The author and cook, Heather

Andouille Gougères

Brown Sugar Kitchen

The whole family (including the dog, who stole at least one off the counter while we weren't looking) LOVED these! I know choux pastry can seem a little daunting, but it's really not that hard. And with these, you don't fill them so even if they don't puff beautifully, I'm sure they will still taste incredible. They're easiest with a stand mixer, but you can still do just fine with a sturdy spoon.

You can find the full recipe here:

Serving Sizefor 1 gougère


[00:00]: [Music]
[00:04]: hello and welcome to cooking the books
[00:06]: with heather
[00:07]: today we're going to be making andouille
[00:09]: gougere out of
[00:11]: the brown sugar kitchen book by tanya
[00:13]: holland
[00:15]: gujarat are made from patasu
[00:18]: which is an interesting pastry
[00:22]: but it's the same pastry that you use
[00:23]: for cream puffs and eclairs
[00:26]: and it puffs in the oven and creates
[00:28]: like a hollow
[00:29]: space inside when it's done right um
[00:33]: but gougere are actually a savory
[00:37]: version of that usually have cheese in
[00:39]: them these have
[00:40]: gruyere cheese and also andouille in
[00:43]: them
[00:44]: so that's a little bit of the uh cajun
[00:46]: new orleans
[00:47]: twist that she puts on a lot of her food
[00:51]: and so i'm looking forward to it i love
[00:53]: goucher they're
[00:54]: sort of light and crispy and delicious
[00:58]: served warm
[00:59]: you can freeze them and reheat them
[01:03]: um to serve them later because we're
[01:06]: gonna make
[01:07]: two dozen of them and we're just gonna
[01:08]: have them as sort of like a snack today
[01:10]: usually they're served as like an
[01:11]: appetizer or kind of with um
[01:14]: uh other things just sort of little
[01:16]: nibbles um
[01:18]: as far as i've ever had them anyway uh
[01:21]: so we're just gonna have them
[01:22]: sort of separately by themselves nothing
[01:25]: else
[01:26]: so we're going to get started
[01:28]: interesting
[01:29]: pastry because you start on the stove so
[01:32]: i've got some water
[01:34]: that i have measured out already
[01:37]: and on medium high heat we're going to
[01:39]: bring this to a boil
[01:42]: i'm going to add right now because we
[01:44]: don't have to wait till it boils
[01:46]: some salt
[01:50]: and some butter unsalted butter because
[01:53]: we just added
[01:54]: salt and when
[02:00]: there we go when this butter is melted
[02:04]: and it comes to a boil we're going to
[02:06]: add the flour to this
[02:07]: in the pot and stir it until it is a
[02:10]: specific sort of consistency when it all
[02:12]: comes together and starts coming
[02:13]: away from the sides of the pan like i
[02:16]: said it's kind of interesting i don't
[02:17]: know of any other
[02:19]: pastries that start this way but
[02:22]: this does um some other things i've
[02:26]: already preheated my oven to 425 degrees
[02:31]: and i've got two uh
[02:34]: half sheet pans with a piece of
[02:36]: parchment paper down so
[02:39]: that's where we're going to put our
[02:40]: dough
[02:42]: in little mounds so we make these cute
[02:44]: little round
[02:46]: uh gouges um and so you'll i will need
[02:51]: two racks so and then we're going to use
[02:54]: like
[02:55]: switch them around in the middle when
[02:56]: we're baking them but
[02:60]: that's just our preparation that we've
[03:02]: already done
[03:04]: our butter's all melted and our water is
[03:06]: coming to a boil
[03:07]: and we're going to add all of our flour
[03:09]: which i've pre-measured
[03:11]: all at once and we're going to stir this
[03:14]: vigorously
[03:17]: with a wooden spoon you do need a wooden
[03:19]: spoon for this because it's going to be
[03:20]: a very
[03:21]: thick kind of dough and we're going to
[03:23]: turn our heat down to medium
[03:26]: and we're going to keep stirring
[03:31]: vigorously
[03:35]: until we have a smooth thick paste
[03:38]: that comes away from the sides of the
[03:40]: pan which
[03:42]: i think we've pretty much got already
[03:48]: that's pretty quick
[03:54]: all right turn the heat off and now
[03:56]: we're going to move
[03:58]: to our mixer because we're going to use
[04:01]: our mixer for the next step you can
[04:03]: continue using your wooden spoon in a
[04:05]: heat-proof bowl
[04:08]: and and do this that way but i'm going
[04:11]: to take
[04:12]: the assistance of my mixer with the
[04:14]: paddle attachment
[04:16]: so we have our dough that we made on the
[04:17]: stove in the bowl of our mixer
[04:19]: with the paddle attachment i'm going to
[04:21]: put this on low speed and we're going to
[04:23]: add one
[04:24]: egg at a time waiting until the previous
[04:28]: egg is
[04:28]: fully incorporated before we add the
[04:30]: next one um
[04:32]: we're not going to add quite all these
[04:33]: eggs to this but i'll show you what we
[04:34]: do with the last one later
[04:36]: so we're going to just be adding eggs
[04:39]: and mixing on low speed for a while here
[04:47]: i've gotten all of my eggs incorporated
[04:51]: and the other egg i've just mixed up in
[04:54]: my bowl
[04:54]: with a little bit of i'm gonna add a
[04:57]: little pinch of salt
[04:59]: and this is gonna be our egg wash for
[05:00]: the top now
[05:04]: i'm going to add the cheese so i have
[05:07]: some
[05:07]: gruyere cheese like i said just grate it
[05:10]: up
[05:14]: i like gruyere it's a swiss but and i
