The author and cook, Heather

Duck, Date, and Rutabaga Potpie with a Duck-Fat Biscuit Crust

Deep Run Roots

My family loves pot pie, but we'd never tried a duck pot pie before I made this recipe. When I decided to make this, it was almost impossible to find chicken in the grocery stores, but I was still able to find duck leg quarters. And this recipe is FULL of duck flavor. I think my favorite part was the duck-fat biscuit crust!

It's quite a bit of work, but less than the short rib pot pie we made previously. I made a rookie mistake and didn't notice some of the "chill for 30 minutes" kind of steps, so we ate a bit later than I planned the day I made this, but not as late as with the other pot pie recipe.

You can find the full recipe here:

Serving Size1/6 recipe
Carbohydrates36g (4g fiber, 7g sugar)


[00:00]: [Music]
[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather today we have a very
[00:08]: unusual thing in north carolina we have
[00:10]: a snow day
[00:12]: sadly it's a weekend but the kids did
[00:13]: out yesterday too anyway
[00:16]: and so i wanted to make some comfort
[00:18]: food
[00:19]: and
[00:20]: one thing you can find in the grocery
[00:22]: store if they carry it
[00:24]: when it is a
[00:26]: pandemic
[00:27]: snow day in north carolina is
[00:31]: duck
[00:32]: there was no chicken in my grocery store
[00:34]: at one point this past week
[00:36]: but we did find duck so
[00:38]: we are making
[00:40]: i'm gonna have to look at this
[00:42]: duck
[00:43]: date and rutabaga pot pie with a
[00:47]: duck fat biscuit crust so
[00:51]: we were able to find the ingredients
[00:52]: that we needed for this at the grocery
[00:54]: store thankfully
[00:57]: i i i can't find duck legs duck leg
[01:00]: quarters which this is what this recipe
[01:03]: calls for um
[01:05]: at my regular grocery store but it's
[01:07]: been very very helpful for me that we
[01:09]: have a wegmans in
[01:11]: in my city now and it's very convenient
[01:13]: for me
[01:15]: and i was able to find both the duck and
[01:17]: the duck fat there so i'm very happy
[01:20]: about that so i can make this for you my
[01:22]: kids love pot pies i'm hoping they like
[01:24]: this one
[01:26]: first thing we're gonna do is
[01:28]: brown our duck legs i've got
[01:32]: my dutch oven
[01:33]: over
[01:34]: medium low heat because we're gonna do
[01:36]: this for quite a bit of time this is
[01:38]: probably gonna take me like
[01:40]: 30 minutes to brown all of these um
[01:44]: yeah
[01:45]: uh
[01:46]: because we want to do it low
[01:48]: and slow but get them pretty brown
[01:50]: because we want to render as much fat as
[01:53]: possible um so
[01:56]: i've already salted and peppered them on
[01:58]: both sides and we're going to put these
[02:01]: in
[02:03]: here i'm going to only going to be able
[02:05]: to do like two at a time so i do like
[02:07]: sort of larger one
[02:09]: and the small one
[02:12]: and i've got a little bit of neutral
[02:14]: vegetable oil in there as well so
[02:17]: we're going to let that go
[02:18]: for like 7 to 10 minutes she says but
[02:21]: we're looking for a good
[02:23]: brown crust on the skin side first
[02:29]: so i'll
[02:31]: be back in seven to ten minutes and show
[02:34]: you what it looks like when that's all
[02:35]: done
[02:36]: so my duck legs have been
[02:39]: browning for
[02:41]: pretty sure more than 10 minutes
[02:43]: they're not
[02:45]: as brown as i would like them i did turn
[02:47]: it up a little bit um
[02:51]: when i was
[02:52]: getting impatient as i do
[02:55]: it's a little brown the skin is starting
[02:57]: to shrink i'm gonna call that good for
[02:59]: these ones and turn them over
[03:02]: we're gonna brown them the same way on
[03:05]: this other side
[03:07]: and then i'm going to do
[03:08]: the rest now
[03:11]: my the number of duck leg quarters that
