The author and cook, Heather

Elbow Lick Tomato Sandwich

Deep Run Roots

Considering the difficulty of the bread, this is a pretty difficult sandwich. However, if you use some other (not homemade) bread (like the picture in the book shows!), it would be much closer to easy. There are other elements, sure, but making mayo isn't that difficult (even if you add smoked corn to it...and even though mine turned out thin it was still good) and pickled onions only takes time.

Hoarded Corn video (blanching corn):

Sweet Potato Onion Bread video:


[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather
[00:07]: today we are continuing to work out of
[00:09]: deep brown roots vivian howard's
[00:10]: cookbook
[00:11]: and we are going to be making the elbow
[00:13]: lick tomato sandwich
[00:15]: um we really wanted to have this for
[00:17]: lunch today but
[00:19]: my husband didn't realize that these uh
[00:21]: we have some
[00:22]: red onion that needs to pickle for about
[00:24]: two hours so we're gonna have
[00:25]: kind of a late lunch that's okay it's
[00:27]: sunday we had a late breakfast it'll be
[00:29]: fine
[00:30]: so the first thing i need to do for this
[00:33]: recipe is to pickle the onions
[00:34]: as i said and so we're going to start
[00:37]: with
[00:38]: some sugar just
[00:42]: plain white sugar some
[00:45]: warm water that'll help dissolve the
[00:47]: sugar
[00:48]: a little bit better i'm just going to
[00:52]: stir it up in this
[00:53]: plain plastic bowl
[00:59]: and some red wine vinegar this is just
[01:02]: um
[01:03]: normal grocery store brand nothing
[01:06]: special
[01:07]: no banuals vinegar or anything like that
[01:09]: for this recipe not for me anyway i mean
[01:11]: she might
[01:12]: she might use something like that but it
[01:14]: doesn't have to be special
[01:16]: all right so the sugar is all dissolved
[01:20]: i don't feel any uh grain granulation
[01:23]: granulated sugar you kind of feel it
[01:25]: scraping
[01:26]: that's done and now we have to cut this
[01:30]: into one quarter inch rings
[01:33]: so i'm going to start as usual cutting
[01:36]: the top
[01:37]: and the bottom off
[01:41]: and then trying to take off
[01:46]: a layer but not too much
[01:51]: [Music]
[01:53]: um
[01:58]: and
[02:02]: i'm going to take another layer off
[02:04]: because there's that part right there
[02:07]: it's not very nice looking
[02:12]: i don't like cutting things into rings
[02:13]: instead of half circles just because of
[02:15]: this i feel like i
[02:17]: lose a little bit more just because of
[02:18]: one area anyway
[02:23]: this recipe makes like six big
[02:25]: sandwiches we don't need that much so
[02:26]: we're really probably
[02:27]: um we have a little bit smaller of an
[02:29]: onion than we really need for this but
[02:31]: it doesn't matter
[02:32]: it'll pickle the same no matter how much
[02:34]: you put in there as long as you don't
[02:35]: put too much
[02:36]: um so we're going to be making hot not
[02:40]: some of the stuff we can't make a half
[02:41]: recipe but we're kind of making a half
[02:43]: recipe we're only going to make like two
[02:44]: or three sandwiches
[02:45]: because that's all we need but so
[02:48]: quarter inch rings
[02:54]: or the best i can do
[02:59]: at that
[03:04]: cutting these into rings is especially
[03:07]: difficult because
[03:08]: it's round
[03:17]: yep that's not gonna be a ring i hate
[03:19]: this
[03:20]: i hate it
[03:27]: i'm sure it would probably be much
[03:28]: easier on like a mandolin but
[03:31]: whatever
[03:36]: all right that'll have to do and we're
[03:38]: just going to put this
[03:39]: i'm going to break them up as i as i go
[03:42]: a little bit just so that they are
[03:43]: broken up and maybe
[03:45]: pick a little bit better she doesn't say
[03:47]: to do this but you know
[03:49]: i have ideas
[03:54]: we're gonna let these pickle since mine