[05:16]: don't generally like swiss but
[05:18]: i like gruyere i don't know why
[05:21]: and then we have some andouille sausage
[05:24]: she
[05:24]: says chopped i've diced mine up pretty
[05:27]: small
[05:27]: because we don't want it too big for
[05:29]: these for these little
[05:32]: puffs so it'll cook into it i think it's
[05:35]: pretty much mostly cooked already so you
[05:38]: don't have to worry about
[05:38]: that too much but now we're just going
[05:40]: to stir this in
[05:44]: i'm going to take this off of here
[05:46]: because i don't think it's getting fully
[05:48]: stirred in
[05:48]: really well with the mixer because it's
[05:51]: all sort of sticking
[05:53]: to the uh the paddle
[05:57]: so i'll try to get as much off of there
[05:58]: as i can and then just mix it with my
[06:00]: wooden spoon
[06:03]: and just get this stirred in
[06:07]: she says that you can refrigerate it at
[06:10]: this point if you want to make it
[06:12]: like tomorrow the next day you can
[06:14]: refrigerate it at this point
[06:15]: and um portion it out and bake it
[06:19]: the next day uh fully covered like cover
[06:21]: it with plastic wrap or whatever and
[06:24]: there you go
[06:28]: all right she says it should be very
[06:30]: thick which it
[06:31]: is all right so i'm going to get set up
[06:34]: to
[06:34]: make my gouger we'll be right back
[06:38]: all right so i'm ready to place my
[06:40]: gouger
[06:41]: portion them out and we're going for
[06:44]: about an
[06:44]: inch round um and an inch and a half in
[06:48]: between about a dozen per sheet here so
[07:10]: so now i uh
[07:13]: tried to get these as close to in size
[07:16]: to each other as possible
[07:18]: some are bigger some are smaller
[07:20]: whatever they'll be fine it's nice we're
[07:21]: not
[07:22]: uh not that important honestly they'll
[07:25]: cook differently
[07:27]: they'll still be delicious um so i've
[07:29]: got my egg wash and i've got
[07:31]: a silicone brush here and i'm just going
[07:33]: to
[07:35]: put an egg wash on the top of all of the
[07:38]: gouger so that they brown up really
[07:41]: nicely
[07:42]: um and you want to we're going to cook
[07:44]: these
[07:45]: at 425 for about 15 minutes
[07:50]: and then we're going to turn the heat
[07:51]: down to 375
[07:55]: and uh rotate the pans like like i said
[07:58]: since i've got two pans here
[08:00]: i'll like turn them around and switch
[08:03]: which ones on top and which one's on
[08:04]: bottom and all that
[08:06]: so that they cook more evenly or as
[08:08]: evenly as possible
[08:11]: and cook them for another 15 minutes
[08:14]: or until they are let's see
[08:18]: uh puffed and nicely brown so if they're
[08:21]: not brown enough at 15 minutes let them
[08:22]: go a little bit longer
[08:25]: and uh i'm sure these are going to be
[08:28]: delicious
[08:31]: ready to put them in the oven we'll let
[08:33]: you know what they look like when
[08:34]: they're all done
[08:43]: on this episode of cooking the books
[08:44]: with heather you watched me make the
[08:46]: andui gujjar
[08:48]: from brown sugar kitchen by tanya
[08:51]: holland
[08:51]: i have to say these were well loved by
[08:54]: my family in fact we have
[08:56]: eaten all of them it is probably i don't
[08:59]: know two hours after they came out of
[09:00]: the oven
[09:01]: a little bit more maybe and they're gone
[09:05]: the dog managed to steal one she liked
[09:08]: it she tried to get more
[09:10]: didn't manage um
[09:13]: so we ate two dozen in less than two
[09:15]: hours they were
[09:17]: done two hour liking i think at
[09:20]: 30 minutes if you wanted them a little
[09:22]: drier on the inside which
[09:24]: when you're going to stuff a pattachu
[09:27]: like a profiterole
[09:28]: or something like that or an eclair you
[09:30]: do want them a little bit drier and
[09:31]: usually you poke them to let the steam
[09:33]: out
[09:34]: as they cool so they were a little moist
[09:36]: on the inside but not
[09:37]: undercooked uh it was great nobody had
[09:41]: any complaints whatsoever about this the
[09:43]: undoi
[09:44]: has a little bit of spice to it but not
[09:47]: enough to make
[09:48]: anybody feel it really it's just very
[09:51]: tasty
[09:52]: um so with the cheese and the sausage
[09:55]: and everything it was just really great
[09:59]: not too hard um i would suggest using
[10:02]: the mixer because
[10:05]: it might be hurting your arm if you
[10:07]: mixed all that with a wooden spoon but
[10:10]: yeah highly recommended uh the pata shoe
[10:13]: is a little intimidating if you're not
[10:15]: used to it but it's really not all that
[10:17]: hard to get right
[10:18]: and for these kind of this is a good
[10:21]: intro to pata shoe because
[10:23]: even if it doesn't puff up and make a
[10:25]: nice hole for you to stuff
[10:27]: that doesn't matter uh because you're
[10:30]: just gonna eat these
[10:30]: just like they are so if you've never
[10:32]: made it before
[10:34]: this is a great first recipe and let me
[10:37]: know
[10:37]: down in the comments if uh if you've
[10:39]: made it before and what you think and if
[10:41]: if you think it's difficult or if you
[10:43]: thought it was easy i think it's
[10:44]: actually
[10:45]: one of the easier pastries in my opinion
[10:48]: so if you enjoyed watching me make this
[10:51]: please give me a thumbs up
[10:53]: hit the subscribe button and come back
[10:54]: and watch me make something else