[03:14]: i have is slightly more than what she
[03:17]: calls for
[03:19]: honestly
[03:20]: uh the weight is about the is at the
[03:23]: upper end of the scale of what she says
[03:26]: they should weigh anyway i didn't want
[03:28]: to figure out what to do with one extra
[03:31]: little
[03:32]: duck legs so i'm just using them all
[03:34]: here
[03:35]: it's gonna be probably a little more
[03:38]: than she calls for but it'll be fine
[03:41]: anyway we're gonna continue browning
[03:44]: and we'll be back when these are all
[03:47]: done browning um when i'm done i'm just
[03:49]: going to put them back on this plate
[03:52]: because they're not fully cooked it
[03:54]: doesn't matter
[03:55]: um they're going to go back in
[03:58]: so i'm not going to worry about sort of
[03:60]: putting the raw stuff
[04:02]: back on the outside because they are
[04:04]: going to cook
[04:05]: way more after i take them back off
[04:08]: so
[04:09]: we'll see you
[04:11]: when all of this is done browning
[04:14]: it took
[04:15]: at least 30 minutes to brown both
[04:17]: batches of my duck legs if you're only
[04:20]: using three and the bottom of your pan
[04:22]: was a little bit bigger
[04:23]: you might get away with one batch but
[04:27]: didn't want to crowd them obviously so
[04:29]: um now i have to pour out all but about
[04:32]: a tablespoon
[04:34]: of the accumulated duck fat in here ah
[04:37]: that's warm
[04:39]: so i've got a heat-proof little ramekin
[04:41]: that i'm going to pour this into
[04:44]: so now we're going to add a bunch of our
[04:46]: vegetables but not quite all of them so
[04:48]: i have diced
[04:50]: onion
[04:51]: quite a bit of onion
[04:53]: carrot
[04:54]: and celery and then i have
[04:57]: some garlic cloves that i've just
[04:59]: smashed so these all go in here
[05:04]: and we're going to season these two
[05:20]: all right
[05:21]: salt and pepper on those and we're going
[05:22]: to turn the heat up to medium not medium
[05:26]: high just medium
[05:28]: and we're going to cook these and we
[05:29]: want them to get a little bit brown she
[05:31]: says about 15 minutes
[05:33]: but if they're not browning she says you
[05:35]: can turn the heat up so
[05:36]: we'll see impatient me if i end up doing
[05:39]: that or not
[05:40]: so about 15 minutes we'll just kind of
[05:43]: keep
[05:44]: tossing these around a little bit and uh
[05:48]: occasionally and hoping that they brown
[05:51]: like they're supposed to my uh
[05:54]: vegetables been cooking about 15 minutes
[05:57]: i did turn it up a little bit because it
[05:58]: took a while to get going but they've
[05:60]: got a little bit of brownness on them
[06:03]: and i think we're ready for the next
[06:05]: step
[06:06]: which is to add
[06:11]: some red wine
[06:13]: she doesn't ask for a particular variety
[06:16]: i've just got
[06:19]: um
[06:21]: some relatively inexpensive but not
[06:23]: cooking wine drinking wine
[06:26]: um right there and we're gonna bring it
[06:27]: up to a boil
[06:29]: so we're gonna bring this up to a boil
[06:30]: i'm gonna turn it back up i just didn't
[06:32]: want it to get too
[06:35]: burnt while i was waiting to film again
[06:38]: so i'm gonna turn this back up
[06:40]: so we're bringing it to a boil and then
[06:42]: we're gonna cook that for two to three
[06:44]: minutes
[06:45]: probably get some of the alcohol flavor
[06:47]: out that's
[06:48]: pretty common when you add
[06:51]: wine to a dish
[06:55]: so we're just waiting for a boil
[06:57]: i'm going to call this a boil
[06:59]: two or three minutes from now
[07:01]: we'll continue
[07:03]: so it's been boiling for about three
[07:04]: minutes and now we're going to add some
[07:06]: chicken stock
[07:07]: honestly i found some in my freezer this
[07:09]: is not quite enough