[03:56]: aren't gonna be entirely
[03:58]: coated with this although it's not gonna
[03:60]: be that bad honestly
[04:01]: a lot better than it looked before um
[04:04]: i'm probably gonna come back and stir
[04:05]: this
[04:06]: once or twice just to make sure they all
[04:08]: get pickled pretty evenly
[04:10]: and we're gonna let this sit for two
[04:11]: hours uh we'll be back a little bit
[04:14]: before that because we have to make
[04:15]: smoked corn mayo which means we have to
[04:18]: smoke the corn
[04:19]: uh blaze corn smoked corn and then make
[04:22]: the mayo so we'll be back for that in
[04:23]: just a little bit
[04:26]: our onions have been pickling for about
[04:28]: an hour and a half at this point
[04:30]: and we have already smoked our corn so
[04:34]: first you blanch it um
[04:37]: just like we did for hoarded corn so i'm
[04:39]: hopefully gonna link that up there
[04:40]: definitely we'll link it down below um
[04:43]: and then you put it on a smoker you can
[04:46]: do it
[04:46]: on a low grill or on a stovetop smoker
[04:49]: we have a pellet
[04:51]: smoker um so that's what we use we put
[04:54]: it on the smoker for
[04:55]: 15 minutes she said you're looking for
[04:58]: it to get kind of honey colored
[04:59]: arkhorn is white so i don't think it's
[05:01]: going to get really honey colored it
[05:02]: wasn't a yellow corn
[05:04]: whatever we smoked it for 15 minutes
[05:07]: like she said
[05:09]: um did it at sort of a medium and she
[05:12]: says to use basically a fruit would
[05:14]: apple cherry or peach we had apple
[05:17]: pellets so that's what we used but now
[05:19]: we're going to
[05:20]: uh cut this off of the cob and put it in
[05:24]: this bowl
[05:25]: for our mayo
[05:47]: this is super messy all the time um i
[05:49]: don't think
[05:53]: yeah she doesn't tell you do this but i
[05:54]: always do this when i cut corn off the
[05:56]: cob i don't know why
[05:57]: i get all the the milk and everything
[05:59]: out that i can with the
[06:01]: back of my knife and then um
[06:05]: add it to it i'm sure it'll be fine in
[06:08]: this recipe
[06:11]: so a little bit of
[06:16]: corn husk that was still in there
[06:19]: that's all right took that out
[06:23]: just keep going with the rest of our
[06:25]: cobs
[06:27]: so i've got all of my corn off of the
[06:30]: cob in this bowl
[06:31]: and i'm just going to clean up a little
[06:32]: bit and bring over my
[06:34]: blender slash food processor for making
[06:37]: the mayo
[06:39]: so now we're ready to actually make the
[06:41]: mayo
[06:42]: um she says to use a blender this is my
[06:44]: blender it has this food processor
[06:46]: attachment it's a little
[06:48]: less deep and i decided i was going to
[06:50]: do it in this instead
[06:52]: normally i like to make mayo in the jar
[06:54]: with my immersion blender but i didn't
[06:56]: think that would work very well
[06:58]: with the corn that we're pureeing in it
[07:01]: we're only putting
[07:02]: half in here to puree
[07:05]: i assume the other half just gets mixed
[07:07]: in later
[07:09]: i haven't really read
[07:13]: but anyway
[07:21]: so we add this
[07:25]: we need some egg yolks so i'm just gonna
[07:30]: separate them using the shell as i
[07:32]: always do
[07:33]: and hope that it all works out yeah
[07:37]: that's gonna be fine
[07:42]: oh this one
[07:46]: okay
[07:49]: egg yolks are in i'm gonna get the egg
[07:52]: yolk off my hands
[07:54]: okay so we're also gonna add some fresh
[07:57]: squeezed
[07:57]: lemon juice
[08:01]: we're gonna add um this
[08:05]: is one clove of garlic
[08:09]: that i've already mixed it was a very
[08:12]: large clove of garlic
[08:17]: even though it's going in here
[08:18]: pre-minced and that's going in the
[08:20]: blender
[08:21]: um we're gonna add some honey
[08:26]: love love love this thing for measuring
[08:30]: ingredients like honey and also dijon
