The author and cook, Heather

Marie-Hélène's Apple Cake

Around My French Table

This cake was absolutely delicious, and a hit with the whole family. It's easy, uses very few ingredients, and the only special equipment you may need is an 8 inch spring form pan -- but you could make it in any similar-sized baking dish if you don't have one. (You just may not be able to remove it as easily, but you could line it with parchment paper if that's a problem you care about.)

I've done a little research since I made this, and realized that it definitely IS a standard French cake, and also that a recipe like this was the inspiration for the strawberry cake I made a while ago! (You can see that one here: We liked that one, too, but I do think apples work better than strawberries.

I think I have found a new staple dessert for the family, at least for the colder months!

You can find the full recipe here:

Serving Sizeserves 8
Carbohydrates40g (2g fiber, 28g sugar)