[07:11]: but i'll add some water if i need to at
[07:14]: the next step so we're adding this
[07:16]: chicken stock
[07:18]: i don't remember where it's from when i
[07:19]: made it but
[07:21]: that's why i stock my freezer with it
[07:23]: when i have leftovers
[07:25]: so there's chicken stock and we're gonna
[07:27]: add um
[07:31]: are rutabagas this is quite a bit of
[07:34]: rutabagas and they are in in one inch
[07:37]: cubes approximately they're not all
[07:40]: quite the same because you know round
[07:41]: vegetables
[07:42]: um
[07:44]: and now we add
[07:47]: uh
[07:48]: some herbs
[07:50]: so we have some rosemary here
[07:53]: we have some thyme here we'll pull those
[07:55]: out later
[07:56]: um and this is an interesting ingredient
[07:59]: it's in the the title so you know should
[08:01]: be expecting it but these are
[08:03]: dates they are dried dates
[08:06]: i buy them pre-pitted but they don't
[08:08]: always come pre-pitted um but she says
[08:10]: never buy them pre-chopped
[08:15]: but i have cut them into eights as the
[08:18]: recipe
[08:19]: required they're very sticky
[08:22]: um
[08:23]: very sweet so we're add a little bit of
[08:24]: sweetness there
[08:29]: then we have
[08:31]: a couple bay leaves that's very common
[08:34]: and then we have some star anise
[08:37]: see there
[08:38]: they smell very licoricey i've been
[08:40]: smelling those since i took them out
[08:44]: and
[08:45]: i have a little bit of
[08:47]: fresh nutmeg
[08:48]: i'm just gonna i'm not gonna measure
[08:50]: this because i never do
[08:53]: but it's not much so
[08:57]: that should be good
[08:59]: we're gonna stir this up
[09:04]: just to sort of
[09:06]: get those herbs down into the
[09:09]: water
[09:10]: or stock and
[09:12]: um
[09:14]: wine mixture
[09:16]: just to make up for the
[09:18]: chicken stock
[09:20]: that was a little bit light on
[09:24]: all right
[09:26]: so there's this
[09:28]: all the stuff except for the duck
[09:31]: and
[09:32]: i'm going to just sort of set the duck
[09:34]: on top they are not supposed to be
[09:37]: submerged
[09:40]: supposed to only be about a quarter of
[09:42]: the way up
[09:44]: so
[09:47]: um
[09:51]: that seems
[09:53]: right to me i guess
[10:01]: and
[10:02]: try to fit that one in to the center
[10:05]: there
[10:11]: there we go
[10:12]: and any accumulated
[10:15]: juices
[10:17]: goes in there as well
[10:19]: so we're going to bring this up to a
[10:20]: simmer at this point
[10:26]: that looks about right to me so that's
[10:28]: good i don't need any more
[10:29]: liquid
[10:33]: looks like it'll be coming up to a
[10:34]: simmer pretty quickly because my chicken
[10:36]: stock was pretty warm and
[10:39]: everything was boiling so that's good
[10:40]: added i added a little bit of water to
[10:43]: make up for the chicken stock
[10:45]: if you don't have enough
[10:47]: liquid in here if it won't you know sort
[10:49]: of they won't sit in the liquid a little
[10:51]: bit
[10:52]: you can add some water here if you need
[10:55]: to but they
[10:57]: should not be completely submerged
[11:00]: this is boiling as well as i think we
[11:03]: can expect right now i'm going to turn
[11:05]: the heat down to medium low we want it
[11:08]: to be at a brisk simmer and we're going
[11:09]: to cover it
[11:11]: so we're going to cook this at a brisk
[11:13]: simmer for one hour
[11:15]: so we'll be back in about an hour
[11:18]: to continue
[11:19]: okay so this boiled well
[11:22]: brisk simmered
[11:24]: went a little above that i think with
[11:25]: the lid on
[11:27]: for an hour and then i took the lid off
[11:30]: and cooked it for another 10 minutes
[11:32]: and then
[11:34]: the whole thing came off of the heat
[11:36]: and we let it sit for another 20 minutes
[11:39]: so now it's not super hot but it's still
[11:42]: pretty warm but we're gonna take our
