The author and cook, Heather

Bowl of Beans

Deep Run Roots

Since we've already made boiled peanuts for this channel, this recipe might make a little more sense than it would have before. This is just boiled peanuts without the shells and with more flavors.

Served with rutabaga relish ( and Mom's cornpone (, as per the book!

I was unable to find this recipe online anywhere, but it should be relatively forgiving of ingredient amounts!

Serving Sizefor 1/6th of the recipe, peanut mixture only
Carbohydrates23g (10g fiber, 9g sugar)


[00:03]: hello everyone and welcome to cooking
[00:06]: the books with Heather on this episode
[00:08]: we are going to be making from the deep
[00:11]: brown roots cookbook by Vivian Howard
[00:13]: bowl of beans with rutabaga relish and
[00:16]: cornbread we're gonna have three recipes
[00:20]: for this particular recipe because the
[00:22]: cornbread is gonna be separate the
[00:24]: relish is gonna be separate hopefully
[00:25]: you've seen those already and then this
[00:27]: brings it all together the beans she's
[00:30]: talking about in this are actually
[00:32]: peanuts so we've got raw shelled peanuts
[00:35]: ready for this and she's basically
[00:37]: treating peanuts like beans which they
[00:41]: are legumes we just don't generally cook
[00:42]: them that way and making them sort of a
[00:47]: bowl of not really soup but kind of kind
[00:50]: of like a bowl of pintos so okay I have
[00:57]: some olive oil already heating on in my
[01:02]: on my stove and we have some country ham
[01:07]: that we're going to brown now I'm pretty
[01:09]: sure she wanted this to be like a just a
[01:12]: piece of country ham but I take it out
[01:36]: so we might not get all of ours out but
[01:39]: we're gonna Brown this we're gonna get a
[01:48]: little bit Brown and then take it out
[01:50]: and that's the first step in a pan big
[01:56]: enough to hold all of these readings so
[01:59]: okay so this is I've moved it around a
[02:02]: little bit too much in the beginning
[02:03]: just to kind of get it separated you
[02:05]: wouldn't have that problem if you used a
[02:07]: big piece of
[02:10]: country ham but I'm gonna take it out
[02:13]: now and just reserve it because it's
[02:16]: coming back in but we've got a little
[02:20]: bit of brown on it a little bit of
[02:21]: flavor into the oil and we'll go into
[02:25]: the dish and now I'm gonna turn the heat
[02:30]: down a little bit and I'm going to sweat
[02:34]: the onion so we're just going for
[02:40]: translucent and starting to cook so
[02:43]: softer and transition about eight
[02:46]: minutes pieces
[02:47]: we'll see
[02:56]: okay it's been about let me do the math
[03:01]: seven minutes ish so about eight minutes
[03:03]: and these are starting to get
[03:05]: translucent smell like onions so I'm
[03:08]: going to go ahead and add everything
[03:09]: else we add back in the country ham
[03:12]: pieces we have here in this bowl we have
[03:17]: some sliced garlic some thyme picked
[03:21]: leaves picked off the stem we have some
[03:24]: chili flakes and we have a bay leaf and
[03:28]: this all goes in and now we put in our
[03:38]: peanuts so this this is about it was a
[03:42]: two pound bag of peanuts with the shells
[03:45]: so that yielded the right amount for
[03:47]: this recipe you can buy these raw
[03:50]: peanuts already without the shells and I
[03:53]: would suggest doing that but we made the
[03:56]: kids help and we shelled them ourselves
[03:57]: because we happen to buy them with the
[04:01]: shells so we're gonna put these in and
[04:07]: now we put in water so I've got to get
[04:13]: another I'm gonna put this in and you've
[04:15]: got to get one more of these I think
[04:19]: will fit
[04:25]: all right so we've got all of our
[04:30]: ingredients in here it's not gonna boil
[04:33]: real hard so this should be okay excuse
[04:36]: me even though it is kind of full here
[04:41]: we're going to put a lid on this and
[04:44]: keep it covered and cook it for two
[04:47]: hours you'll notice that we didn't add
[04:49]: any salt yet just like with regular
[04:52]: beans they won't soften up as well if
[04:56]: you put salt in at the beginning so
[04:57]: we'll put salt in when they're pretty
[04:60]: much done there is a little salt in the
[05:02]: country ham country ham is very salty
[05:04]: but we're just not going to add any more
[05:06]: salt until the end when they're already
[05:08]: cooked so the only thing you have to do
[05:12]: is to make sure that you keep them
[05:16]: covered with water so with a lid on they
[05:19]: probably will be okay but check them
[05:22]: every so often just to make sure that
[05:23]: you don't need to add more water but and
[05:25]: if you need to add more water do and
[05:27]: we'll be back in a couple hours to see
