17:10]: to it you know split it or add some of
[17:13]: these seeds
[17:14]: in to the mixture leave the
[17:17]: leave the seeds for maybe half of the
[17:19]: jalapenos
[17:20]: instead of seeding all of them but those
[17:23]: are some options
[17:24]: um but like i said we didn't i didn't
[17:26]: find it spicy at all my husband couldn't
[17:28]: tell that it was at all spicy but it was
[17:29]: it was had a great flavor
[17:31]: i do think i should have um chopped my
[17:34]: ginger
[17:34]: a little bit more i just kind of sliced
[17:36]: it the uh it didn't
[17:38]: get chopped in the blender as much so
[17:41]: there were a few pieces of like whole
[17:43]: ginger in there
[17:44]: so you know learn from my mistakes but
[17:47]: all in all
[17:48]: it was great i i'm looking forward to
[17:50]: having this on some wings
[17:52]: and having it again and i hope that if
[17:55]: you
[17:56]: think this is something you'd like go
[17:58]: ahead and make it yourself and let me
[17:59]: know what you think
[18:01]: uh if you enjoyed watching me make this
[18:03]: please hit the thumbs up
[18:05]: subscribe and come back and watch me
[18:06]: make something else next week