[11:45]: duck pieces out
[11:49]: of the
[11:50]: uh stock mixture stuff that we made and
[11:54]: i'm trying not to there we go
[11:57]: um
[11:58]: trying not to get the pieces of herbs
[12:01]: and stuff
[12:02]: uh
[12:03]: so these look very well cooked we're
[12:06]: gonna let these cool and then we're
[12:08]: gonna pull them
[12:09]: off of the bone and get rid of all of
[12:11]: the the bits of things that we don't
[12:13]: want to eat
[12:15]: um with our pot pie
[12:18]: when it's cool but we're going to do
[12:21]: some other stuff first
[12:23]: so that will cool back there
[12:28]: and now
[12:30]: i have my usual sort of straining setup
[12:33]: here
[12:34]: and
[12:36]: i'm going to as i usually do sort of put
[12:39]: them really close together
[12:42]: and
[12:43]: anything that i don't want to keep
[12:45]: is going to go in
[12:48]: this bowl to discard we're going to
[12:50]: discard all of our herbs keep that there
[12:53]: because that is not all of them
[12:55]: and then i have a bowl here to put the
[12:58]: vegetables we're going to keep these
[12:59]: vegetables and they are going to go into
[13:01]: the pot pie so
[13:03]: and we're going to reserve
[13:04]: the liquid also for the pot pie
[13:09]: so
[13:09]: there we go
[13:10]: grab that
[13:15]: [Music]
[13:24]: so
[13:26]: this is not quite full but you can see
[13:29]: there's still a lot of fat left from the
[13:31]: duck on top of here i'm going to use my
[13:34]: um
[13:36]: strainer here
[13:39]: you can put the
[13:40]: i don't really care about this part i've
[13:42]: already strained out most of the solids
[13:43]: but you put the liquid in here and the
[13:45]: fat rises to the top and then you can
[13:47]: pour out the
[13:49]: stock from underneath take the stopper
[13:52]: out when you're going to pour of course
[13:53]: uh and that lets you keep the fat in
[13:56]: here um it makes it easier you don't
[13:58]: have to like de-fat the broth by putting
[14:00]: it in the refrigerator we can go ahead
[14:02]: and get our dinner done with so
[14:06]: [Music]
[14:10]: this is a lot of
[14:12]: vegetables here
[14:13]: [Music]
[14:15]: even after it's all cooked down and
[14:22]: it's supposed to all fit in
[14:25]: a 10 inch skillet
[14:28]: cast iron skillet which is what that is
[14:31]: um
[14:33]: with all of the gravy
[14:35]: i'm gonna try it
[14:36]: we'll see i can always leave out some of
[14:38]: the vegetables if i have to
[14:40]: um
[14:43]: but
[14:45]: there we go
[14:47]: i'm going to go ahead i've got stuff on
[14:49]: me of course
[14:51]: i'm going to go ahead and get rid of all
[14:53]: the stuff i don't need anymore
[14:54]: this has had long enough
[14:57]: to sort of have most of the fat rise to
[14:60]: the top so i'm going to measure out
[15:02]: the amount of
[15:04]: broth
[15:06]: braising liquid
[15:10]: okay
[15:11]: so i'm going to go ahead and measure
[15:13]: that out into
[15:16]: here
[15:18]: you don't need all of it
[15:21]: i don't think
[15:25]: maybe
[15:27]: more than i thought
[15:33]: there you go you see how we kept most of
[15:35]: that in there so there we go with that
[15:40]: we have our braising liquid we have our
[15:42]: vegetables
[15:43]: and now
[15:46]: i'm just cleaning that off a little bit
[15:47]: so while this continues to cool for a
[15:50]: little bit i'm going to go ahead and
[15:53]: first i'm going to heat up my oven
[15:56]: 375 degrees
[15:59]: that's going to be going be ready for us
[16:01]: whenever we're ready
[16:04]: some butter in our cast iron skillet
[16:07]: medium heat
[16:11]: until it's foaming
[16:13]: i'm gonna need
[16:16]: a whisk
[16:17]: okay so i've got my
[16:19]: butter melted it's foaming
[16:23]: now we're going to call that done and
[16:25]: i'm going to add a little bit of flour
[16:27]: equal amounts flour and butter here
