The author and cook, Heather

Grandma Shirl’s Survival Cookies

Deep Run Roots

These cookies are chewy and nutty, full of oats and whole wheat flour without feeling "healthy." But I would not feel bad letting my kids eat them for a quick breakfast. A couple cookies would not be a lot different than a packet of sweetened oatmeal. And they already have the fruit inside!

These do need the refrigerator time before baking, but I did not bother rolling them into balls.I think mine were still pretty soft, so rolling would not have gone well, but a cookie scoop did the job perfectly. Different fig varieties may have more or less water content, and I did use large eggs instead of the medium the recipe calls for (because that's what I always have on hand) so both of those things might have made my dough a little looser.

If you have access to a lot of fresh figs, this might be a good way to use some up. I bet they would freeze nicely, too.

Serving Sizeper cookie; makes 30
Carbohydrates16g (2g fiber, 10g sugar)