[08:33]: mustard which is what i'm going to
[08:34]: measure now
[08:37]: and i think it's the same
[08:41]: oh i put too much honey in there
[08:45]: i put like three times as much honey in
[08:47]: there
[08:49]: it's gonna be sweet oh well
[08:53]: too late now
[08:59]: my uh
[09:02]: wait oh yeah yeah
[09:06]: got my teaspoons and tablespoons mixed
[09:08]: up i thought that was a bit much
[09:15]: that's about right so if it's too sweet
[09:19]: my fault
[09:25]: not stopping now um
[09:35]: salt
[09:41]: add a little bit more later if it's way
[09:43]: too sweet
[09:44]: this is supposed to be cayenne uh i have
[09:47]: this
[09:47]: red pepper ground red pepper that i
[09:51]: have i don't think i had any actual
[09:53]: cayenne in there but i think it's pretty
[09:54]: much the same heat level
[09:56]: as cayenne it's fine um
[09:59]: and we're going to blend this until it's
[10:02]: smooth
[10:04]: so i'm sorry oops sorry but it's going
[10:06]: to be loud
[10:12]: gotta get this just right there we go
[10:20]: all right now we're going to slowly
[10:22]: stream in
[10:23]: this is grapeseed oil she says grapeseed
[10:26]: oil or i think sunflower
[10:27]: oil yeah or sunflower oil that's what
[10:29]: she calls for any sort of neutral
[10:31]: vegetable oil would be fine oh that is
[10:34]: the
[10:35]: little hole and it's got a little hole
[10:36]: that i can pour this in
[10:38]: while it is going you turn it on blend
[10:41]: and then you slowly drizzle in the oil
[10:44]: and that will emulsify it and make
[10:46]: the mayonnaise this does have a tiny
[10:49]: little
[10:50]: hole underneath this that i'm going to
[10:52]: be pouring the oil in
[10:54]: and hopefully not missing it too much
[10:59]: okay that should be mayo at this point
[11:03]: looks pretty thin in my opinion
[11:08]: um it's not i mean it's emulsified but
[11:10]: it's a very
[11:11]: thin mayo which
[11:16]: kind of makes me worry
[11:19]: i'm gonna blend it a little bit longer
[11:21]: just to see if that helps it thicken up
[11:24]: but if not i might put it in a jar and
[11:27]: try my immersion blender
[11:28]: maybe
[11:32]: all right i don't think that's gonna get
[11:35]: any more emulsified
[11:40]: it is pretty sweet again my bad
[11:44]: i'm going to add a tiny bit more salt
[11:50]: to balance out the sweetness a little
[11:55]: bit
[11:57]: i think that's what we're gonna end up
[12:00]: with as mayo i've never had mayo
[12:03]: be this loose that i've made before
[12:06]: um i'm gonna put it in a jar and try my
[12:09]: immersion blender to see if it helps but
[12:11]: i think there's just
[12:13]: too much liquid from the corn and the
[12:17]: lemon juice maybe for the amount of oil
[12:20]: and eggs
[12:21]: that's my
[12:25]: uh consideration although this is also
[12:27]: called elbow lick
[12:28]: tomato sandwich and is very very runny
[12:32]: so maybe that's part it partly because
[12:33]: the mayo is very runny
[12:36]: i'm gonna see what i can do my mayo my
[12:39]: mayo feels like a failure
[12:40]: it never got thicker i did stir the rest
[12:43]: of the corn into it put it in the
[12:45]: refrigerator it'll be what it'll be
[12:47]: it tastes pretty good it is a tad sweet
[12:51]: whatever it is what it is at this point
[12:53]: um
[12:55]: this is the bread we're gonna use it is
[12:58]: the sweet potato onion bread that we
[12:60]: made previously hopefully i'll put a
[13:02]: little
[13:03]: uh tag up here and i'll definitely link
[13:06]: it down below if you want to take a look
[13:07]: at that recipe
[13:09]: this was a bear to make it took a really
[13:11]: long time
[13:12]: but it made two loaves so what we did
[13:14]: was wrap this in plastic and aluminum
[13:16]: foil put it in the freezer
[13:18]: and i just uh re-baked it for about 15
[13:21]: minutes
[13:21]: um earlier so that it would it's not
[13:25]: it's warm but not super hot now but so