[16:30]: basically making a gravy
[16:31]: [Music]
[16:35]: i'm going to let the flour cook for a
[16:37]: couple minutes just to get that um raw
[16:40]: flour taste out it's been a couple
[16:42]: minutes
[16:43]: and now
[16:44]: we whisk in the reserved braising liquid
[16:47]: and bring it to a boil
[16:54]: we're going to bring this to a boil and
[16:55]: it's going to thicken
[16:57]: like gravy
[16:59]: i
[16:60]: am going to keep dealing with my
[17:03]: duck meat here
[17:05]: it's kind of up to a boil i'm gonna turn
[17:07]: it down a little bit and just let it
[17:09]: simmer until it is
[17:11]: thickened up like i like
[17:13]: while i deal with the duck
[17:16]: this is still seems a little thin to me
[17:20]: but it does coat the back of a spoon
[17:22]: i like my gravy a little bit thick but
[17:26]: this is also sort of the last chance you
[17:28]: get to season this she doesn't say to
[17:31]: add any more salt here but
[17:34]: it's a good idea to taste it
[17:44]: it's pretty good i think i'm gonna i
[17:45]: think i'm gonna leave that
[17:48]: a little more salt wouldn't wouldn't be
[17:50]: a bad thing but i don't want to over
[17:51]: salt it so we're gonna leave that i
[17:53]: think this is probably as
[17:56]: thick as it's supposed to be even though
[17:59]: i'm kinda concerned that it's too thin
[18:02]: it definitely does coat the back of a
[18:04]: spoon
[18:06]: so we're gonna go with it
[18:07]: now i'm gonna put in all of the
[18:10]: duck first quite a bit of meat
[18:13]: because i really don't think i'm going
[18:14]: to be able to fit all of
[18:18]: these vegetables in
[18:21]: i'm also going to turn this
[18:23]: down a bit
[18:24]: um
[18:28]: so
[18:29]: i'm just going to kind of
[18:32]: dump vegetables in and see where we get
[18:35]: to and try not to put much liquid
[18:37]: because i don't really want it to get
[18:38]: any thinner
[18:43]: but i suspect we do want this to be sort
[18:46]: of
[18:47]: full full full because we're going to
[18:48]: put a biscuit top on on it
[18:51]: um
[18:55]: so and we are going to cook it on a
[18:58]: baking sheet she already she says to do
[19:01]: that so
[19:02]: but i would have done it anyway
[19:10]: that's it i'm going to just keep this
[19:12]: warm here and
[19:15]: try not to overflow my pan
[19:18]: because we want this to be warm when we
[19:20]: put the top on it
[19:22]: otherwise it won't um
[19:26]: be warm all the way through when we
[19:29]: when we take it out of the oven because
[19:30]: it'll take it longer to warm all the way
[19:32]: through so you don't want to put this in
[19:33]: the refrigerator
[19:35]: and then put the top on and put it
[19:36]: directly in the oven because then the
[19:38]: top will cook and anyway we're just
[19:40]: going to keep it warm here on the stove
[19:43]: while we go
[19:44]: and make the um the topping the
[19:48]: duck fat biscuit crust so we'll see it
[19:51]: back over there
[19:52]: so our pot pie is basically finished
[19:55]: i've got it on the stove keeping warm
[19:57]: and we're ready to make the crust
[19:60]: should have made this
[20:02]: while we were doing it before we did all
[20:03]: that other stuff but
[20:05]: i missed the crucial this must chill for
[20:08]: a 30 minute step but
[20:10]: okay it'll be fine
[20:11]: so in here i've measured just some
[20:13]: all-purpose flour
[20:16]: and i'm gonna add this has some kosher
[20:17]: salt
[20:18]: and baking powder in it
[20:22]: so
[20:23]: um
[20:24]: she says to sift it i'm gonna whisk it
[20:26]: together
[20:28]: and so now we need to make a
[20:31]: wide
[20:33]: well
[20:33]: here
[20:37]: there we go
[20:39]: and we're going to put in our duck fat
[20:42]: first so i've measured it out
[20:44]: like this because i was already using
[20:46]: this anyway
[20:49]: normally i'd use something else but if