[05:29]: how these turn out our peanuts have been
[05:33]: cooking for about two hours now and I'm
[05:37]: gonna go ahead and take out the bay leaf
[05:39]: and the big pieces that I can find of
[05:45]: the country ham I don't really care if
[05:51]: some of the pieces stay in there they'll
[05:53]: be fine to eat it's just I don't want to
[05:55]: I don't really want to blend them and to
[06:01]: get a good Stewie texture what we're
[06:06]: gonna do is take some of the beans out
[06:09]: of the pot and blend them now she says
[06:17]: to use a blender but
[06:21]: blending hot things in the blender makes
[06:23]: me nervous I don't really want to do
[06:26]: that so I'm just gonna use my immersion
[06:29]: blender in this heat proof measuring cup
[06:34]: she says take out two cups out there's a
[06:38]: little bit of meat in there like I said
[06:43]: I don't really want to blend the meat
[06:44]: that won't work so well so we're gonna
[06:49]: get about 2 cups of beans plus some of
[06:53]: the broth
[07:03]: and blend it until it is smooth now this
[07:09]: will be a little out oh I'm also
[07:14]: supposed to add in my salt at this point
[07:17]: and the rest of the time because that
[07:20]: was sorry but happen in the beginning
[07:22]: and letting it happen now I'm gonna
[07:26]: blend it up it's pretty smooth and now
[07:41]: we put all this back in and then we
[07:48]: check for the consistency that we want
[07:51]: and kind of want it to be stewey not too
[07:53]: loose but not too thick if it's too
[07:56]: thick at this point you can always add
[07:57]: more water if it's too thin she says you
[08:02]: can blend up more beans
[08:08]: seems pretty thin to me I didn't lose
[08:10]: like any I felt like I didn't lose any
[08:13]: liquid while it was boiling so I am
[08:16]: gonna I don't think I want to blend up
[08:19]: any more beans but I am gonna let it
[08:20]: boil for a little while with the lid off
[08:23]: so and we'll try it out I think it's I
[08:27]: mean it's a little yeah it's a little
[08:30]: thin so I'm just gonna let it let it
[08:34]: turn it up a little bit and let it boil
[08:36]: with the lid off to thicken up a little
[08:38]: bit that's my solution here alright but
[08:44]: that's pretty much it it is done at this
[08:47]: point or when it's ready to your
[08:50]: specifications how you like it so we'll
[08:54]: let you know how it turned out
[08:56]: [Music]
[09:08]: on this episode of cooking the books
[09:11]: with Heather we made bowl of beans with
[09:15]: rutabaga relish and cornbread from
[09:17]: Vivian Howard steep run routes cookbook
[09:19]: this involved two previous recipes that
[09:23]: you should have seen before this I
[09:25]: usually am good at least about making
[09:27]: sure those come before other recipes so
[09:31]: this is where she decides to treat
[09:34]: peanuts like legumes and cook them like
[09:40]: beans just make them like beans it was
[09:46]: relatively easy the beans themselves
[09:50]: let's say relatively easy but all
[09:54]: together the three recipes kind of took
[09:56]: some time if you can find the raw
[10:01]: peanuts pre shelled that would be easier
[10:04]: than what we did because we had the kids
[10:06]: shell them well we had the kids help us
[10:09]: shell them and it was I mean it was it
[10:15]: was good it tasted like a bowl of beans
[10:17]: and the rutabaga relish really did
[10:20]: enhance the flavor it was a nice crunchy
[10:23]: addition to it it was something that we
[10:27]: could certainly see having with other
[10:29]: things like that field peas or
[10:35]: black-eyed peas or anything like that
[10:37]: would be good with the rutabaga relish
[10:39]: and the the peanuts were just like a
[10:44]: bean so if you have access to raw
[10:47]: shelled peanuts might be a little more
[10:50]: difficult outside the south I know we
[10:53]: grow a lot of peanuts around here so
[10:55]: they're probably more available but if
[10:58]: you have access to it certainly it's a
[10:60]: good way to use those up and and have
[11:03]: something a little bit different it
[11:09]: she's also said to use a blender for
[11:12]: this that's really the only kind of
[11:13]: special equipment that you needed
[11:15]: I used my immersion blender I think I
[11:18]: showed you how I did that
[11:20]: I just prefer using the immersion
[11:24]: blender when it's something hot I think
[11:28]: it's easier than a big stand blender but
[11:34]: yeah we enjoyed it we shared it with my
[11:38]: mother-in-law she tried a little bit
[11:39]: since she was over when we made it she
[11:43]: enjoyed it and I hope you guys enjoy it
[11:46]: if you decide to try it if you did like
[11:49]: this episode please hit the thumbs up
[11:52]: button and subscribe to watch me cook
[11:54]: something else next week
[11:57]: [Music]