[13:26]: that we could go ahead and use it for
[13:28]: this and as i said
[13:30]: we are going to do half the half of
[13:33]: the recipe so we're just gonna cut this
[13:35]: in half
[13:38]: before we slice it the other way because
[13:41]: we're not gonna
[13:41]: we're not gonna use this half we're
[13:43]: gonna use this half and she says to
[13:46]: slice it along the equator so this way
[13:49]: i'm not going to do this
[13:50]: up like this because i don't want to
[13:52]: hurt myself um i'm gonna try it like
[13:54]: this
[13:55]: now look i'm gonna have to show you guys
[14:01]: this
[14:05]: this is not this bread or at least if it
[14:07]: is this bread it is not cooked that way
[14:10]: um because this looks like you have nice
[14:13]: bread and nice regular bread and slice
[14:15]: it maybe a thick
[14:17]: hearty crusty bread
[14:21]: that's not what this is going to look
[14:22]: like so
[14:29]: deceptive
[14:31]: when i showed my husband that picture he
[14:33]: was like that's that's not what this
[14:35]: that's not this bread that's not what
[14:36]: this looks like i know
[14:38]: i know but
[14:43]: this is what the recipe says to do
[14:46]: and that's what we are going to do okay
[14:48]: that worked out okay
[14:50]: and now we turn this cut side up
[14:53]: and we're going to put it in the oven at
[14:55]: 350 and toast it she does not
[14:58]: it doesn't say how long i do like that
[15:00]: bread it is very
[15:03]: moist on the inside it was a very sticky
[15:05]: dough
[15:06]: anyway we're going to toast it and while
[15:09]: we're toasting it
[15:10]: we're going to get all of the other
[15:12]: things ready so
[15:14]: so i don't have the cherokee purple
[15:17]: tomatoes
[15:18]: that she suggests for this recipe but i
[15:21]: do have some tomatoes we got from the
[15:22]: farm down the street
[15:24]: um so that's what we're gonna use
[15:27]: and we're gonna cut them into one
[15:29]: quarter inch
[15:30]: slices as best i can
[15:34]: i'm using the bread knife because
[15:37]: that is the easiest thing to use to cut
[15:41]: tomatoes a serrated knife like
[15:45]: you would want to use bread
[15:50]: this is not normally how i would cut my
[15:53]: tomatoes for a sandwich but maybe it
[15:54]: will work out better i don't know it
[15:56]: doesn't say to cut the core
[15:57]: out but i will probably cut that part
[16:01]: out
[16:02]: you know before i use it now like i said
[16:04]: we're doing half the recipe
[16:06]: so this is about half of the tomatoes
[16:12]: that it calls for so
[16:15]: so if you're looking at the book and
[16:16]: trying to one wondering why i'm only
[16:17]: doing this many photos
[16:19]: well now you know okay and the only
[16:22]: other thing we have to do
[16:23]: while we wait for the bread to toast i
[16:26]: don't know how long that's gonna take
[16:27]: i'm just gonna
[16:27]: keep an eye on it is to drain
[16:31]: the um the onions so that's what i'm
[16:34]: gonna do now
[16:36]: so these are pickled onions they've been
[16:38]: sitting in here for about
[16:40]: two hours as she suggests
[16:45]: they don't look much different but they
[16:48]: do um
[16:50]: taste a tasted one and it's not as sharp
[16:52]: as a raw onion usually is
[16:54]: and it's got but it does have the
[16:56]: vinegar flavor
[16:58]: so we're just gonna drain these for now
[17:00]: and anything we don't use i will
[17:02]: probably put back
[17:03]: into the pickling liquid and leave in
[17:06]: the refrigerator
[17:09]: for use in something else our bread was
[17:11]: in the oven for
[17:13]: a good amount of time before it started
[17:15]: feeling toasty but it's pretty toasty at
[17:16]: this point
[17:17]: so i'm happy with that and now we're
[17:19]: going to just assemble our sandwich
[17:21]: so we start with slathering mayo
[17:25]: on both the top and the bottom it's
[17:28]: still