[20:51]: you can't find duck fat i'm sure it
[20:53]: would be fine with
[20:56]: butter or lard or whatever you have
[20:59]: available whatever sort of
[21:02]: solid
[21:05]: fat you can find
[21:09]: there we go
[21:15]: so first you put in your duck fat and
[21:17]: then you put in
[21:19]: buttermilk
[21:22]: and this is gonna happen a lot like um
[21:26]: the eastern north carolina biscuits
[21:28]: which we've made and i did not do a very
[21:29]: good job with that but
[21:31]: so since my hand's about to go in this
[21:33]: anyway i'm just going to use my hand to
[21:34]: get make sure we get all that buttermilk
[21:36]: out
[21:39]: and so now we're going to kind of try to
[21:42]: mix
[21:43]: the buttermilk with our
[21:46]: fat without getting
[21:49]: much flour incorporated
[21:53]: and it's very cold because they both
[21:55]: came directly from the refrigerator and
[21:57]: my hand is going to be frozen when we're
[21:58]: done here but that's okay
[22:00]: once you have that pretty much together
[22:04]: so it all looks about the same
[22:07]: she says to start moving it back and
[22:09]: forth and to and fro
[22:11]: just to start
[22:14]: working in a little bit of flour
[22:16]: and then turn it over and do the same
[22:19]: but we're just trying to
[22:23]: work in just enough flour she says we'll
[22:27]: have
[22:28]: some left when we're done in the bowl
[22:32]: i think we're almost there and i'm just
[22:33]: trying to get all of the little pieces
[22:35]: gathered together
[22:37]: i'm gonna call that good now we have to
[22:39]: chill this for 30 minutes so
[22:42]: my biscuit
[22:44]: dough has been in the refrigerator for
[22:46]: 30 minutes and i've got a parchment
[22:50]: uh
[22:52]: she says square
[22:53]: this is a rectangle it's fine
[22:56]: i'm going to use
[22:58]: the
[22:59]: flower that's left in the bowl because
[23:02]: why wouldn't i
[23:04]: to put on here and then i'm going to put
[23:08]: the biscuit dough
[23:11]: which there's a few
[23:12]: sort of pieces left in there but that's
[23:14]: all right
[23:17]: um biscuit dough
[23:19]: down
[23:21]: and we're going to roll it out
[23:23]: roughly round
[23:25]: says i think she says to
[23:27]: shape it
[23:28]: form it into a ball and roll it out
[23:34]: to a quarter of an inch thick
[23:37]: so
[23:40]: that's the plan
[23:41]: so i'm just going to try to get it
[23:43]: roughly circular
[23:46]: and a quarter of an inch
[23:48]: this is going to be the bottom just
[23:50]: going to go on top so
[23:53]: against the
[23:57]: um
[24:00]: filling so i'm not too worried about it
[24:03]: being looking kind of bad
[24:06]: that'll have to do
[24:09]: and now
[24:17]: whatever
[24:20]: now i need a pot pie
[24:22]: had this keeping warm on the stove so
[24:25]: it's not
[24:29]: cold
[24:35]: now the goal is to turn this
[24:39]: over
[24:40]: on top
[24:44]: that's great
[24:45]: that's working
[24:51]: i think maybe i didn't roll it out quite
[24:53]: large enough
[24:54]: it's not going to be pretty
[24:59]: but good part is i did not
[25:02]: slosh it all over my counters
[25:06]: i'll take that as a win
[25:08]: now
[25:09]: i need a knife
[25:11]: just to make a little
[25:14]: hole in the middle
[25:17]: it says about an inch that's probably a
[25:19]: little bit bigger than that
[25:21]: i'm just going to reuse this paper
[25:25]: because the last time
[25:28]: i baked a pot pie in
[25:30]: the oven
[25:31]: on a sheet
[25:32]: it overflowed
[25:34]: and
[25:35]: my baking sheet
[25:37]: got full of nasty stuff so
[25:40]: um
[25:40]: this is actually not that hot so i'm
[25:42]: going to put this on
[25:44]: warm
[25:45]: on the baking sheet and this goes in the
[25:47]: middle rack of our oven that we've
[25:48]: preheated to 375
[25:51]: for 30 minutes
[25:53]: until it's nicely oh i forgot one little
