The author and cook, Heather

Citrus Sweet Potato Butter

Deep Run Roots

How different can mashed sweet potatoes be? Let this recipe show you!

I found this recipe online here:

For the video for roasted sweet potatoes that are the base of this recipe, look here:

Serving Sizefor 1/6 of the recipe
Carbohydrates33g (3g fiber, 14g sugar)


[00:04]: hello and welcome to Coquina books with
[00:06]: Heather today we are working from deep
[00:09]: run route
[00:10]: Vivian Howard's cookbook and if you
[00:13]: watched our last video we made sweet
[00:15]: potatoes roasted in their jackets and
[00:17]: this was the recipe that we had planned
[00:19]: to use those in we didn't eat them plain
[00:22]: straight so we can't tell you how we
[00:25]: like them like that but they're just
[00:26]: roasted sweet potatoes I'm sure they'd
[00:28]: be great but we're gonna make citrus
[00:31]: sweet potato butter today this is
[00:34]: basically just kind of like a mashed
[00:37]: sweet potato recipe with a lot of citrus
[00:40]: in it very smooth because we're using
[00:44]: the sweet potato the we're using the
[00:46]: food processor so it's gonna be very
[00:49]: smooth kind of like a kind of like a
[00:51]: pumpkin butter or something like that
[00:53]: very smooth and we're gonna get started
[00:57]: she said but she does say that this is
[00:60]: really good on a buffet so it's really
[01:03]: good or something you can just sort of
[01:04]: reheat before you use it before you
[01:07]: serve it and we were probably gonna heat
[01:12]: ours in the microwave but she's does to
[01:14]: heat it in a pan with a little bit of
[01:16]: water however you do it I'm sure it's
[01:19]: gonna be great so let's get started I
[01:22]: have all of our ingredients laid out
[01:24]: here and all we have to do put them all
[01:26]: in the food processor and work it up so
[01:30]: first let's see we have some brown sugar
[01:35]: we have the depth of half of a lime half
[01:41]: of a lemon and half of an orange so it's
[01:45]: all three kinds of citrus zest form but
[01:53]: get as much out of that like but we only
[01:57]: have juice from an orange actually it
[02:02]: was about two oranges here but
[02:04]: no lemon or lime juice just the orange
[02:08]: we have quite a bit of butter
[02:12]: everything's better with butter you know
[02:15]: I recently went back and added some
[02:18]: playlists that have different sort of
[02:23]: diets so if you're vegetarian if you're
[02:27]: a low carb that kind of thing and very
[02:31]: few of the recipes as written are vegan
[02:34]: because chefs love butter relatively
[02:39]: easy to modify those vegetarian recipes
[02:42]: mostly if it's just butter you know make
[02:44]: a substitute but just let you know if
[02:46]: you want to look for that should be on
[02:50]: my main channel page you should be able
[02:52]: to see all of those playlists the only
[02:56]: other ingredient here oh wait two
[02:58]: ingredients we have two dashes of hot
[02:60]: sauce
[03:01]: I like Franks it's not too hot but it
[03:06]: has good flavor and then some salt and
[03:12]: now it's going to be very loud so we'll
[03:15]: probably not hear me talk
[03:23]: [Applause]
[03:38]: all right while I scrape this down I was
[03:41]: going to let you know I used all of the
[03:45]: sweet potatoes that I made for the
[03:48]: previous recipe in here and if you let
[03:51]: them cool a little bit until they're not
[03:53]: too hot to handle they're very easy to
[03:55]: peel so you just peel them they they
[03:57]: peeled pretty much whole and I was able
[03:59]: to just put them in here in that that's
[04:02]: looking pretty good I think it got very
[04:05]: stuck but I'm gonna wear it up a little
[04:07]: bit longer and then we'll be done
[04:15]: [Applause]
[04:21]: looks good to me that is all there is to
[04:25]: it citrus sweet potato butter will let
[04:29]: you know how it turned out
[04:38]: hi everybody on this episode of cooking
[04:42]: the books with Heather we made citrus
[04:44]: sweet potato butter from deep brown
[04:47]: roots and I have to say I knew from the
[04:51]: outset my kids were not going to eat
[04:53]: this they don't like any kind of mashed
[04:57]: potato none they did it it tastes it
[04:60]: that's a rule you have to taste
[05:02]: something to know if you like it
[05:04]: especially if it's new but my husband
[05:09]: and I absolutely love this the all of
[05:11]: the citrus made a huge difference to the
[05:15]: sweet potatoes it's so different than
[05:18]: any other sweet potato mashed potatoes
[05:20]: I've ever had before
[05:23]: we really really loved it so it wasn't a
[05:28]: problem that there were lots of
[05:29]: leftovers we we took care of those and
[05:33]: honestly they were really easy it does
[05:37]: require a food processor and that was
[05:40]: very helpful getting a nice really
[05:44]: really smooth consistency to it because
[05:47]: sweet potatoes often have fibers in them
[05:51]: they're sort of you know a more fibrous
[05:54]: vegetable which is good for you but they
[05:56]: can get kind of stringy I didn't have
[05:59]: any of that problem with these excuse me
[06:04]: starting with starting with roasted
[06:08]: sweet potatoes really helps I really
[06:11]: like to do that for example with our
[06:14]: usual Thanksgiving or Christmas sweet
[06:19]: potato casserole I will always roast
[06:21]: them instead of boiling them because it
[06:23]: ends up less watery you don't add water
[06:26]: to your dish it's you sort of
[06:28]: concentrate the flavors instead so
[06:31]: starting with that it's really easy I
[06:34]: don't think it's any harder than boiling
[06:37]: in fact you don't have to peel them and
[06:38]: cut them up so and taking the peel off
[06:41]: when they're roasted after the roasted
[06:43]: is super easy so as long as you have a
[06:48]: food processor or some other way to
[06:51]: to deal with that I've not tried it in a
[06:56]: blender but probably would work I would
[07:01]: highly recommend you try this it's such
[07:04]: a different flavor than anything I've
[07:06]: ever had and in fact we thought we might
[07:09]: actually you know add a couple eggs and
[07:12]: and put the usual pecan crunchy topping
[07:18]: brown sugar topping that we usually put
[07:22]: on our our sweet potato casserole on top
[07:25]: of these instead of the other and see
[07:28]: how that goes so stay tuned for that
[07:31]: I'll let you know how it goes yeah so I
[07:37]: hope you enjoyed watching me cook and if
[07:40]: you did please hit the thumbs up and
[07:42]: subscribe to watch me cook something
[07:45]: else
[07:46]: [Music]