[17:28]: very loose but that's all right
[17:32]: it is what it is at this point i don't
[17:34]: care
[17:36]: um and maybe this is what it's supposed
[17:39]: to be like it's hard to say
[17:42]: we're gonna put some on both the top and
[17:44]: the bottom
[17:46]: trying to figure out what else i could
[17:48]: use this for so you know if you have any
[17:49]: ideas let me know
[17:51]: in the comments down below it only lasts
[17:53]: about five days
[17:54]: so but if i make it again i'd really
[17:58]: love to have another
[18:00]: use for this i'm trying to figure it out
[18:04]: and i just don't know so that's quite a
[18:06]: bit of mayo so i'm going to
[18:08]: leave it there and now we start layering
[18:11]: the tomatoes and we just i've cut out
[18:15]: some of the
[18:16]: um core pieces and we just do a layer
[18:22]: um she doesn't say to overlap them
[18:25]: so i'm not going to at this point and
[18:27]: you do like three
[18:28]: layers of tomatoes so i'm just gonna try
[18:31]: to
[18:32]: make the pieces i have fit here
[18:35]: as well as possible
[18:41]: and then because i
[18:44]: because i use my fingers for my salt uh
[18:47]: we just sort of
[18:48]: salt and pepper this is the key to
[18:51]: making a good
[18:52]: tomato sandwich blt whatever you really
[18:56]: need to season your tomatoes when you
[18:57]: put them
[18:58]: on your sandwich otherwise not nearly as
[19:01]: good
[19:02]: um and then we're gonna layer it again
[19:05]: oh forgot one of these pieces
[19:08]: i'm just cutting out the core piece
[19:10]: because i don't want to eat it
[19:14]: making sure if there are any areas that
[19:18]: weren't covered so well the last time we
[19:21]: cover them that's pretty good
[19:25]: salt and pepper
[19:31]: this is three layers this is definitely
[19:34]: going to be
[19:35]: a messy sandwich and
[19:38]: last layer of tomatoes
[19:58]: got a couple of sort of end pieces that
[20:01]: i'm gonna
[20:03]: that's just a piece of bread i'm gonna
[20:05]: put there
[20:07]: and there we go we used almost all of
[20:08]: our tomatoes so it seems like the recipe
[20:10]: is about
[20:11]: right with the number of tomatoes that
[20:14]: you need
[20:15]: because we used half the tomatoes for
[20:17]: half the sandwich
[20:19]: and then we do salt pepper again
[20:23]: and now we layer our
[20:27]: pickled onions on top of this
[20:32]: and i'm sure basically however many you
[20:35]: want is fine
[20:37]: um
[20:43]: i like onions
[20:47]: one of my kids likes onions and the
[20:49]: other one not so much
[20:57]: all right this is a huge
[21:01]: sandwich all right we still have some
[21:03]: onions
[21:04]: left over like i said i'm just going to
[21:06]: put them
[21:07]: i managed somehow to hurt my finger
[21:10]: and you can tell when you've been
[21:12]: dealing with the acidic ingredients and
[21:14]: the
[21:14]: salt here that's awesome anyway so now
[21:17]: we put
[21:19]: the top on the sandwich
[21:23]: and we're going to cut this into pieces
[21:39]: i think i'm gonna do about four pieces
[21:41]: for this four wedges
[21:47]: [Applause]
[21:48]: and it is going to fall apart
[21:52]: because it is a super messy
[21:55]: sandwich that's all right
[22:08]: it's falling apart
[22:17]: getting through the crusty bottoms is
[22:19]: the hard part
[22:20]: this kind of bread there we go
[22:24]: all right we have this super messy elbow
[22:26]: lick
[22:27]: because the juices are going to run down
[22:29]: your elbow tomato sandwich
[22:32]: now i do have to say we have some extra
[22:35]: bacon back there from brunch and we are
[22:37]: probably we're going to try it as is
[22:39]: but we're probably gonna add bacon
[22:40]: because that's just what we do
[22:44]: anyway we'll let you know how it turned
[22:53]: out
[22:56]: on this episode of cooking the books
[22:57]: with heather you watched me
[22:59]: make the elbow lick tomato sandwich out