[25:55]: step
[25:59]: we're supposed to put a little bit more
[26:01]: salt on top
[26:04]: i don't know what it's supposed to stick
[26:06]: to
[26:07]: but
[26:08]: whatever there we go
[26:11]: we have
[26:12]: our pot pie
[26:14]: and we're going to bake it for about 30
[26:15]: minutes or until it's nicely golden
[26:17]: brown on top
[26:19]: and we'll show you what it looks like
[26:20]: when that part's all done
[26:23]: [Music]
[26:30]: on this episode of cooking the books
[26:31]: with heather you watch me make
[26:33]: duck date and rutabaga pot pie with a
[26:37]: duck fat biscuit crust from vivian
[26:40]: howard's deep brown roots cookbook
[26:44]: i have to say i did prefer this
[26:48]: pot pie to the other pot pie we made
[26:52]: from
[26:53]: the pool's diner cookbook and i'll link
[26:55]: that up above
[26:56]: that was okay this was a lot of work
[26:59]: that was even more work
[27:01]: so
[27:05]: with this one you have to sort of
[27:07]: cook the duck and make the stock and
[27:09]: then you add the vegetables and
[27:12]: it's it's a bit of work and then you
[27:14]: make the crust um separately and
[27:17]: i do kind of wish that
[27:19]: the crust
[27:21]: like it
[27:22]: it told you to go ahead and make the
[27:24]: crust while you're
[27:26]: cooking the the filling because the
[27:28]: filling had to cook for quite a while
[27:31]: and you could have had that waiting but
[27:33]: you probably don't want to make it too
[27:35]: far ahead because the biscuit
[27:37]: dough might i don't know you want to
[27:40]: cook those either
[27:41]: relatively quickly or refrigerate or
[27:43]: freeze and then cook it from that state
[27:45]: anyway
[27:47]: i think the baking powder
[27:49]: starts to
[27:50]: to react and so it starts anyway
[27:55]: i digress
[27:56]: i do wish he had said that we could make
[27:58]: that earlier because i thought i was
[28:01]: just about done and i was like oh wait
[28:03]: now i have to make the crust and i had
[28:06]: been waiting for a while from the other
[28:08]: thing just thinking that it wasn't going
[28:09]: to take that long
[28:11]: but
[28:12]: so there is a step where you chill
[28:15]: the dough for 30 minutes
[28:19]: before you put it
[28:20]: on
[28:22]: the assembled pot pie
[28:24]: and that was what i neglected to see
[28:29]: that we could go ahead and get that done
[28:31]: put it in the refrigerator and then
[28:33]: probably chill it for more than 30
[28:34]: minutes we could have had that waiting
[28:36]: we didn't so it took us a really long
[28:38]: time um longer than we wanted it to to
[28:42]: have this finished
[28:43]: but
[28:45]: it was very tasty
[28:47]: we all enjoyed it pretty much my
[28:50]: kids did not love the rutabagas in it
[28:52]: but
[28:53]: they did eat them
[28:56]: and i think it was a really
[28:58]: great way to use up the rutabagas that
[28:59]: we had in our produce box that had just
[29:02]: kind of been sitting there for a while
[29:03]: because i know it's not something they
[29:04]: really enjoy
[29:06]: to cook sort of by itself so putting it
[29:08]: in a pot pie made it a little bit better
[29:12]: um
[29:13]: so
[29:15]: can't say this was a super easy recipe
[29:17]: but it is easier
[29:19]: than the pools diner one
[29:21]: um and we enjoyed the duck we were able
[29:24]: to
[29:25]: [Music]
[29:28]: reheat the leftovers relatively well and
[29:31]: it was still delicious so
[29:33]: that's a good point
[29:34]: and
[29:37]: i think that's about it it was good
[29:39]: there's a lot of ingredients
[29:41]: but it's not there's no really hard
[29:43]: techniques in this at least so
[29:46]: if you enjoyed watching me make this
[29:48]: give me a thumbs up hit the subscribe
[29:50]: button and come back and watch me make
[29:51]: something else next week
[29:53]: [Music]