[23:01]: of deep run roots
[23:03]: now um it was
[23:06]: the messiest sandwich i think i have
[23:08]: ever eaten
[23:10]: um as far as this particular recipe
[23:14]: it was not super hard
[23:18]: making mayo
[23:21]: isn't really that hard but it has the um
[23:24]: the smoked corn in it so there's
[23:26]: sort of an extra thing that you need to
[23:28]: be able to do smoke your corn
[23:30]: um and not everybody can do that or or
[23:34]: has the means to do that at their house
[23:36]: you can probably get away with just
[23:38]: grilling it the smoky flavor was not
[23:40]: super um forward to me
[23:43]: so i'm sure it would be fine if you just
[23:47]: basically made this sandwich with the
[23:48]: tomatoes and regular mayo
[23:50]: and maybe some corn in your mayo and
[23:55]: it would be delicious um we really did
[23:59]: enjoy the sandwich
[24:00]: oh also the bread if it weren't for the
[24:04]: particular bread
[24:05]: that she calls for this would be a
[24:08]: relatively easy
[24:10]: um recipe
[24:14]: but the bread itself i would call hard
[24:18]: very confusing very even for a bread
[24:21]: maker
[24:21]: it's not a normal bread dough and the
[24:24]: whole process takes a really long time
[24:27]: so that notwithstanding if you used
[24:31]: another bread any sort of very thick
[24:34]: hearty crusty type bread you could cut
[24:37]: it in slices
[24:38]: i think it would probably be a little
[24:40]: bit better as an actual sandwich sliced
[24:42]: bread
[24:43]: although it was fine honestly it was
[24:45]: fine the way we did it it just
[24:46]: fell apart very very well
[24:50]: or very a lot it fell apart a lot
[24:54]: sometimes before we could even really
[24:56]: get it
[24:57]: to your mouth things were falling off of
[24:59]: it because of the three layers of
[25:01]: tomatoes
[25:02]: i think you could probably in this
[25:04]: picture she sort of
[25:07]: instead of layering the tomatoes the way
[25:09]: she tells you to do it and
[25:11]: the fact that the bread is different um
[25:14]: it seems like
[25:15]: they are sort of stacked this way
[25:18]: sort of like slanted and stacked on top
[25:21]: of each other
[25:22]: i think that might make them stay
[25:23]: together a little bit better um
[25:25]: but i think that would also be hard to
[25:28]: describe
[25:30]: in the book so to be able to keep it
[25:33]: together that might be a good plan
[25:35]: um but all in all it was a
[25:38]: it was really good it didn't need the
[25:40]: bacon honestly
[25:41]: my kids didn't even ask for the bacon um
[25:45]: they didn't like the bread to begin with
[25:47]: really
[25:49]: but my daughter ate the whole sandwich
[25:52]: um
[25:52]: didn't ask for any bacon we offered my
[25:56]: son
[25:56]: ate all of the insides including just
[25:59]: eating the pickled onions by themselves
[26:02]: um but he does tend to take his
[26:05]: sandwiches apart and eat them that way
[26:07]: because you know he's sick
[26:08]: and that's what kids do sometimes um
[26:11]: so he ate all of the insides of the
[26:13]: sandwich but didn't eat much of the
[26:15]: bread
[26:16]: so you know um maybe family friendly
[26:20]: um we could do this in ways that would
[26:23]: make it easier but with making the bread
[26:25]: and smoking the corn i would say it's a
[26:27]: little harder
[26:28]: recipe for a home cook
[26:32]: but it's it is it is a good take on the
[26:34]: southern
[26:36]: tomato sandwich which is usually
[26:40]: white bread slices of tomato with salt
[26:43]: and pepper
[26:43]: and mayo and that's it which is also
[26:46]: absolutely delicious
[26:47]: but this is sort of a little bit upscale
[26:50]: anyway
[26:51]: we really enjoyed it i hope you enjoyed
[26:53]: watching me make it
[26:55]: and if you did please give me a thumbs
[26:56]: up hit subscribe
[26:58]: come back and watch me make something
[27:05]: else